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Fated to Them (book 1+2) novel Chapter 9

Read Fated to Them by Jessica Hall Chapter 9 – I roll my eyes opening the door further and notice Eli standing behind him, dressed similarly but with a suit jacket on and tie.

“You’re early” I state, stepping aside for them to enter. They both walk in before stopping in the entryway.

“You have a nice home, but I swear I recognise your car in the driveway from somewhere” Eli says as he follows me to the kitchen. I pause and look back at him. “Cut anyone off lately?” Eli says before he chuckles. I glance at Cyrus who has a smile on his lips.

“Relax, we knew it was you that cut us off, though I would still like to punish you for it” Cyrus says. I gulp but he walks past me where Maya was still trying to force her breakfast down and I let out the breath I was holding. I walk over to her and k**s her head and she turns looking at me before noticing them.

She stares at them before looking at me, they stare back at her and I could see a little confusion on their faces because Maya looked just like my sister, and therefore was also my carbon copy.

“She looks like you, the resemblance is uncanny” Eli says stepping closer to her, she looks up at him shyly.

“Hi” She says nervously before looking back at me. I point to the photo on the wall behind them.

“My sister” I tell them wondering why they cared that we looked so much alike. I already told them she wasn’t mine, not that it was any of their business if she were. Cyrus turns looking at the photo of me and my sister before she became a d**g addict, when we still looked identical.

“You’re a twin, and Identical” I nod. Grabbing Maya’s now empty bowl. I place it in the sink and grab her clothes. I leave them standing in my kitchen before taking her upstairs and quickly dressing her in her school uniform. Coming back down I sit her on the bench placing her socks and shoes on her feet. Eli and Cyrus both looked at all the pictures on the wall, also watching me. I could feel their eyes roaming over me making me very aware how odd it was that they were in my house.

“Who is this man to you?” Eli asks, staring at the photo with an angry expression on his face that startled me, Cyrus held a similar expression as he glared at the photo.

“That would be my father, he died when I was sixteen” I tell them. They nod and I see Cyrus raise an eyebrow at Eli. Both watching me but I ignore them putting Maya’s shoes on her feet and tying the laces.

“We need to leave soon,” Cyrus says looking at his watch. I grab the hairbrush from on top of the microwave and start pulling her up quickly. Maya whining as it tugs on her curls.

“I’m sorry baby” I tell her when her hair becomes tangled around the brush and pulls a couple of strands out. Pulling it into a high ponytail for her I then grab her backpack tossing it over my shoulder before grabbing my bag and her hand. Cyrus follows directly behind me as I reach down to grab my bag near the door, his hand snakes out grabbing it.


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