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Fated to Them (book 1+2) novel Chapter 10

Read Fated to Them by Jessica Hall Chapter 10 – The trip to the airport was longer and filled with awkward silence, worry started to seep into me. I hated flying, I preferred land. At least you had a chance of survival in a c***h on land, in the air not so much. I kept my eyes glued to the window but every now then I would turn back to catch them both staring openly, not fazed at all by me catching them. The air suddenly became thicker, and I was finding it harder to breathe. My stomach filled with dread at having to spend the next two days with these impossible men.

When the limo stops, Cyrus gets out first and I follow behind him, sliding across the seat and climbing out. I feel a hand touch my side behind me as Eli tugs me beside him, his hand on my hip. I jump stepping away only to be pulled back to his side. Cyrus watched my startled face before his eyes darted to where Eli’s hand was. He nods before walking off only to find they were using a private jet. My heart is hammering in my chest. I hated flying, hated heights and now I was about to step into a metal cylinder and live my worst nightmare of having to fly.

I avoided planes like they were plaque, I would rather spend days on a train or bus than get in one. Stopping at the stairs leading up to it. I freeze my feet not wanting to move as if they became rooted to the spot. My breathing became uneasy as I peered up at the machine that would take us in the air. I gulp feeling on the verge of throwing up or passing out as I break out into a cold sweat.

Eli stops, looking at me before realising I was visibly trembling at the thought of getting on the b****y thing. “You don’t like flying?” He asks, and Cyrus stops on the steps looking down at me. Eli’s hand moved to my lower back pushing me gently, but I was frozen. Completely petrified as I started to hyperventilate. Turning around I go to make a run for it when I feel Eli’s arm wraps around my waist tugging me against him.

The heat from his chest seeped into my back. “You will be fine, just breathe before you pass out” He says below my ear. I s*****w remaining still before he turns me back toward the stairs, his arm still around my waist.

“Will she walk, or do I have to come get her?” Cyrus says amusement on his perfectly sculpted face at my fear. I know it was irrational, I know that planes were supposed to be safe, but this was one fear I have never been able to let go of.

Eli grabs my hand placing it on the railing, his chest pressed tightly against my back, his hand on my stomach while I stand shaking, tears threatening to spill when I feel his hand move higher, his fingers trailing along my sides and I focus on the feel of his hand moving up my side.

“That’s it Addie, breathe, you are fine” Eli’s husky voice next to my ear makes me relax slightly, his breath fanning my neck sends goosebumps all over my body. I move, taking the first step before finding my feet and continuing up the stairs was still on the steps.


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