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Fates Hands novel Chapter 10


Chapter 10

Alpha Micheal sat at the desk in his office, surrounded by his enforcers. He was clearly not happy about how things turned out. His enforcers kept their distance, not wanting to be a target of his anger. Some even had daughters they needed to protect. Soon their would not be any females left in the pack.

“So, now we know that the pack we are dealing with is those nasty werebears. I don’t mind saying that I don’t like ever dealing with those assholes. They can’t be bribed or negotiated with, they only understand one thing, fighting. Believe me when I tell you they are not only good at it,they enjoy it too”

“Do we have any information on them at all.?” Everyone shook their heads, nothing Alpha other than it’s a rather large pack and they all looked like bikers. Their territory is massive, though it’s mostly mountains.”

“Has that tracker moved out of the territory


“Not really Alpha, it did go into a small town about a mile on the north side of their borders, it is now back in the middle of their territory.

10:41 AM 3.4KB/s 90 They are keeping her in the center of their territory, probally at their pack house or what ever those smelly bastards call it.

“Is there anymore information on the wolf pack that MacPatton is from.?”

“No Alpha, they are a pretty secluded pack, they like to keep to themselves. Those that do travel out of the pack are exceptionally tight lipped.

With a sigh, Alpha Micheal ran his hand through his greasy hair, thinking things through. Something inside his head was going off in alarm, no matter how he tried he couldn’t pin point the problem.

“Ok listen up here is what we are going to do, I want the three best hunter-trackers we got to go to the werebear territory, they are going to sneak in and do some spying and if possible get the female out.”

“I also want two other hunter-trackers to go to the Storm Crow Moon pack and do some recon, I want to know how big the pack is, how big their territory is. Gather any and all information you can, no matter how small it is. Don’t engage with any of them if you can get away with it.”

“Both teams will have two days to gather info, be back here in two days no matter what. Now


10:41 AM 2.0KB/s GO!”

Alpha Micheal was starting to sweat it out and he hated that more than anything else. Prince Adam was not going to be happy when he finds out about this. Still if he can get that little bitch back before he gets here, then all will be


Alpha Micheal motioned for one of his men to come to him, “I want you to start checking out Storm Crow tell me anything you can find out, use the royal contacts if you have to. Something about all this isn’t sitting too well with me.”

“As you wish Alpha.”

“Tell no one that you are doing this, I think we have a spy in our own ranks.

Lily was at home throwing another one of her famous spoiled rotten temper tantrums. She was pissed when her mother told her she was going to be punished for not keeping better tabs on the Spare. Alpha Micheal sentenced her to two weeks of cleaning the cages at the warehouse. Lily was also going to be sleeping there to, on a little cot in one of the back rooms.

( 3

What she didn’t know, is that Alpha Micheal

10:41 AM 1.2KB/s] 90 was giving her as a reward to the wolf or the wolves that brought back Spare. Not as a mate or wife, no, just a couple of nights of fun. If she gets knocked up, she will be living in one of those cages she will be cleaning.

It contained all the information she would need, including pictures, things she copied off his computer at the factory, a log book and security camera footage on DVD’s. She made sure to cover her tracks, they won’t even realise that it was missing till it was too late. She started doing this as an insurance policy, she realised how bad things were by watching some of the footage, that was when she realised that he was going to toss her aside.


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