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Fates Hands novel Chapter 12

Chapter 12 

###WARNING....Graphic scenes, topics and language.###

Alpha Micheal went down to the basement in warehouse five to check on the pregnant females, he had two specials he had to check on

Sometimes other packs would come to him because their wives could not give them pups. So he would loan out a girl for awhile till she was knocked up, then she would be put in one of the special rooms till she gave birth

When he got down to the cages, he noticed that they were not clean and that his niece was nowhere in sight. He was instantly enraged, how dare she defy him. The specials he was supposed to check on were forgotten, as he made his way to his brothers pack house to teach his niece a lesson

When he arrived he could hear yelling coming from inside. His brother and his stupid mate were fighting. They were always fighting these days, Joann didnt know about the business that was going on. Which caused problems for Eric because he was always gone

Joann was no innocent per say, she was a stupid nasty bitch, she didnt know about the business because of her always flapping mouth. If she wasn‘t talking about something, she was thinking of talking about something. He really didnt know how his brother put up with it

When he got to the door he just went right on inside. His brother hated when he did that, that was why he never stopped doing it

He realised that the fight was about Lily, she wasnt home nor was she at the warehouse, where she was supposed to be

Where is she Joann, she isnt here and she is not at the warehouse, then where is she.?!!!!!!!!” 

I watched her pack her things, then she drove off into the direction of the warehouses.” 

You were supposed to go with her and drive her vehicle back here. Not just let her drive off trusting that she would go where you want her to, you dumb twit.” 

Well maybe if you were home more often, these problems would not come to fruition.” 

On and on they went, it was starting to give him a migraine. He decided to put an end to it


His yell finallly got through to the both of them and they just stared in fear at him. He laughed to himself, they both look like they dropped a load in their pants

We dont know, Alpha.” 

Then why are you here yelling at each other and not going out to find her?” 

Both of you just go and find her and don’t bother to come back if you dont. Cause I can tell you, no one is going to go looking or even care if you are missing.” 

They ran around like chickens with their heads cut off, till finally they grabbed what they needed and left. Micheal just sat there for a minute holding his head.Pulling out his phone he contacted another one of his enforcers and sent him on his way to find the girl

Lily had driven the four hundred and some miles to the gate, where she was currently sitting in her car, waiting to see if anyone was going to come out to talk to her. It had been well over an hour, till she finally just got out of the car and yelled into the silent woods

:05 PM | 1694 Hello, anyone there? If you are listening I have information and pictures, as well as camera footage of the Rising Moon pack that would be really interesting to you.” 

Just the wind and the trees moving was her response, she couldnt even get a scent of anything to know if there was someone close. With a sigh, she went back and sat in her car. It was twilight now and the air was getting cold. She always hated this time of day, it wasnt day, nor was it night

It was hard to see even with her enhanced vision, there were just too many shadows dancing in the dim light. She was very tired, coming off that mindless rush you get with fear and anger

She started to go to sleep, she forced herself to stay awake just as she was about to give in, there was movement outside her car. Something big was sniffing her out. She sat perfectly still not moving a muscle

She thought that she was going insane, maybe she was just over tired and stressed out. She started laughing, goldie locks was going to get eaten by the three bears

Suddenly the door to her car was ripped off and a naked man reached in with a syringe, she 

backed away as far as she could with a look of absolute terror

She started babbling No please not again, please I will be good. I wont tell I promise, please don‘t, not again please no no no noShe was in a catatonic state, rocking back and forth in the back seat of her car

Geesh, one of Jacks men said, I feel bad to knock her out but at the sametime I think I would be doing her a favor. Is there any one in that pack that isnt fucked up?” 

Just do it and be done with it, so we can get her out of here, hide the damn car and all the evidence that was here.” 

One stayed behind to get rid of the evidence of her being there and the other carried the female back to their Den. Once he was done with the car, he carried all the females bags back to his leader. Swearing all the way, why do females always pack so much shit

Alpha Micheal was looking around at his brothers house, he was so pissed that he destroyed almost everything in it. He was pretty sure he was going insane. His wolf had left him long ago, not being able to abide by things that 

Micheal loved doing. 

He felt empty inside all the time now, which made him more angry. He always had a punching bag though, so it wasnt so bad. Laughing to himself, he had over five hundred punching bags. He walked out of the house, leaving the door wide open

Making a memo to himself for the next time he goes visiting relatives, make sure he has a full gas can in the car and box of matches

When Micheal got back to the warehouse to do his original duty, he was stopped by his Beta. We have another delivery from those stinking asshole bears. Micheal sighed, he was surrounded by idiots. Fine lets go see what ever creative shit, they sent us back this time.” 

Again the delivery truck was different, the driver was human and already paid. He had no idea what it was he was delivering. The driver drove off after unloading. There in front of him sat three small crates. Having his men open them he already knew what was in them

Again his men came back to him in pieces, all the arms in one crate, legs in the other and the heads in the third, where the rest of them was, he didnt really care to know

As before there was a note for him to open and read

He grabbed it and went to his office, the next thing his men heard was a roaring growl that shook the walls. Micheal sat down at his desk and opened the note

Dear Idiot flea bags

Failed yet again, why not try one more time. You know what they say, third time is a charm


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