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Fates Hands novel Chapter 15

Chapter 15 

###WARNING#### Triggering scenes as well as some harsh language

Duncan mind link the Doctor, to see if there was anything that he could give her to get rid of the heat

The Doc mind linked back, I will be there shortly, I have her blood tests back and there is something there you need to know about. I will also bring an antidote.” 

Duncan became alarmed, antidote!?. What do you mean Doc by antidote?” 

It‘s alright Alpha we discovered it in time. I will be right there, as soon as your Beta gets back with one of the elders and shows me the way. Alpha don‘t engage with her in a sexual manner, it will only make things worse.” 

Duncan went back to the bathroom to add more ice, Adira was moaning and rolling around, as the ice melted more and more. It was a good thing that the ice maker was magically made or he would be in big trouble right now

Finaly Duncan heard a knock at the bathroom door, he yanked it open, there stood the doctor and the elder Healer Sarah. She pushed past 

them both and shut the door leaving them in the bedroom. She talked through the door

Doctor explain to the Alpha what is going on and what has to be done to save the Luna.” 

Adira stared at the woman and let out a cry of pain. Luna my name is Sarah I am a pack healer, I am going to help you through this. It is not the heat, rather the results of a poison that slowly was entered into your blood stream, once it was there it would build up for years till the third year of the poisoning.” 

Then it will cause your body to go into a false heat, this heat though is far worse than the normal version, if it wasnt for your mate putting you in this ice bath, you would be going insane with need. It wouldn‘t matter who you were with, it would never be enough.” 

The Drug is called Aphrodites Kiss. It is banned just about everywhere. In the were communities it is punishable by death if you use it on a female.” 

Sarah started to roll herbs between her palms and let the leaves hit the water. These will help ease the pain of the burning, the antidote I am afraid to say, is going to be a painful experience.” 


Adira began to cry, I cant get away from them. It doesnt matter how far I go, they still will find a way to hurt me.” 

Duncan was smashing things left and right as Marco tried to calm him down. He was saying words and smashing at the same time


After a little bit Marco managed to get him to settle down

Those bastards, after all the shit she has had to endure, they go and do this to her too. It wasnt a spur of the moment thing either, they planned this shit out for the long haul.” 

How is she ever going to trust anyone ever again, she just got out of that hell hole and was starting to learn to trust, learning to enjoy things without fear of reprecussions. Now she has to go through more pain.” 

It was then that Duncan heard his mate crying, it sent him over the edge and into a killing thrall, he went outside shifted into Apollo and just ran. Marco went after him. Marco also mind linked Marnie, told her to get to the cabin as 

also told Marnie to call Jack Dawson back here to help with Duncan

Jack was about 5 miles out of Duncans borders when he got a phone call from Duncans sister. He pulled the bike to the side of the road and answered the call

In a fury Jack raced back to the pack to find Duncan, if he is in a killing frenzy, its going to be a hell of a fight to calm him down. He was going to calm him down even if it ment he had to beat it out of him, that pretty little mate of his needs him

Adira was calming down a little, the herbs were helping a little but the pain was still there, just more managable. Sarah held her hand and added more herbs, this made things a bit more comfortable

We will wait just a little bit longer for the herbs to take more effect, then I am afraid we are going to have give you the antidote.” 

I dont understand Sarah, how were they able to poison me and Artemis? We were very careful what we ate or drank, non of our food or drink came from them.” 

I am afraid Luna, that the poison is ment to go on your skin. It could be put in your body wash

shampoo, body lotion, hair gel and so on. It is odorless, so you wouldn‘t of sniffed it out either” 

Adira made a low groan, I didnt guard that stuff all that well, I didnt think they would mess with that.” 

Another knock sounded at the bathroom door, Marnie peeked in, Hey, can I come in to help to?Adira smiled and nodded Marnie waisted no time, she came straight to Adira, holding a popsicle out for her to eat, It did help al little. I also have ice cream too, as well as all kinds of chocolate stuff.” 

Jack and Marco managed to corner a very angry Apollo, It was all Apollo too. Both of them knew that their only chance, was to talk Apollo into letting go of the control so they could talk to Duncan

Jack decided to wait before he shifted, getting Apollo calmed down was the priority here, shifting to his bear could be seen as a threat and Apollo would attack

Marco was sitting in his wolf form, as close too Apollo as he would let him. Then Marco did something that was almost comical, he started to roll around on the ground with his tounge hanging out like an idiot

Apollo seemed to calm down upon watching Marco, he sat down but refused to look at either Marco or Jack. That was when Jack came over to his other side and sat down next to him, they stayed that way for a bit in silence

You know Apollo, your mate needs you at her side right now. Yeah, this is a real shit show for her to have to suffer through. With your help though, she might just make it though this with a little less pain.” 

That is when Jack felt something, he never thought he would with his friend, Apollo mind linked him directly

Your a great friend Jack, I will be letting Duncan come back, it was stupid of me to react that way, I just couldnt stand to hear them in so much pain any more, I had to do something to make it right again. If that ment going to that poor excuse of a pack and ripping them all to shreds then so be it.” 

With that Apollo turned and ran back to the cabin, to his mate. Marco and Jack right behind him

Duncan shifted just outside the cabin as Marco and Jack did the same, there were caches of clothes hidden in the trees. Once they were dressed they entered the cabin. It was really 

you, that this has to be done to purge your system of the poison. I will be here every moment with you.Adira reached up and touched Duncans cheek wiping away a tear. To think that this big strong Alpha wolf would shed tears for her, it was the greatest gift he had given her so far

With that he lifted her out of the tub and into a towel, quickly dried her off, he didnt want to touch her anymore than he had to. One lingering touch could cause her to go fully back into heat. He then wrapped her in a a soft blanket and carried her to their bed

The Doctor waisted no time, he uncorked the little flask and poured it down Adiras throat. Adira didnt feel anything at first and then she started to feel really cold. Then it turned to freezing. Her teeth were chattering as Duncan held her tight to him in their bed. Duncan felt Apollo adding his body heat to Duncans it seem to help, taking of the bitter edge of the cold

Then in an instant Adiras body almost came off the bed, as she arched screaming in pain, every muscle in her body cramped at the same time. Apollo started to go nuts yelling to Duncan, Mark her now!!!!! Have you gone crazy Apollo, I cant mark her now what would it do to her.” 

muscle in her body cramped at the same time. Apollo started to go nuts yelling to Duncan, Mark her now!!!!!Have you gone crazy Apollo, I cant mark her now what would it do to 



Listen to me Duncan if you mark her, then we can be linked together, you and I can take on some of the pain.” 

Duncan didnt waist any more time, he put his mouth to her neck and bit down hard


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