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Fates Hands novel Chapter 18

Chapter 18

##WARNING sexual situations and content###

Duncan, Apollo, Adira and Artemis were finally all played out, they sat in silence watching the clouds roll by. Artemis let out a contented sigh, *Well everyone I think it is time I explain how we get home.

Everyone looked at Artemis, they all were aware that she’d kept that information for later.

“We have to mate. Apollo and I, Adira and Duncan. In the traditional way of the Goddess.”

“Adira you will go off with Duncan, when you find a spot you like, then you run and Duncan gives chase. Once he catches you, well I think you have the idea.”

“Apollo and I will do the same thing somewhere else. We will continue until the third and final climax. Once that has happened we will merge once again and return to your realm. Whole


Adira was red as a tomato, she sensed that Artemis wasn’t telling the whole truth, she’d left something out

9:10 AM 3.3KB/s “Artemis, What are you not telling us.?

Artemis, Looked around at everyone and sighed. “I was hoping that I wouldn’t have to get to this part till we are on the other side, I suppose I should tell it all, just don’t get mad at me Adira.”


“OOOK, fine. If we, umm, mate here in this realm we will become pregnant, there is no way out of it. I know that I didn’t think things through before, I was too concerned with the thought of losing you, that I did the only thing I could think of to keep you alive, that was to bring you here.

“Oh, Arty it’s ok. You had me worried there for a bit, I was thinking we had to sacrifice something in order to leave. I want to mate with Duncan, yes I am a little scared by it but mostly because it is an unknown thing to me. I don’t mind having Duncan’s pups. I did plan on waiting a little before I took that step, if it is to be now, then lets get it going.”

“After all Artemis, we will still have to do a sacrifice, I believe the Goddess wants us to spill our virgin blood. Eww, forget I said that. It did not come out right.” Duncan didn’t think Adira could get any redder, but she did. She was

9:10 AM 10.1KB/s 0 beautiful as a ripe strawberry.

Artemis didn’t say anything more, instead she took off in a full out run into the nearby forest. Apollo looked stunned for a second and then bolted off after her. Leaving Dunan and Adira alone.

Duncan just sat there for a moment with a really happy stupid looking smile on his face.

“Well, little wolf aren’t you going to run? I will give you a head start.”

He was so excited it was like he was a young pup, staring at the christmas tree waiting to open the presents.

Before Duncan realized it she was off and running, he could hear her laughter in the distance. He counted to five and took off after


They ended up in a field of flowers, flowers of every kind. The scent they gave off was Adira’s and his, depending on which way the breeze was blowing. The fairy lights seemed to be brighter here, they gave off a soft glow when mixed with the sunlight.

Duncan finally caught up to her and pounced, grabbing her around her waist and pulling her

9:10 AM 0.3KB/s down on top of him into the flowers. “Hello, my little wolf.” was all that was said as he pulled her head down to kiss her.

At first it was playful then it turned into heated passion, they were trying to get their clothes off while still kissing. Neither wanting to let go of the other, a back and forth war of the lips as they finally achieved their goal, both were completely naked now. It only fueled their frenzy, into something wild and primal.

One couldn’t tell where one began or the other ended. Duncan couldn’t get enough! Her scent was a drug he would gladly stay addicted to forever, her body was incredible, her milky white skin so soft and responsive to his every touch.

Adira couldn’t get enough, his body was that of a god. His skin was a soft covering for a very hard body. His scent drove her higher and higher. His lips and nibbling teeth on her breast drove her insane. She could feel his manhood long and hard against her leg, He was a big bad wolf for sure.

9:10 AM 3.6KB/s) she reached up and bit him where his neck met his shoulder, they both climaxed again as he screamed her name again and again as he emptied his hot seed deeply inside her. 2)

This went on like this for what seemed like hours, till finally they both fell to the age old need of mates.

In one swift movement he had her in his arms and started to walk in the direction of the trees. They walked for a little while, Adira kissed Duncan everywhere she could reach him, from her perch in his arms, she was also leaving marks all over him claiming her territory.


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