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Fates Hands novel Chapter 31

Chapter 31


Adira was sitting in the Kings chambers, she was reading at first but now she stared into the fire. The King was having nightmares, so Adira, Duncan and the King’s butler would take turns staying while he slept. The King’s doctor gave him sleeping pills but sometimes they didn’t work as well.

The King’s butler was an odd fellow, he was certainly old. She found from Duncan that his name was Alfred. He wouldn’t speak directly to her though, which she found odd. Duncan reasurred her that he was just old school. Which meant that he would not engage with her directly, unless Duncan was with her and gave his permission.

He took good care of his master though, he did kinda give Adira the creeps sometimes. He always had this ability to just show up out of nowhere. She supposed it was just his servant training, to be there when needed and unseen when not.

She fell asleep while on watch two nights

ago, and when she awoke she was covered by a soft blanket. She thought it was Duncan but he’d checked on her earlier when she was still awake, he hadn’t come back though he was on patrol with Jack

So it had to be Alfred that had done it, so he was nice just quiet and took his job very seriously. The King’s maid on the other hand was nothing like the butler, she always had all the gossip that was going around, what babies were born and to whom. Death’s, family drama. She was a what’s what of the kingdom.

She was loyal to her king though, she saw one of the princes servants talking down about the king, she was on him in seconds hitting him with a broom, over and over till he ran off. She never saw that servant again.

Artemis was restless lately at first she thought it was just the pregnancy and all the stuff that has happened, Artemis though denied it, she said she was restless because she could feel something lurking about lately but couldn’t pin point it’s smell or its prescence.

She heard the door click and there stood Duncan, they only talked through mind linking when the King was sleeping.

“Are you alright, little wolf?”

“Yes, all is well here, though I am getting tired and might risk falling asleep.”

It seems the bigger my middle grows the more tired I become.”

“Would you like me to stay here, while you go to bed and get some much needed rest?”

“Don’t you have other duties tonight?”

“Nope, Jack has some buddies out and about now so I am free to stay here tonight or I can call for Alfred to come sit with him, while you and I go to bed.”

“Do you think Alfred would mind?”

“No, he has been asking about taking more shifts so you could get more rest.”

“Alright then, call Alfred and then you can take me to our room. It will be great to sleep in your arms again.”

“Alfred came into the room as if on que, doing his servant creepy thing again.”

Duncan nodded to Alfred and picked up his mate, carrying her to their room. Once they were safely locked inside, Duncan ran a bath for the both of them.

When he came back for her he had already undressed. She started to undress herself but he stopped her. No my little wolf, I want that privledge myself. He slowly began to undress her. Starting with her shoes and socks. Then her shirt one button at a time.

Till finally she was standing before him naked as he was. “It has been awhile since we had any real time for just the two of us.” Jack has given me the day off tomorrow and you will be with me the entire day and night.”

He carried her to the oversized bath tub and sat down with her still in his arms, he sat her between his legs and began to lather her up with soap, he took his time making sure he got everything clean. He paused both of his hands over her tummy, lightly doing circles over and over with his hands.

She could feel his erection going up along her back, with a smile she decided that she wanted more than just a bath. She started to move her butt slowly up and down against his erection as he started to moan.

He whispered in her ear, “You are being a naughty little wolf. Would you like me to show what happens to naughty wolves?”

was postitioneu just that she was already wet and pushed into her in one swift thrust. He let out a low growl of pleasure.


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