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Fates Hands novel Chapter 45

Chapter 45


Adira woke up in the back seat of a car. The last thing she remembered was being carried into the motel room. He gave her a shot and that was the last thing she knew. She was getting tired of this, she tried to reach Artemis and this time she could hear her a lot better.

She was going to have to find a way to stop being drugged all the time. She stayed calm and pretended that she was still asleep. Whoever this guy was he was very good at detecting changes even slight ones. She was done giving him the advantage.

She went inside herself to meet up with Artemis. Together they could come out of this faster and have their link back in working order. They were making a plan, let’s see if that jerk will see this coming

So long as he keeps looking at the road and not back at us this is going to work. He is so egotistical that perhaps it will be a good thing.

Lily finally got a chance to see the King, “Your Highness, I have a memory that I think is going

to be of importance.”

“What memory is that Lily? Are you sure its accurate?

“Yes, your Highness I know this one is for real, you have to warn them immediately. His name is Valdis Cessair. He is a weretiger, he was the third partner in the operation. He is the one that would take certain shifters and humans to a lab for experimentation.”

“I am not certain but I do remember the name Octo Corp. It is the business front for these scientists. I have never been to their site, I think it is in the mountains but that is all I know. I do know that it is a huge facility and they paid top dollar. He is worse than the Alpha ever was, he had no trouble taking small children. Where ever he took them to, they never returned or were seen again. Sometimes bodies would show up in the lake, Alpha Micheal would order the gamma’s to fetch them out and they would burn them, so there wasn’t any evidence left.

Valdis Cessair has the ability to know when trouble is coming and he can also hide in the shadows to the point he is invisible.”

Lily wasn’t sure that the King believed her, till he called for his guards. He ordered three of his personal guards to track down Jack or Duncan

and relay this news. Lily let out a sigh of relief.

Duncan, Jack and Archer arrived at the motel along with a dozen wolves. Duncan was quiet, which worried Jack. The more quiet he gets the more unpredictable it is going to be with him. When he took his sister from Ashton’s arms. He used his Alpha voice to gently wake her wolf.

Then they shared a mind link and after it was done, Duncan used his Alpha voice to send her into a deep sleep. He handed her back to Ashton

“You are now her personal guard, if anything happens to her, you will be held responsible.”

Ashton felt honored by the Alpha’s order, if it came down to it he would protect her with his life. He also had a small crush on the she wolf, he wasn’t sure why though.

Ashton put the girl in the front seat of the van and they drove back to her pack territory with two of the twelve warriors traveling with them.

Jack had the best nose out of all of them, he was sniffing for anything that they could use to follow that bastard or at least which way he

went. Duncan joined him because he was most intuned to the scent of his mate. Together they did pick up a faint scent of both tiger and the Luna.

They all joined in with Jack and Duncan in the lead, they followed the trail to an old gravel road where they lost the scent. He had to of had a car or something here waiting for him, he knew he would be followed so he used a back up plan, leaving his men as bait. 1

That is when Archer started to follow the tracks, they were easy to find because of the nature of the road and the fact that it wasn’t used much or at all. Duncan was getting a bit impatient while Jack did his best to keep him calm.



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