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Fates Hands novel Chapter 66

Chapter 1Book 2 (Just a Girl Alone

Ok, here is the start of the next book, there will be three total. I decided to just post them here with The Spare as a bundle

Book 2 Just a Girl Alone” 

by Lori Ameling 

Chapter 1 Book 2**** 

Hello there, my name is November Jane Fosters. I got my name because my mother didnt have a name for me, so she used the month I was born in. My middle name was from the name tag of my mothers nurse

My mother is Katherine Ariel Fosters, sorry I dont know who my father was. Though through the years I have 


. had several failed attemps by my mothers boy friends. They were all losers of course. My mother knew how to really pick em

Of, course she went and married the last one, he is a really nice guy, deep down, realllyyyy Deeep Down. Oh, who am I kidding, he is a worthless, asshole piece of shit from the bottom of a well used porta potty. Kinda looks like it too

He likes to beat my mom and steal money from me. He is more successful at the first one. I am a little smarter than my mother. Alcohol has ruined her brain

The worthless crap is my sorta step father, his name is James Springer. He is a creeper if there ever was one. He is always saying nasty things to me, it is only a matter of time before he tries something. I do have to 

sleep, even though the door is locked and I have everything piled infront of it while I sleep

Still those kind of shits, always seem to have the knowledge to find ways to be bad. Why cant they use their devious minds to find a damn job

We live kinda in the middle of nowhere, well ok, not exactly but we can see it from the back door anyway. I walk five miles down the road and meet up with Maggi, she is a middle aged woman, who works at a motel on the out skirts of town. It is actually a collection of little cabins, I work with her to clean them.

I don‘t make a lot of money but I do make enough to hide away, I give mom and dear old step dad twenty bucks a week. I get paid around one hundred and fifty a week. If he only knew


I have been saving up my money, I have bought some camping survival type gear and a back pack, just in case things go really bad, I can just run to the woods and make my way from there

Still James disappears for a couple days at a time. When mom asks him where he has been, he just slugs her in the face and asks where is dinner

It is odd, sometimes he has blood on his clothes. Not sure I really want to know what the piece of shit is doing for three days, it isnt working on a job or looking for one. He always has cash though when he returns

As it turns out though sometimes fate shows you whats up anyway, whether you wish to know or not. Believe me when I tell you, that I never thought that what I found would change my life forever


Jack Dawson was finally going on his walkabout, he couldnt wait, it had been a long time since he has had any peace. Not that he minded that his Clan has gotten bigger, the adopted children were doing great.

Everything was in order, his second Sam, short for Samson Tolver. Was going to be taking care of things while he was away. He was also taking care of his boys. They were tramatized by all that happend to them, with some love, care and purpose they are getting better.

There were a couple of hidden holes for Jack should he need it, there were burner phones inside the packs in case he had an emergency. The packs mostly consisted of some food, fuel source, a couple of solar blankets and of course some clothes

He won’t be taking anything with 


He wont be taking anything with him, he was going to be in his Grizzly, Brutus. Brutus was over the moon with this idea. He hadnt been 

out for a long run in a long time. Brutus was a golden with silver tipped fur grizzly bear. He was a smart ass most of the time. A pain in the ass the other times

He was a very wise and soft hearted bear. He was also a brutal fighter. Down right nasty lethal when he was pissed or protecting cubs. He also had a huge sweet tooth, especialy for cinnamon rolls with all the sticky icing.

He laughed when he felt Brutus perk up when Jack thought of cinnamon rolls

You are just going to have to suck it up till we get back, there won‘t be any cinnamon rolls or sticky buns where 

we are going.” 

Stick it up your ass, Jack!

The usual reply from his Bear when he wasnt getting what he wanted

Jack was 25 now and had yet to find a mate, for bears it isn‘t so certain as it is with perhaps wolves or other were species. Yes, they will know, though not until they mate with them for the first time. Like all relationship issues. It is a little complicated.

Still he was out and on his way by early morning, Brutus was having the time of his life, sniffing everything. Taking a swim and then eating some wild blueberries. Marking trees with his claws. Everything a normal bear likes to do, as well as napping in the sun

It is going to be the best walkabout he has ever had. He can feel the fresh 

we are going.” 

Stick it up your ass, Jack!” 

The usual reply from his Bear when he wasnt getting what he wanted

Jack was 25 now and had yet to find a mate, for bears it isnt so certain as it is with perhaps wolves or other werespecies. Yes, they will know, though not until they mate with them for the first time. Like all relationship issues. It is a little complicated

Still he was out and on his way by early morning, Brutus was having the time of his life, sniffing everything. Taking a swim and then eating some wild blueberries. Marking trees with his claws. Everything a normal bear likes to do, as well as napping in the sun

he has ever had. He can feel the fresh 

Avery Endstead was the local sheriff and drug dealer. His jurisdiction was vast because of the rual nature of his area

That made him what he liked to think of as kind of a god. He was the only law enforcement for a hundred mile radius, sure if he needed help he could always just call the staties

No way was he going to do that though, he had too good of an operation going on to do something as stupid as calling the state patrol. Avery and his friend James had a good thing going here

He was making a nice little stack of cash for his retirement and if anyone found out too much or got in the way, his old pal James would take care of it for him

He knew what James did for his little 

hobbie, he was willing to look the other way though. Just some stupid bitches and some snot nosed brats, what did he care. He didnt get them in his area, he only buried them here

He was curious though what it would be like to do something like that, maybe some day he will ask James if he could tag along on one of his hobby runs

He did wonder why James married that Kathy woman, her daughter he could understand she was a fine piece of ass but the mother holy catfish, was as ugly as mr. potato head with two weeks of rot in a dark basement


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