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Fates Hands novel Chapter 94

Chapter 29Book 2

##WARNING language, violence, sexual situations##

Nova never in her life had she ever thought that things would turn out so wonderful. Jack took her to a private kind of resort. If she were to guess she would say that it was more for shifters than humans.

Jack was so excited that Ursa came out, Nova was still getting to know her. Well, it felt like they’d always known each other. It was more like a reacquaintance. Ursa was patient and humorous, she loved to tease Brutus.

It was like hide and seek, she would come out to tease him, when you could see him behind Jack’s eyes, Ursa would leave.

Nova was laughing the whole time, it was like they were teenagers in love

for the first time. Even Jack was laughing at Brutus.

Their cabin was luxury itself, everything they needed or wanted was provided. Nova was still in a bit of shock about it. She giggled a little at the thought of what her mother would say if she saw her now. Maybe, Nova thought she would pay her a visit in prison. 2

She gave her mother and her past no more thoughts, she was going to enjoy her life to the fullest. Nightmares may come but they won’t rule her life. Her abusers were not going to get any more of her time. Ursa fully agreed.

It was then as Jack was coming to join her in the living room to snuggle up with popcorn and a movie that he stopped in mid-stride. Nova watched him wondering what was wrong.

He just stood there and then before she knew it Brutus was standing where lack once was. Brutus came over to her and sniffed around her. He then hopped up on the couch next to her and start making chuffing noises as he rubbed up against her over and over.

He was pushing up against her so much, that she started to feel like she was going to fall off the couch. Nova began to feel like she was going to have an anxiety attack or something. She got up and ran to the nearest room.

She locked the door behind her and slid down to the floor. What the hell was the matter with her. She tried to talk to Ursa but she was quiet as if she was thinking about something.

Finally, after Nova bugged her enough she said that they were going into estrus.

What?! Now?!

What does that entail exactly? What do I do?

It was then that there was a knock at the door, “Nova?”

“I’m sorry if we scared you, it was unexpected and our response was as well. We didn’t have much control there for a minute.”

“Nova, can we come in and talk about what is happening?

She crossed her arms over her breasts, even his voice was causing her body to go nuts. Jack and Brutus were not the only ones losing control

Ursa spoke up…

“Tell them to wait in the living room but leave the outside door open. I am going to explain what will happen and what we are going to do. Don’t

worry we will do this together.”

“Jack, Ursa said for you to wait in the living room and leave the outside door open. We will join you in a minute, Ursa is going to explain

things to me.”

“Once Jack left the door, Ursa started to explain what it was all about.”

“OK, now is the tricky part. We are going to shift for the first time. You will be in pain I won’t lie but we will go through it together. With the help of our mates.”

Together they went out to the living room to explain to their mates what they were going to do.

With that Nova’s shift began, she felt heat all over her body and she felt fur growing on her everywhere, then came the pain. As her body started to contort to the Bear form. She

screamed out, Jack was right there holding her and encouraging her.

Jack let go and standing before him was a beautiful light bronze grizzly bear. She was almost as big as Brutus. She licked Jack in the face and turned running out the open door.

Agent David Whitmore entered the cabin, by the look on his face he wasn’t too happy to be there. He walked up to Avery and sat down at the table on the opposite side. He put a legal pad of paper down on the table in front of Avery.


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