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Filthy rich werewolves by Taylor Caine novel Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Three Months Later

I never minded winter before. My wolf loved to run in the snow . But since losing Ava and the damage to my body, the cold makes my bones ache and the pain in my fingers almost unbearable.

In prison, they ripped out my fingernails and broke my bones. The doctors reset my fingers, but with no actual surgery the damage to the nerves and joints was permanent. And without my wolf, I can’t regenerate.

My fingers always throb now. There’s nothing to be done for it, so I try to think of other things, to keep my mind off the pain.

I shove my tools back into my locker and zip my coat.

There are only a handful of employees working at this hour and most of them flit around pretending to work.

This sanitation center is in neutral territory, not controlled by any pack. The lowest of wolves from the four reigning packs in the area can still find work here. There are other rogues, humans that don’t realize what we are, and poor wolves that aren’t wanted elsewhere.

It isn’t bad, I suppose. The work is hard and the hours are long. But it’s a legitimate job, and it pays the bills.

“Did you hear? Sean Stevens got engaged to Lily Atkinson!”

I stop dead in my tracks.

It’s one of my coworkers, sitting behind the reception desk with her feet up and watching entertainment news.

Sean Stevens.

My Alpha…

Sean, whose cold eyes still haunt me even after all these years.

‘So… he’s moving on and marrying Lily?’

Bile rises in my throat.

It’s because of Lily that my life went to trash.

She always wanted to be Luna, and hated me because I didn’t come from a wealthy family like she does. And also because… she wanted Sean for herself.

I had been that girl.

Lily Atkinson was living my life.


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