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Filthy rich werewolves by Taylor Caine novel Chapter 4

Chapter 4

I cower and scramble away as a man grabs Christopher and throws him a dozen feet away.

Chris growls. The newcomer tilts his head.

Then he charges at Chris and they tumble to the ground. The man comes out on top. Then he rains punches on Chris that echo loudly in the air.

Chris is wheezing, his face bleeding.

The stranger doesn’t relent. He slams his fists over and over again.

It’s brutally violent.

Part of me revels in it—the justice—because I know if not for him, Chris would’ve assaulted me, and despite open violence in our true forms being forbidden, his wolf undoubtedly would have torn me apart if given the chance.

A shuddering breath escapes me.

The stranger’s head turns sharply as if he’s attuned to me. I see it then, the flash of gold.

He’s a wolf.A strong one.

In the next instant, he turns and resumes hitting the unconscious body beneath him.

“S-Stop,” I whisper. “You’ll kill him.”

"So?" the stranger growls.

“It’s not worth violating pack laws for him.”

It’s true. This man saved me. But Chris is a wolf of rank and status. If he died there’d be repercussions, and I don’t think they’d care that this man was defending me.

They might even punish him more.

Chris’s head thumps as he’s unceremoniously dropped to the ground.

I wince.

The male stalks over to me. I blink as I’m finally able to see the man clearly.

He’s tall. Well over six feet.

And handsome.

Dark eyes and a strong jaw. Full lips and a strong body.

His hair is longer on top and stylishly messy.

My thoughts are interrupted as the SUV comes careening around the corner.

I tense.

This could be bad.

But instead of fighting, they take in this stranger, standing with his hands shifted so his claws are ready to strike. They must see the same thing I do—this wolf is fearless.

Jason Reed is the Alpha. The wealthiest, most powerful werewolf to emerge in a century.


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