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Follow Me novel Chapter 45

“Then help me put on my shirt first,” Julian smiled nonchalantly, while he admired her shy look satisfyingly.

The Sadie who used to barge in to the bathroom to mess around while he was taking a bath would not be shy.

She would even ask loads of weird questions. He always remembered, so he could answer her one by one when she grew up, and also to ask her about the feeling of using it.

Luckily, he lost her but got her back again.

“You…” Sadie returned to the room to get the shirt that was thrown on the bed. She frowned as she went behind him and reminded him in a hard tone, “Arms out.”

They had a deal, he would let the driver send her back to school after breakfast. But god knows where he went cuckoo, when he suddenly wanted her to help him into his clothes.

Julian stood up slowly, and shot her a look, his head lopsided. He turned and embraced her his palm reaching behind her head and pressed her head to his chest, mumbling in a deep voice, “I can’t wait for three months, what do I do?”

Sadie’s back stiffened, her cheek pressed to his broad, muscled chest forcefully. No matter how she struggled it was futile.

That burning feeling came rising up again, her ear was filled with his steady, strong heartbeat.

How would she know what to do, it had not the slightest thing to do with her.

Julian lowered his gaze, as he watched her embarrassed demeanour passionately. He pursed his lips, and finally let her go. “Go, the driver’s downstairs.”

Sadie heaved a sigh of relief, she had just left his embrace when she was dragged back by him. The ring finger of her left hand suddenly had a cool feeling.

She lowered her head, and watched him put a ring on her finger in puzzlement. She frowned. “I’m a student.”

“It’s just a toy,” Julian looked up and spoke calmly. “I’ll give you the full set after.”

Sadie bit her lower lip and did not treat his words to be true.

The driver sent her near the school gate and stopped, just like last week.

The first period in the morning was the theory of public communication, Stefan Poole, the professor who was teaching the subject was famous in the school for being strict and rigid.

Daisy hated his classes the most, but Sadie quite liked this little old man with a bit of a temper. Every time during his class, she would write down notes seriously, and today was no exception.

Halfway during class, Daisy moved closer and pinched the ring finger on her left hand, and exclaimed in a low voice, “Sadie, how could you wear a ring on your ring finger? You can’t wear this simply.”

Sadie was shocked and retracted her hand quickly. She moved her head towards her ear, and spoke in a volume that only the two could hear, “Don’t be so loud, I bought this at the dollar store.”

“Really?” Daisy widened her eyes in disbelief.

That thing looked legitimate at one look, how was it possible that it was bought at the dollar store.

Sadie coughed lightly, and continued explaining. “I wore it and couldn’t take it out, so I had to buy it. I didn’t want to wear it on my ring finger as well, but I couldn’t call the firefighting department over this two-dollar ring, right?”

Daisy nodded thoughtfully and consoled, “Maybe you’ll be able to take it off after wearing it for a while.”

Sadie blinked, as she secretly heaved a sigh of relief and she nodded with a smile.

The exchange between the two was seen clearly by Paige who was sitting in the back. Once the lesson was over she rushed beside Sadie, grasped her hand and raised it high, “Look, the ugliest of our school is actually wearing a diamond ring.”

Sadie’s expression went cold. Her clear eyes had a slight bit of coldness in them.

During the first week of school, someone made a post in the school forum to vote for the prettiest in school, but in the end the prettiest was not decided, but she was voted as the ugliest of the school.


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