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Her Dark Lycan novel Chapter 14

A blurry grey.

Thats the first thing Venus saw, she then blinked her eyes, her sight more focused. A rusty grey roof, she blinked again.

Her mind registering a dull throb at the back of her head, as she realised she was sprawled across the hard concrete floor, carefully she leaned up using the little strength she had.

Suddenly a sharp pain in her head made her hiss in agony and she fell back onto the floor, clutching her head in her hands, her eyes clenched shut.

After a while the pain subsided, and Venus tried to sit up again more carefully this time, she looked at her hands to see them full of blood.

Confused she touched her temple to see fresh red blood trickling down in droplets down her fingers.

She was loosing blood.

She looked around, a dirty and small grey room. A door.

She slowly used the wall next to her to stand up, and as she did the sound of chains caught her attention and she looked down to see both her feet in shackles.

"Damn it," she cussed out softly.

And they seemed very heavy, and made of silver she realised.

If she tried to touch it, it would burn her, thanx to the thick and high socks she was wearing, else she would have wounded feet to deal with too.

She looked up sharply when she heard footsteps approaching, heavy booted footsteps.

Venus pushed herself against the wall and slid down, to make it look like she had no strength left in her.

The sounds of keys jingling and a lock being opened caught her attention and the rusty door was thrown open to see a tall silhouette of 6'3.

Venus squinted her eyes from the light coming from the other side,

"Look who's finally awake," the man said, his deep voice ringing out across the small room.

Venus kept quiet and watched under her lashes.

"You know it was very hard to get my hands on you, but would you look at that, we're here now aren't we," he said, chuckling in the end. As Venus kept her silence.

That seemed to agitate him,

"Speak you wench," he thundered.

Venus flinched but still kept quiet.

The angry man stepped forward and towered her.

Venus clenched her eyes shut.

After a second the sound of hand meeting skin sharply reverberated across the room.

He slapped Venus across the face, then pulled her up by her hair, making her look at him.

Blood oozing from her lip, and her cheek numb from the hit Venus finally in some light took in her captors features, and what she saw knocked the breath out of her lungs.

The man in front of her was in striking likeness to her mate, it was as if she was looking at Dante as if he were old.

But the only difference was that this mans eyes were a dull green, Dante had a striking forest green eye and a deep sea blue one.

Now up close he also seemed to have a deep scar running across the side of his cheek, from his ear to his cheekbone.

"Thats it sweetheart, take a good look at the father of your mate who's going to kill you first, making sure he-" he spat out,

"Watches, then I'm gonna kill him right after, but slowly, and painfully," he said, a sadistic smile on his face.


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