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Her Dark Lycan novel Chapter 28

The next morning venus rolled over in bed, her insatiable mate had kept her up all night and currently it was only 10 in the morning, the curtains were pulled back and the sun rays were proudly beaming through the windows, venus peeked an eye open to see dante was not in bed, and he had opened the windows and curtains ... He. Ruined. Her. Sleep.

If there was anything that he should have known, it would be that if anyone messes with her sleep, they're dead.

Growling lowly she heard the washroom door open and dante stepped out freshly showered with just a towel around his waist, he expected to be greeted with his mates soft smile and bright happy eyes as she stretched in bed, instead there she was in all her glory, on her knees in the middle of the bed, giving him the darkest glare while she growled lowly at him.

This is not how your first morning after mating with your mate is supposed to look like, he thought while gulping.

"You. Woke. Me. Up." Venus snarled, growling out each word in an angry menacing way, for a second dante considered going to her but her words made him stop that thought.

"Baby," he called out softly, hoping she'd calm down.

"Dante," she shot back, slowly getting off the bed, her hair a wild mess and her face flushed, she looked beautiful.

"Look baby i forgot you don't like to be woken up and in my defence i only opened up the curtains, lets talk ab- oof," dante got cut off when venus threw herself at him and he landed on the ground with a thud while venus was on top of him looking murderous.

"IF YOU EVEN TOUCH THE CURTAINS AGAIN WHILE I, ASLEEP YOU'RE DEAD DANTE, IM GOING TO KILL YOU," venus screeched, trying to punch him but failed and that made dante chuckle, angered by her attempts to hit him but couldn't she brought her mouth down and bit into his shoulder.

Dante being a lycan obviously felt no pain, but the action of her straddling him while he was practically naked had it not been for the towel, her trying to bite his neck while she only wore his shirt from the night before, wearing nothing underneath...

A low husky growl rumbled from his chest and venus froze, uh oh.

He let go of her wrists which he'd been holding to stop her from throwing punches, and his hands travelled down as he held her by the waist, venus lifted her head up from where she bit him and looked at him, watching his eyes glaze over with want.

"We haven't marked each other"

Venus said, as she gently almost distractedly traced the outline of his toned abdomen.

In one smooth motion dante was up, venus yelped as he picked her up, wrapping her legs around him for support, as he gently placed her on the bed and kissed the tip of her nose.

Slowly he made his way to her neck, inhaling her scent deeply and peppering kisses all over her neck and shoulder, licking and sucking his way to where he was to mark her, inhaling a deep breath he let his canines extend, venus fisted his hair and clenched her eyes shut, not knowing what would happen next.

Without warning he sunk his teeth into her and venus gasped and jumped, dante held her down by the waist, she gripped his arms tightly as pain started shooting through her body, she whimpered and dante bit down further, suddenly the pain was gone, replaced by complete euphoria.

Dante let the waves pass her body before he unlatched his mouth from her neck and lapped at his mark, their bond was complete.

He gave her a few seconds to let her breathing even out.

"Hello love,"

Venus blinked, she could hear his voice at the back of her head, she could feel his presence, and the way he was looking at her right now made her squirm, as if he was reading her, she lowered her gaze feeling terribly shy.

"Look at me,"

His voice was even more deep and rich if possible through mindlink, she blinked and looked up at her mate, his blue eye swirling pits of a beautiful yet dangerous sea storm, while his green eye bright and radiant.

After a second of silence he spoke.


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