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Her Dark Lycan novel Chapter 31

'what do you mean i wont be able to give you pups?' Venus whispered in disbelief, her honey brown eyes wide with unshed tears, as her lower lip trembled and the colour in her cheeks heightened from the internal hysteria her body was feeling.

Dante sighed and went to sit next to her on the bed,

'Venus, despite the fact that you have alpha blood running in you doesn't make you strong enough in regards to carrying my pup, i am a lycan, a complete lycan, not one part of me is werewolf, a lycan pregnancy is very different, its very painful and the mother has to be a lycan to be able to withstand and birth a healthy lycan pup, in this regard you cannot give birth Venus, I'm sorry, i cant stand the thought of losing my mate in the process of giving me pups, i refuse to put you through that.'

Venus heard everything, but it was as if his voice was coming from far away, he was sitting next to her but his voice was distant, she hummed in response, her body felt light, as if she was on air, her mind unable to decipher what had just happened, or what had been said.

'I've always wanted a baby,' Venus whispered achingly after a few moments of silence, as silent tears ran down her face,

Dante pulled her to himself as she buried her face into his chest and wept, she cried for her loss, she cried for herself and she cried for the one thing she always wanted and now she was never able to have.

'd-dante please w-we can at least try once, i wanna have a-a baby,' venus said through her sobs and hiccups, as he rubbed her back soothingly and she only seemed to cry harder, his body grew tense when she said she wanted to try for a baby.

eyes emotionless and voice gruff, he held her close to himself but this was something that he could never give into, because if he did, he could completely lose her in the process.

'ask anything of me Venus, but not this, i wont ever give you up for anything, this is a risk i wont even consider taking, save your breath because we will not try for a baby in a million years, i cant- i wont lose you, to anything,'

'Dante please i-'

'we wont have a baby Venus, i think I've made myself clear,' Dante said in a rough voice, nestling a crying Venus to his chest as she sat in his lap clutching his shirt.

Venus rolled over in bed, sunlight glinting through the windows and she looked over, finding herself cocooned in dante's arms, his leg draped over her, securing her between his body, she must have passed out from exhaustion last night Venus thought, cuddling into the warmth her mate offered as she suddenly started feeling empty inside from the thought that she will never be able to have kids of her own, it was heartbreaking.

just as those thought were about to consume her she felt heated kisses on her neck and warm hands run over her bare stomach from where her shirt had lifted,

'good morning,' Dante husked out, his voice even more deep and rough from sleep

chapter 31 1

chapter 31 2

chapter 31 3


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