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Her Forbidden Alpha novel Chapter 72

  The following day came before Scarlett was even prepared for it. Breakfast was over and everyone was going to gather at the training grounds. Scarlett and Elijah were the first ones there. Just being here left a bitter taste in her mouth, the memories were hard to swallow, and she couldn't wait to get out of here.

  “Relax kitten.” Elijah said rubbing her arms, sensing her emotions. She closed her eyes and sighed.

  “They will be here soon, and I don’t know if they’ll be willing…”

  “Willing for what? Care to share your plan?” He asked quietly. Scarlett opened her eyes realising he hadn't once asked her what she wanted to do or pressurised her into combining packs. In her emotional state last night, she had forgotten to even discuss it with him.

  “Sorry, things have been crazy. I forgot to even ask you.” She said leaning into his chest. “I want to ask the pack to combine with yours… If that’s ok of course. Zidane had businesses that are mine and Indigos now. If we sell this land, the mansion, the cars and other assets we can construct more houses down that side. There's a lot of empty lands that we can buy near our pack grounds. I am sure many would love to move to a new location. For a fresh start. And those who don’t, we can give them a choice to settle in another pack and we can help them settle there.”

  She now looked up at him wondering what he thought, her breath hitched in her throat when she saw the strong emotions clouding in his eyes.

  “Hell yeah, that’s fucking perfect.”He said softly hugging her tighter, she closed her eyes relieved. She could hear his thumping heart and knew he had been scared she’d want to stay here. But also, didn’t want to tell her what to do. As an Alpha she knew how he loved control but for her, he kept himself in check. Allowing her to make her own decisions – it was one of the things she loved about him.

  “I love you handsome.” She said reaching up, he bent down their lips meeting in a kiss sending rivets of pleasure rush through them both, the sizzling sparks of pleasure every time they touched. The sound of footsteps made them part and Elijah gripped her hips, pulling her against his front.

  “Stay close.” He said smirking, she bit her lip thinking he was so distracting!

  “Then you better behave.” She said giving him a glare.

  “I’ll try.” He said as the first pack members began to approach. They could smell the fear, anxiety and uncertainty radiating off them. Scarlett felt her gut twist with guilt at the way they looked at her in fear. These people needed help long ago, she only wished she had been able to do something sooner.

  She smiled at a few children who simply kept their heads lowered, the only ones who dared to look up at her were the omega children she had ran into on her last visit. Their eyes were wide as they looked at her curiously, despite their mothers holding on to them tightly.

  Scarlett waved at them and motioned them over. Not missing the fear in their mothers’ eyes although they instantly let the kids go. The boy and girl came over as the boy looked at Elijah.

  “Hi mister!” He said.

  “Hey kid, I didn’t get your name last time.”

  “Jayce.” He said. “And Phoebe.”

  “Nice name.” Elijah said as Phoebe looked at Scarlett.

  “Are you our new Alpha?” She asked curiously.

  “Yes I am and I will make sure no one can hurt you anymore, ok?” She said, the two exchanged looks.

  “I told mom she’s cool.” Jayce whispered to the girl. He didn’t seem to know those around could hear him.

  “Well, I’ll let you two go back to your mothers and I’ll get this meeting started.” Scarlett said standing up straight from where she had been crouching. She saw a few members of Elijah’s pack around the side.

  “Thank you for showing up. I know things haven't been the best around here but they won’t be continuing this way. This pack has lost near enough a third of its number over the last few days. Yes, we fought some of this pack’s members but it was to protect ourselves and this pack. I know some of you lost mates, brothers, fathers - but it was unavoidable.” Scarlett said slipping her hands into the back pockets of her pants. Elijah’s gaze fell to her bubble butt but forced himself to look away, she was in front of her pack and deserved respect. But fuck was it hard to keep his eyes off her, he thought.

  “This place is nothing but dark memories for me, I cannot take care of my pack when simply being here makes me sick to my stomach. Also, you may know that my mate is an Alpha, so I have decided with his complete go-ahead to combine our packs which means moving down south.” Scarlett said, hearing the ripple spread through the crowd. Those who had not made it could hear her through her open mind link.

  Reaching out to all her members, those below 18 and were injured were the only ones who didn’t know what was happening and she hoped someone around them would be filling them in.

  “I won’t force anyone to join if they don’t wish to, instead you can move to a neighbouring pack or to any of our allied packs. We can get you all settled where you are happy. But if you’re interested in joining our pack. The Blood Moon, then let me know. I can tell you exactly what we plan to do. How to settle you all in. As well as how the pack is run. I was hurt along with my mother and sister when we left this pack. It was the Blood Moon Pack who took us in, despite knowing the risks it could bring to them. They are a pack half the size of this one but have a huge heart and are strong.” Scarlett said now looking across the groups.

  “If anyone wants to ask anything you’re welcome to.” She finished, glancing at Elijah. He gave her a thumbs up and she felt relieved. “Anyone?”

  “Well while you guys think about it, I’ll tell you a little about our pack. Aaron the projector.” Elijah said, seeing no one spoke. Scarlett was glad he had thought of this idea.

  Watching as he began telling the group about how the pack was run. Training and how even omegas could learn to if they wanted. Omegas were paid for their work and were treated with respect. The pack was diverse, and everyone was respected for who they are. The slideshow showed the packhouse, the rest of the land, the mansion and the playing area, the small shops and the small restaurant that was on pack grounds.

  Scarlett could see many wolves seemed to be getting excited about it. She admired Elijah, he was a natural at this, he would indeed make an impressive Alpha. He was explaining about schooling and how all the kids would go. The rules they expect and how everyone worked and lived independent lives to an extent. Not being bound to completely live under the rules and beck and call of the Alpha. Once he was done, he looked at Scarlett who was watching him with a small smile on her face feeling proud of the man he had become.

  ‘I’m impressed Alpha Westwood,’ She said through the mind link.

  ‘After everything I’ve shown you, I’m capable off, you’re impressed by this? Surely there must be something else that impresses you more?’ He replied smirking cockily. Scarlett rolled her eyes.

  ‘You will always be a cocky jerk’ She said back through the link, trying not to melt under that sexy gaze as he licked his lips, his piercing glinting when it caught the light sending a jolt of pleasure to her core.

  ‘One you want to fuck right now.’ Came his reply.

  She gave him a mock frown and turned to the people. “Does anyone have any questions?”

Chapter72 Moving Forward 1

Chapter72 Moving Forward 2


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