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Her Forbidden Alpha novel Chapter 73

  They had arrived home late at night and although they didn’t get much rest after discussing things with Jackson, they had squeezed a few hours in. Elijah had called a mass pack meeting for the following morning. There were some people exempt from it, mostly those in mourning. Although Jackson wanted to know the reason, he refused to say anything.

  They now were sat around the kitchen table; the sun was barely up in the sky. Being back made everyone think of Liam, right about now he would be training the first group of warriors. Scarlett wanted to visit his parents as well, which she would do whilst Elijah had his meeting. The pain of his loss was hitting her harder than she had thought it would.

  “I’m going to go shower, I’ll be right back.” Scarlett said standing up, she bent down cupping Elijah’s jaw as she kissed him before leaving their parents and Elijah alone.

  “Dad as you know, we need someone to overlook things with The Desert Storm Pack and we can all agree Scarlett suffered the most there. So, I think you and Jessica should do it. It’ll only take a few months. I’ll handle things down here while you’re gone. I think you can at least do that much for all the shit you gave us.” Elijah said looking at his father, a frown on his face.

  Jackson frowned deeply knowing he had a point about Scarlett but did not appreciate the rest of his comment. He sighed heavily gritting his teeth, knowing Elijah was right though.

  “Fine I get it, I messed up. You two are mates. I’m not against you two being together now so at least drop the snarky comments Elijah.” He said frowning at his son, wondering how did their relationship turn so hostile?

  “You mean we aren't against the two of you, you’re not doing us a favour here. We are mates.” Elijah said coldly. Jackson massaged his temples.

  “Ok, I’m sorry alright?” He said in defeat, looking at his son. Elijah frowned but gave a curt nod.

  “I’ll accept it for now, but you should go up north. The pack knowing Jessica as well might help a little.” He said curtly. “And since you are the Alpha start initiating them into our pack.”

  “Is Scarlett waiting until everyone is settled then joining again?”

  “Yeah, she gets she can’t just break the link to her pack when they’ve already been through hell and until they’re initiated. We can’t risk a mass pack of rogues on our hands.” Elijah said. Jessica nodded.

  “That makes sense but she’ll feel each snap of a pack member leaving The Desert Storm.” She said concerned.

  “I’m a strong woman mama. I can handle it.” Scarlett said re-entering the kitchen, her sweet intoxicating hitting Elijah strongly mixed with her body wash and shampoo, she smelt beyond divine.

  He pulled her into his lap, taking in how gorgeous she looked in her oversized black jumper dress. Her wet hair was left open and she wore no makeup, still looking as breath-taking as ever. Her stomach fluttered when he kissed her passionately, making tingles ripple through her. Desire growing within her she wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her head in his shoulder to calm her erratic heartbeat. Whilst Elijah smirked, his hand slipping under the hem of her dress, stroking her thigh which only made it harder for her.

  Jessica looked at them, glad that her daughters’ mate was not an abusive man. “Well since that is sorted, I will go pack. We will leave right after the funerals.” She said looking at Jackson with finality. He nodded and she left the room.

  Just the reminder made Scarlett lift her head. They would be having the combined funeral the following day and she was dreading facing every one of the lost pack members families.

  “Care to share what your meeting today is for?” Jackson asked.

  “There’s a traitor amongst us, did Alpha Daniel really not say anything?” Elijah said as Scarlett frowned.

  “No, and I'm sure if there was, don’t you think he would have?” Jackson said, Scarlett nodded in agreement.

  “Only if there wasn’t something in it for him. It’s a shame you don’t let me tear him apart for what he did.” Elijah growled.

  “You know the rules Elijah, we can’t mess with another’s pack. His allies are already isolating him, that is enough.” Jackson said standing up. “Let’s get to this meeting and put your mind at rest.”

  Elijah said nothing, he knew he was right. He would get his answers soon enough.

  “I’ll see you later.” Scarlett said before giving him a long passionate kiss, making Jackson shake his head and leave the room first. Elijah pulled her close, making her shift in his lap until she was now straddling him.

  “If you’re going to kiss me kitten, make it hot.” He murmured, groaning as she rubbed herself against his growing bulge.

  “Don’t tempt me Alpha.” She whispered before their lips met once again. Elijah twisted his fingers into her hair taking control, his other hand slipping under her dress and cupping her ass, realising she was only wearing a thong. He groaned against her lips, her arousal hitting him hard.

  “Fuck, you’re driving me crazy.” He murmured, not missing the breathy moans that were leaving her. She forced herself back, feeling the wetness between her legs.

  “You have a meeting to attend remember?” She said tracing his lips with her finger, getting off his lap still a little breathless. Elijah ran his hand through his tousled locks and adjusted his pants.

  “Elijah!” Jackson called.

Chapter73 A Traitor 1


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