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Her Forbidden Alpha novel Chapter 77


  “Oh, come on Elijah! You have to wear it!” Rafael said holding up the shiny pink unicorn party hat. Elijah glared at his friend.

  “I wouldn’t be caught dead in that.” He said.

  “It’s Raihana’s birthday. Come on, she’s going to cry if you don’t.”

  Elijah raised an eyebrow. “She’s 2. I don’t think she’ll even care.”

  From across the garden, Scarlett and Maria exchanged looks.

  “Them two argue too much…” Maria said as she arranged the sandwich platter and set it down.

  “Bromance at its finest!” Indigo called as she walked out from the Villa.

  It was Rafael’s second child’s birthday and he had rented a villa for some of their friends.

  “Look she’s not wearing one…” Elijah said, giving Rafael a look as he pointed at Indigo.

  “Ok fine… You and Alejandro are such party poopers…” He grumbled glancing at his brother, who to be honest he was shocked he had even come for the party. The rest had come the day before but Alejandro had only turned up 10 minutes ago.

  The 20-year-old sat on the ground away from the area they had lit up with solar-powered lanterns and fairy lights, busy scrolling through his phone. Rafael's smile vanished as he watched him, concerned. It had been 7 years since they had discovered what he was. 7 years of worrying for his safety but as the years went by, he realised it wasn’t Alejandro who needed protection.

  The younger man now looked up, his dark cold eyes meeting his brother’s warm ones, but before either could say anything the sound of children’s laughter and excitement filled the air. The doors opened and out poured the gang of children.

  At the front were Liam and Rayhan. Both boys racing dangerously fast towards their dads.

  “I won!” Liam said grabbing Elijah’s leg.

  “No, I did!” Rayhan retorted. Rafael sighed.

  “I think it was a draw. Don’t you agree Elijah?”

  “Yeah maybe.” Elijah said, earning a frown from Scarlett from across the room. He winked at her and she rolled her eyes looking away. Rayhan was only a week younger than their twins who were 4. Monica and Aarons son Damon who had turned 5 a month ago strolled out lazily, staring at the moon that now peeked out from behind the trees. Rafael’s Beta’s family was also there. The boys ran off joining the rest.

  Whilst one child stood on the steps not moving, her soft sandy blonde hair framed her face as she looked out into the brightly lit garden.

  Elijah’s smile faded as he walked over to his daughter Kiara, concern clear on his face. Unlike her headstrong brother, she was the opposite. He crouched down looking into her eyes that were a mix of both his and Scarlett’s; a sage green with a bright blue ring. He cupped her face and she gave him the purest smile he had ever seen.

  “What's wrong cutie patootie?” He asked softly. “Can you see alright?”

  She nodded. “I can see all this daddy.” She said pointing to the brightly lit area. Elijah smiled kissing her forehead.

  “That’s good.”

  His heart aching a little. He scooped her up in his arm kissing her cheeks. He’d always be there to take care of her.

  The party was in full swing. Music played loudly and the children were having a blast. Elijah pulled Scarlett onto the dance floor.

  “Come on kitten, one dance.” He said, gripping her hips and pressing her firmly against him. His lips meeting hers in a passionate kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer.

  It had been nearly 6 years since they had fallen in love, found out they were mates and had gotten married just over 3 years ago.

  Each passing day felt like they loved each other a little more, even when it didn’t feel like that could be possible. She hadn't changed much her hair was still the same, but it was slightly longer now. Since having the kids the only difference was the slightly wider hips, he fucking loved them.

  When their twins had been born it was Elijah who had wanted to name their son after Liam and Scarlett had loved the idea. The children played happily, even Raihana toddled along.

  Only Kiara was sat at a table eating a cake pop. Her large eyes spotting a glow-worm on the ground. Her eyes widened in curiosity and she climbed off her chair. Slowly following the worm into the forest. So enchanted she didn’t even realise she had strayed from the brightly lit party.

  Alejandro glanced up from his phone when he saw one of the pups going into the forest, about to look away when he noticed she seem to be limping slightly. He raised an eyebrow taking in her sandy blond hair, Elijah’s kid? Probably… He went back to his phone after a glance at her parents, both literally making out on the dance floor. He shook his head. Why have kids if you couldn't manage them? Their loss. He had come here for a reason and unless that reason showed up, he had to just wait. This was boring…

  It was only a few moments later and Scarlett pulled away, feeling something poke at her stomach.

  “Behave…” She said, although her hand teasingly ran over his front making him smirk. She turned away glancing at the kids, her smile fading as her heart began to race. “Kiara…Where’s Kiara?!”

  All eyes turned to them as everyone began looking. Elijah scanned the trees, trying to catch her scent.

  “The defected pup?” Alejandro said, his rugged voice emotionless and cold. Elijah’s eyes flashed at the insult.

  “Where is she?” He hissed.

  “She went into the forest not long ago…”

  “Fuck Alejandro! Couldn't you have stopped her?!” Rafael said as Elijah rushed into the forest, closely followed by Aaron, Indigo and Scarlett.

  “It's just the forest, not like there’s anything out there that’s big bad and scary.” He taunted his brother. Rafael's eyes flashed as he walked over to him.

  “Alejandro, she can't see in the dark! She has night blindness for fucks sake! Can you for once get off your fucking throne and think that we’re talking about an innocent child?!” He shouted, motioning his Beta to follow him.

  It was at that moment Alejandro’s ears picked up the low hissing of what he had come here for in the first place. His eyes widened slightly, turning towards the forest.

  “Get the kids inside.” He said. “Now.”

  Rafael who had been about to rush into the forest nodded, his face paling. Alejandro ran into the forest at a speed that left the rest in awe as they quickly ushered the children inside.

  Elijah and Scarlett followed their daughters’ scent, getting deeper and deeper into the forest when they heard her soft voice.

  “Mama is that you?”

  They froze as they slowed down, padding forward. It was then the putrid smell of decay, rotten eggs and infected blood filled their noses.

  “You won’t get near that thing.” Alejandro said, now stopping in front of them. Elijah growled quietly but Alejandro looked at him, then glanced towards the darkness behind him. “I’ll bring her back. Stay here.”

  He turned and before their eyes, he shifted. To their shock he didn’t shift into a normal wolf, but a beast. Extremely tall and muscular, he still stood on two legs. A mix of a wolf and a man. Black fur covered his muscled body, his face looked like a werewolf from a horror movie. He looked at them for a second, his red eyes glowing before he ran off into the darkness.

  ‘Fuck… What the hell is he….?’ Indigo said weakly.

  No one spoke. Only one word described the thing that he had shifted to.

  ‘A Lycan.’ Elijah’s voice sounded shocked. He didn’t move. It all made sense. The killings back in the forest that time… Alpha Daniel’s odd murder… The speed and strength he always had as a boy.

  ‘An Alpha of Alpha’s?’ Indigo asked, her voice shaking.

  ‘There hasn’t been one in existence since the Lycan King 300 years ago…’ Aaron said through the link. No one spoke.

  ‘Should we go?’ Scarlett asked after a moment, her heart racing in fear for her child’s life.

  ‘I think he’s far more capable.’ Elijah said, his tone clipped and cold knowing he was just stood there, not knowing what was happening with his child. He tensed hearing her faint laugh followed by the sound of her soft voice.

Chapter77 Epilogue 1

Chapter77 Epilogue 2


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