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Her Sensational Return with Triplets After Six Years novel Chapter 52

Chapter 52 Back to Square One

"How is Damion now?" Since Damion left the hospital, Raymond had been worried about him. While Bethany was resting, he made a phone call to Nolan.

At this time, Nolan was upset as Damion refused to go to his place with him. Even after they got back to the Zavala's mansion, Damion made a beeline for his own bedroom and locked the door from the inside.

"He's been in his bedroom for over half an hour, and the door is locked. No matter how I knocked on his door, he turned a deaf ear to it and wouldn't open the door." Nolan was worried sick. "I'm concerned that his emotional fluctuations will induce his illness."

Obviously, Damion was furious and truly wanted Bethany to be his mother.

Raymond looked towards the ward again. Bethany's situation was not stable for now, so he was unwilling to leave her here alone. However, he was really fraught about Damion.

"How about you try to coax him out of sadness? If it doesn't work, call me immediately, and I'll be right back," Raymond said.

"Sounds good." With that, Nolan hung up. He then knocked on the door very lightly and said cautiously, "Damion, open the door, okay? If you want to give vent to your anger, you can lash out at me. Don't lock yourself in the room. Just open the door now!"

Damion was now squatting on the floor and leaning against the edge of the bed. It was the happiest time he had ever had when he and Tyrone switched their identities. He had a gentle mommy who held him dearly and an adorable sister. Besides, he also felt the warmth of family love which he had never had before.

Originally, he fantasized that he would be able to have a loving family of five after his father married Bethany. Also, he would no longer be so withdrawn and would not get sick again, just like a normal child.

What a shame...

If he had never experienced that kind of life, Damion might not have been so desperate. Nonetheless, right because he had tasted it before, he could not bring himself to accept the fact that he would lose it forever.

At the same time, Tyrone, who had got back his identity, returned to his home. The moment he opened the door and got in, he caught sight of Ainsley and Shayla, which made him feel quite warm.

"Ainsley, Shayla," Tyrone called out.

"You came back before midnight. Tyrone, you've made some progress," Shayla said.

Tyrone felt that he hadn't seen Shayla for a long time. He walked up to her and pinched her little face, asking, "Shayla, did you miss me?"

Shayla took a look at the time and said with a frown, "We've only been apart for two and a half hours. You asked whether I missed you? Tyrone, wake up. I'm just your sister, not your girlfriend!"

Tyrone was rendered speechless.

He could not help complaining inwardly that Shayla must have sacrificed her IQ in exchange for such a lovely face.

He even called her with his own phone number earlier, whereas she thought he was a scammer! She was probably the only sister in the world who was so dim-witted.

"Tyrone." Shayla suddenly approached him and said, "Beth and our soon-to-be daddy have gone on a trip. How about we also go traveling next weekend? You should treat me to a fancy meal and book a room in a famous hotel so that I can know what it feels like to be a princess."

Go traveling? Soon-to-be daddy?

Tyrone got so worked up at the thought of Raymond. However, he had to suppress his rage and hid the truth from Shayla.

"Shayla, do you know how hard it is for Beth to provide for both of us? You can't always think about enjoying yourself. We can't go on a trip. On the contrary, we should find some part-time jobs, such as child modeling, in our free time to earn some money. Only in this way can we share Beth's burden and not let her tire herself out."

Since Bethany had a car accident this time, she must take good care of her body, and there must be a long time she could not go to work. In that case, they had to find some ways to make money by themselves.

"We're still minors. Isn't it illegal for us to work?" Shayla said. She could not wrap her mind around it. "Besides, you are so rich but still tell me to get a part-time job. Are you really my biological brother?"


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