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Her Sensational Return with Triplets After Six Years novel Chapter 53

Chapter 53 I Promised I Would Marry Her

"Damion?" Raymond called him gingerly as he walked slowly over and squatted down in front of the kid.

Damion only raised his head when he heard Raymond's voice. Fury could be seen in his eyes, and he asked, "Is your romantic relationship with Beth fake? You dislike her very much? You two will never be together, will you?"

Raymond had no idea how to answer at this time. After being acquainted with Bethany for some time, he found that she did not seem to be the kind of person he imagined.

"Even if you really dislike her, even if you will never be with her, I like her, and she is the mommy to die for in my eyes!"

Speaking of that, Damion could not help but burst into tears. He fixed his eyes brimming with tears on Raymond as if it were a trial on the latter.

"You said that Aria is my mommy and that I had no choice but to accept her. However, it's actually that she doesn't accept me, not that I do not accept her. I have always wanted to get her love. I also want to be like other children and have a mommy who loves me, but Aria does not like me. I tried so hard to win her heart and get close to her, whereas she pushed me away every time. It was as if there was something dirty on me. After I got sick, I also wanted her care, but she always avoided me like the plague. When I was rejected and hated by my so-called mommy, you all never thought I was the one being hurt. Instead, you all blamed me for being unreasonable and told me to accept her all the time. You all have never put yourselves in my shoes! I finally met Beth and found the mommy I really want, but why did it become a heinous crime? Why do I have to dislike people you don't like? Are you my daddy or not? Do you love me or not?"

"Damion, I'm sorry, it was all my fault before, but I can tell you I surely love you. I love you to bits!"

Hearing what Damion said just now, Raymond felt heartache for him. Damion was only a six-year-old child; there was a lot that he did not know, and all he wanted was a mother who loved him.

"You don't love me. No one loves me in this family."

"How could that be?" Raymond hurriedly hugged him into his arms and said fondly, "I am your daddy, how could I not love you? The one I love most in the world is you."

"If you really love me, how could you hurt the one I love?" Damion immediately pushed Raymond away. "It's impossible for me to see Beth again. There won't be a mommy who loves me as much as Beth did. Are you all happy to see that happen?!"

Seeing how desperate Damion was, Raymond hurriedly hugged him and uttered, "No, Damion. I promise that I will let her be your mommy. How does that sound?"

At this time, Raymond made a compromise. Damion had been unhappy during these years. Since he met Bethany, he had recovered from his illness. Besides, he became lively and willing to make friends.

If there was a person who could change Damion positively, Raymond had no reason to ruin it. From another point of view, she might not use any special means to make Damion open his heart; perhaps the two of them were connected to each other by fate.

"You said you would like to have Beth be my mommy? Really?" Damion asked in disbelief.

"I swear, if I lie to you this time, I'll come to a sticky end. Is that enough?" Raymond immediately made a pinky promise.

Hearing what Raymond said, Damion was petrified and still found it hard to believe it. In order to confirm it, he asked, "What... What do you mean? Does it mean that you will allow me to take her as my mommy, or you will marry her?"

"I'll let her be your mommy and my wife legally and openly. Is it good?"

Damion dissolved into laughter with tear streaks on his face. He immediately hugged Raymond and said, "Thank you, Daddy. Can you marry Beth after she is well and discharged from the hospital?"

"Sure." Raymond agreed.

"Thanks, Daddy!" Damion said as he excitedly gave Raymond a peck on the cheek. "I love you, Daddy!"


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