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Her Sensational Return with Triplets After Six Years novel Chapter 55

Chapter 55 Bethany, What Were You Thinking About 

"She once worked at the Masston Medical Institute," Raymond said calmly in the face of Mrs. Gina's suspicion. 

"The Masston Medical Institute?" It took Mrs. Gina by surprise. 

"You must have heard of it, right? That is the best medical institute in the whole medical field, and Bethany was the youngest doctor there. There are many famous doctors at home and abroad, but they specialize in other fields. Bethany mainly studies the sequelae of trauma and was specially recommended to me by Nolan. I spent a lot of money poaching her from the Masston Medical Institute." 

He was sure that Nolan would help him out with this lie. 

"Really?" Mrs. Gina was still somewhat skeptical. 

"You can get to the bottom of it if you don't believe me." Raymond continued, "I said she was my fiancee, so that Aria would give up. Besides, it also covers up the fact that she was treating me. If others know that I have sequelae, and it is getting worse, you know the consequences." 

Mrs. Gina fell silent, and Raymond seized the opportunity by adding, "Now, the Zavala Group has so many competitors in the world. If our rivals know about my condition, they will find ways to get in the way of my treatment by hook or by crook. They might even play dirty. Bethany is now the one who can save me. If others plot against her, no one else would be able to cure my sequelae, at least for now." 

"Fine, fine, stop it." Mrs. Gina said, "I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. Just listen to the doctor and accept your treatments. Having your illness cured is all that matters." 

"Sure." Raymond snickered and then said, "Mom, aren't you going to travel around the world? Enjoy yourself, and you don’t need to worry about the company or me." 

"I hope so." Mrs. Gina uttered, "I'll get even with you when you're cured." 

With that, Mrs. Gina hung up, and Raymond finally let out a sigh of relief. He put away his phone and made his way back to the inpatient building. Nevertheless, he halted in his tracks as if something occurred to him suddenly. 

He took out his phone again and dialed another number. 

"Ray, I’m so surprised to get your call." Karter picked up the phone quite quickly. 

"Mr. Shepard, I happened to be away when you and Mrs. Shepard came to the hospital to see Bethany. I called you to thank you for your kindness," Raymond said. 

Karter's face changed in a heartbeat as he thought inwardly, "Happened to be away? You were making your way to Aria at that time!" 

Thinking of how his baby daughter complained tearfully on the phone and had to publicly apologize to Bethany on Twitter, Karter couldn't help feeling vexed. 

Nonetheless, he had to suppress his anger in the face of Raymond. He then faked a smile and said, "That’s what we were supposed to do. Is Bethany better now?" 

"She’s much better." Raymond said directly, "My mother called me just now." 

"Oh? Did she have a good time on her trip?" 

"She initially enjoyed herself but became kinda unhappy after knowing about Bethany," Raymond replied frankly. "Mr. Shepard, our families are friends for generations. When my father was still alive, you and my father were as close as brothers. In my heart, you are just like my own father. I sincerely explained to you why I could not be with Aria, and you said it was understandable. I told you that Bethany was my fiancee, and you also wished us happiness. I do appreciate it. I won’t ask you to help me explain to my mother, but don’t be two-faced at least." 

"Raymond, what do you mean by that?" Karter blew a fuse. 

"Mr. Shepard, relax. I don't mean anything," Raymond uttered. "You are also very busy, unlike my mother. She has retired and has nothing better to do. Since you are so busy, don’t call my mother so often. She has a short fuse. I’m afraid you’ll be affected by her." 

"Alright, I get it. Thank you for your reminder!" With that, Karter hung up. He was so furious that he slammed the coffee cup by his hand to the floor. 

"Raymond Zavala, you actually go out of the way to protect that woman!" Karter thought to himself. 

After two phone calls, Raymond felt quite relaxed. He returned to the ward, only to see Bethany looking sideways at the sunshine outside the window, with expectation in her eyes. 


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