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Her Sensational Return with Triplets After Six Years novel Chapter 56

Chapter 56 Bethany, I Don't Like Such a Joke

Her past? Her experience?

She had become Bethany for six years, and there might be no one who could still remember Melisa Hamilton.

"You are really good at rubbing into the wound." Bethany smiled bitterly. She didn't want to mention her past, but Raymond asked about it repeatedly.

"Maybe it's cruel," Raymond stated very seriously, "but if you can't face the pain directly, you will never be able to embrace your past. You avoid talking about it because you has no courage to do it. It doesn't mean you really get out of the pain. Only when you truly get over it can you move forward."

This guy was indeed eloquent.

"You do have a point," she said.

"Then tell me about it." Raymond looked her in the face and asked, "Tell me why you chose to be a doctor first. I've read your resume, and it's a rare case that someone at your age can have such high medical skills."

Raymond did play up Bethany's experience with Mrs. Gina on the phone, but most of what he said was true. The Masston Medical Institute was indeed the number one in the whole medical field, and Bethany was capable enough to be admitted to it at such a young age.

"What a surprise to get your praise for me!" After Bethany bantered with him, her dark eyes dimmed, and she looked towards somewhere ahead. She then explained seriously, "I wanted to study medicine because of my mother. I don't really remember too much about her, except that she was always sick and had to take medicine all the time. Apart from that, there is nothing I can recall about her. I felt that she was always away from home, and my father lied to me that she had gone on business trips. When I grew a little older, his lies didn't work anymore. Not until then did he tell me that my mother had died of illness. I didn't know much at that time, so I told my dad that he should have got her a doctor when she was sick because doctors could cure my mother's illness. In that case, my mother would not have died. Then my father told me there were some diseases that could not be cured by doctors, and that was my mother's case. At that time, I thought I should become a doctor who could cure any disease when I grew up. However, by the time I began studying medicine, I realized that no one was omnipotent, including doctors."

Hearing what Bethany said, Raymond appeared sad. After a while, he chose his words carefully and asked, "What about your father? Also died of illness?"

Her father?

Because her mother passed away when she was very young, she was not so impressed by and affectionate towards her mother. Nonetheless, her father was different as she and her father had been sticking together through thick and thin for so many years.

Raymond watched her quietly as her eyes darkened and became teary little by little.

"He took his own life," Bethany said slowly, "by jumping off a building."

Suicide? That was totally unexpected to Raymond; he thought it was because of illness or an accident.

Even after so many years, she still felt tightness in her chest after she told him about that. She let out a long sigh and smiled self-mockingly, saying, "I can't wrap my head around why my father would choose to do it. Maybe, as you guys said, I was fated to have a hard life, and it was me who brought bad luck to my parents and caused their death."

Raymond was unhappy with her self-mockery at the moment. No one would be able to bear it when the one, whom they stuck together with through thick and thin, took his own life.

Originally, Raymond wanted to ask about her husband, but he didn't have the heart to do so suddenly and bit his tongue.

"It's all over." Raymond said with encouragement, "They say after suffering comes happiness. Your life in the future will get better and better."

It was the kindest words he had ever said to her since they knew each other.

"Thank you," Bethany replied lightly.

"There is one more thing I do not understand. The Masston Medical Institute was surely the best in the medical field, and the salary there is very high. If you worked there for a few years, you would be able to buy a large house with full payment. Why did you determine to give up such a decent job and come back to be a doctor in an ordinary hospital? And you even have to live in a little apartment with your kids."

No one could understand it as she could not honestly tell them that she came back to look for her son.


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