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Her Sensational Return with Triplets After Six Years novel Chapter 57

Chapter 57 What Did It Have to Do with Me

"I'll push you back." With that, Raymond got up and pushed her wheelchair into the inpatient building.

The nurse had got the drip ready and waited for her in the ward. Raymond pushed Bethany into the ward, carried her from the wheelchair to the bed gingerly in front of the doctor, and then covered her with the blanket with great care.

"Mrs. Zavala, your husband is so nice to you." The nurse could not help saying, "I have seen many guys take care of their wives in the hospital, but this is my first time seeing such a meticulous and patient man like Mr. Zavala. You're so lucky to have him."

Right after the nurse said that, it became embarrassing in the ward, and Bethany just smiled awkwardly without saying anything.

As a matter of fact, it must be tough for Raymond, who had such a bad temper, to be able to meticulously look after her in the hospital for so long.

The embarrassment filled the whole ward after the nurse put Bethany on a drip and left. Bethany dropped her head and did not look at him since she did not know what to say.

After a long time, Raymond said, "I lost control of my temper in the courtyard just now and was too harsh to you."

"Never mind. My bad." Bethany slapped her mouth very hard and stated, "I shouldn't have shot from the lip. I made such a mistake last time, but I still didn't take the lesson. I promise I won't do it again going forward."

"Actually..." Raymond paused before slowly explaining, "About the thing that I have a child with Aria, it is not conventional like what you think, in fact..."

Raymond had no idea how he should put it all of a sudden. Noticing his hesitation, Bethany asked, "Raymond, are you trying to tell me how you got your child?"

At the thought of that, Bethany was amused. She couldn't help laughing and said, "Why are you telling me this? What does it have to do with me?"

Bethany felt that he looked quite funny at the moment. He had always been high and mighty as the president of the company, but now he was stuttering with a hint of embarrassment.

Bethany couldn't wrap her head around why he mentioned it. How they got their child was such a private matter. Wasn't it very awkward for him to tell her that?

Raymond's face darkened instantly when he heard her words. He said angrily, "I have some errands to run now. Just call a nurse when you need to change your dressing."

Then, he strode out directly. For his mood swings, Bethany could not help complaining, "So weird!"

After stepping out of the ward, Raymond looked back at Bethany lying in bed through the glass and couldn't help scolding, "This dumb woman!"

Raymond made up that excuse to leave the word, but he was still worried about her. As a result, he stayed in the hospital and took a seat in the courtyard.

"Daddy!" After a while, he heard Damion calling out to him. Raymond looked up and saw Damion and Nolan walking towards him from not far away.

It had been a few days, and Damion really couldn't fight down his desire to take a look at Bethany even if it was just a peek outside the ward. To his surprise, he saw his father after he entered the hospital.

"Why are you here?" Raymond asked.

"Ask your baby son. He asked me ten times a day about how Beth was. I could not stand it anymore, so I took him here for a visit," Nolan said. He then asked Raymond, "Why are you not accompanying her in the ward but sitting here?"

Certainly, he could not tell Nolan that he was out to get rid of the embarrassment!

"I'm out for some fresh air."

"Daddy, then you can stay here for fresh air, and I'm gonna go up and see Beth." Damion immediately warned, "You are not allowed to enter the ward until I come out."

"Why? Is there anything you don't wanna me to hear?" Raymond asked.

"Well, I wouldn't say no. You and Nolan wait for me here, and I'll go up there by myself." After taking a few steps, Damion looked back and warned again, "You mustn't go in until I come out!"

"I see," Raymond said.


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