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Her Sensational Return with Triplets After Six Years novel Chapter 75

Chapter 75 She Was Kissed Again 

Raymond was right in front of her, blocking her way out completely, which really annoyed Bethany. 

"Raymond, you... um!" 

Before Bethany finished speaking, Raymond kissed her lips again. This time was different from the last time. The former was a punitive bite on her lips, but the latter was a hard kiss. 

Bethany wanted to struggle, but she was trapped in his arms. The more she struggled, the more her body trembled, and the more he was aroused. 

Raymond began to go deep into her mouth, and Bethany's body was like a drifting boat in the sea. She grabbed Raymond's clothes tightly at the moment of suffocation. 

After a long time, Bethany felt that her consciousness was losing. Raymond finally let her go, and Bethany took a few deep breaths. 

"I've told you to call me Ray many times, but you can't always remember it!" 

Raymond has indeed reminded her many times. If she continued to be so short of memory, he would punish her severely. 

After Bethany refreshed herself, a surge of anger welled up in her heart. As soon as Raymond finished speaking, Bethany bit his arm hard. 


Raymond snorted and then said, "Bite me? Are you a dog?" 

When they were in the hotel room, Bethany once bit him so hard. After the bite, Bethany was also afraid that Raymond would take revenge on her, so she pushed him away heavily and was about to run out. 

But when she ran to the door, she found that Raymond hadn't chased her. She suddenly remembered that in the hotel, she kicked Raymond fiercely, and then he fell ill at that time. Maybe this time he... 

Bethany had no choice but to return to his lounge. As soon as she entered, Raymond said in a voice dripping with sarcasm, "Why did you come back?" 

Seeing that Raymond had no signs of illness, she felt relieved and then looked at his arm where she bit her was already bleeding. Did she bite so hard just now? 

"Come here and disinfect the bite," Raymond ordered. 


Bethany had to disinfect the bite with normal saline and iodine. 

"It's done." 

Raymond looked at the bite again and then said, "I'm not feeling well right now. You can't leave tonight." 

What? Did he mean it? 

"What's wrong with you?" 

Raymond said, "It's just the discomfort before the illness. I may fall ill. As my personal doctor, you must be on standby." 

Really? Bethany was seriously skeptical, but Bethany had no choice but to stay after he said so. If what he said was true and there was no one to rescue him when he got sick, then he would die. 

Bethany let out a long breath and said, "Your physical condition is like a time bomb, and the treatment of your sequelae can only be brought forward." 

"It's up to you." After speaking, Raymond took off his clothes and lay on the bed as if no one else was there. 

This was Raymond's private lounge in the company. There was only one bed. Where would Bethany sleep if he slept on the bed? 

"You sleep here, and I'll go to the office next door. If you feel unwell, I'll come over as soon as you call me." 

After speaking, Bethany turned around to go out, but Raymond said, "You once saw my situation when I got sick. If you go to the office, how can you still save me timely?" 

Bethany was speechless. 


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