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Her Sensational Return with Triplets After Six Years novel Chapter 76

Chapter 76 Adriel Tucker

After waking up, Bethany found herself alone in bed. She hurriedly looked at her clothes and found that they were still intact.

She quickly checked the time. It was only around seven o'clock now. Where did Raymond go? After getting out of bed, Bethany walked out of the lounge directly. But she never expected to meet the leaders of the Zavala Group as soon as she walked out.

Although her clothes were in good condition, it was obvious that she had just woken up and walked out of Raymond's bedroom, so whoever saw that would get them wrong.

"Good morning, Dr. Caldwell." Bethany really wanted to find a hole to get in, but at that moment, Morgan stepped forward and said, "Mr. Zavala has already gone to the meeting room, and the morning meeting is about to start. Mr. Zavala has also ordered the chef to prepare breakfast for you."

"Oh..." Bethany answered with her head bowed tightly, then hurriedly returned to his lounge, and closed the door.

Damn it!

She appeared in front of them with such an image just now, and they were all Raymond's subordinates.

Bethany was very upset and rubbed her hair carelessly. It was really frustrating, and not surprisingly, soon everyone at Zavala Group would know that she and Raymond slept together last night!

Bethany adjusted her mood for a while, and after making sure that there was no one outside, she entered the restaurant from his lounge.

As Morgan said, the chef had already prepared her breakfast. Bethany picked up the fork and poked it again and again on the sandwich violently.

After a while, the door of the restaurant was opened, and Raymond stood at the door, looking at her with a gloating expression. "I heard that my subordinates saw you just waking up."

Seeing Raymond gloat, Bethany really wanted to throw the fork over to poke his eyes.

"Not a big deal." Raymond sat down opposite her and said leisurely, "It's no secret that you are my fiancée now. We're adults."

"Shut up, Raymond!" Bethany said angrily.

Raymond couldn't help smiling, and then said, "I'm going to meet a very important client in a while. We may have dinner together at noon, so you come with me."

The appointment had been made. Adriel would come over this morning to talk about specific cooperation matters with him. It was inevitable to have lunch together at noon.

Bethany said, "I'm not going. That's your business partner. Why should I go?"

"As my fiancée, you should meet my business partner," Raymond said.

"Didn't you say that there would be start-of-work banquets and celebration banquets and that sort of thing in the future? I'll go there then. If I have to be there every time you dine with clients, I won't be exhausted?" Bethany murmured.

"Okay." Raymond didn't persuade her anymore. "You haven't fully recovered yet, and I won't force you if you don't want to go."

"Thank you, my dear fiancé!" Bethany said deliberately.

How lovely she was!

Morgan came in and reported respectfully, "Mr. Zavala, the front desk called to say that Mr. Tucker had arrived."

Raymond looked at the time, and there were still more than forty minutes before their agreed time. It seemed that the other party was really eager.

"Tell the front desk to take him to the reception room."

"Okay, Mr. Zavala."

After Morgan left, Raymond said to Bethany, "The client is here. I have to go to work first. Take your time eating."


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