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Hiding Behind Her Superficiality novel Chapter 109

Chapter 109

Daniel clicked his tongue and shook his head at his friend. “T`have no idea why you’re so scared. She’s just a defenseless girl. What can she do to us? You’re being paranoid.”

Elspeth said nothing, so her kidnappers kept a lookout in the abandoned warehouse and chatted the time away. Yet, Ophelia didn’t show up. Eventually, the kidnappers got worried.

“Do you think she’s in trouble? It’s getting late.”

“Shut it. Just mind your own business.”

The kidnappers cursed under their breaths. We’re still not paid. If she goes back on her word, then we’d have done all this for nothing. Just then, someone knocked on the door. Three long knocks and two short ones. Oh, that’s the code. Delightfully, the kidnappers opened the door.

Ophelia carefully darted into the warehouse and looked inside, especially Elspeth, who looked worse for wear. Even though she was covered in a mask and sunglasses, there was no mistaking the sneer behind her disguise. “So, how does it feel, Elspeth?”

Elspeth wasn’t scared. She stared at the listless Ophelia and laughed. “It’s been a while, but you seem like you’ve aged ten years. What’s with the kidnapping? Callum’s going to hate you for this, you know?”

“Do I look like I care what he thinks, Elspeth? I’m over it. He doesn’t love me. He’d rather give all his love to you. I know that, but I just can’t let it go. I loved him first and I loved him more than you do, but why did he choose you?” She spoke in an almost hysterical tone. Obviously, she was not in the best state of mind.

Elspeth wouldn’t talk to her in most cases, but this was a special circumstance. She must buy some time for her reinforcement. “You’re mad, Ophelia.”

“No, no, no. You’re mad. Not me.” Ophelia approached Elspeth and crouched down. When she noticed her captive was not tied up at all, she hissed, “Why isn’t she tied up? She could’ve run away!”.

Daniel was a little shaken seeing the look in Ophelia’s eyes. She looks so innocent, but she’s evil. “She’s just a gal. Not like she can do anything, so…”

If looks could kill, Daniel would have died. Ophelia growled, “Tie her up. She’s a crafty b*tch. You let her loose and she’ll trip you up.”

Emerson quickly found a used rope in the garage and wiped the grime off with his shirt, then he tied Elspeth

Ophelia stared at her captive and patted her cheeks. “How does it feel? I bet it feels nasty. So, ready to grovel and beg for mercy?”

“It’s not too late to back out, Ophelia.”

Her warning gained her nothing but one hard slap on the face “Do not try to order me̱ around. None of this would have happened if not for you. I’m ruined now, but it’s fine. It’s fine as long as I can drag you down to hell with me!” She roared in laughter. From the moment she kidnapped Elspeth, she knew she couldn’t come out of this ordeal alive.


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