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Hiding Behind Her Superficiality novel Chapter 114

Chapter 114

Elspeth certainly knew how to swim very well, as she saved quite a number of drowning children when she was


Although the river was deep, it was a piece of cake for her.

With all her might, she swam toward the spot where the water splashed. The girl had drowned due to fatigue, so the moment she dived down, she saw the girl slowly sinking.

Swimming to her side, Elspeth scooped her up and swam to the surface.

Finally, the crowd breathed a sigh of relief upon seeing that they were fine.

“What are you all waiting for? Grab a piece of wood for me.”

Because Elspeth had not fully recovered her strength yet, it would be a pipedream for her to swim to the shore while carrying the girl.

Someone reacted in time, managing to find a long and thin log from the pile of wood nearby and holding it in front of Elspeth to let her grab onto it before pulling it toward the shore.

Although Elspeth and the girl were safe, the girl was choking on water and remained unconscious.

There were already people who called for an ambulance, but the urgent matter then was to awaken her first.

Pressing down on her chest, Elspeth then blew oxygen into her mouth. Soon enough, the girl spewed water out.

“It’s fine now! She’s awake!”

It wasn’t until the bystanders saw she kept spewing water out that they finally calmed down.

Fatigued, Elspeth crouched down on the side, only to notice there was a word sewn onto the girl’s collar.


This little girl is wearing some pretty expensive-looking clothes. They seem to be custom-made. Also, she’s wearing a ruffled blouse and fringe skitt, which are both currently in trend in Konig. Could she be someone from the Joneson Family?

She knew a little about the Joneson Family. They weren’t based in Damoria. Instead, they were based in Konig, where they were one of the top dogs.

The more important thing was that all the family members were involved in the army and politics, as they were from a long line of important officials.

Just as she was trying to deduce what happened, a black Rolls-Royce parked right in front of her before a couple stepped out of the car.

The man was in his early thirties and had a striking figure with him looking like he was still in his twenties instead. Meanwhile, the woman had an extraordinary aura, yet she had a gentle expression.

The moment the two saw the girl lying on the Tloor, they were shocked.

The woman immediately went up and touched her cheeks. “My sweet Lola, what happened to you? If something terrible were to befall you, how could your father and I continue to live on?”

Elspeth, seeing the woman beside her become so agitated, comforted her. “She’s out of danger, for the time being, anyway. Once she rests in the hospital for a few days, she’ll be all right.”

The woman wiped her tears. “You are..”

“She fell into the water just now. I saved her.”

With a face full of gratitude, the woman stated, “Thank you, young lady! You’re our savior! When Lola wakes up, I will thank you properly then!”

“It’s nothing. I just did what seemed right.”

The man, who was beside them, stayed silent until he saw Elspeth’s face and was taken aback.

“What’s your name?”

Seeing how stunned he was, Elspeth replied, “I’m Elspeth. Elspeth Lynwood.”

“Elspeth Lynwood… Lynwood…”

Suddenly, the couple stared at her, wide-eyed.

The man whispered to his wife, “I remember my sister married a guy by the name of Lynwood as well.”

“You’re right. She has identical eyebrows. She looks so alike that I think she’s your sister’s daughter.”


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