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Hiding Behind Her Superficiality novel Chapter 138

Chapter 138

“Max, I’ll give you another chance to think about what you said,” Elspeth muttered.

Callum felt sad for Max as he saw her about to lose her anger.

Max’s contorted smile faded as Elspeth’s expression turned thunderous, effectively showing her anger.

“I didn’t intend it that way, Miss Elspeth…”

Max chuckled with embarrassment as he was afraid Elspeth would slap him.

“Is it that bad?” she asked after taking a long breath.

Max couldn’t betray himself by telling a white lie, so he could only try to respond politely, “No, but I think it can be better…”

Come on. It means it’s dreadful.

Elspeth felt a twinge of sadness. She grew even more depressed as she remembered Callum’s praise earlier. Callum did it to comfort me. Despite his cold and indifferent exterior, he is rather kind.

“It’s delicious. Don’t believe his nonsense.” Callum couldn’t stand by while his girlfriend’s mouth was turned downward into a pout. “He meant that the flavor is not horrible, and he will finish it,” he answered while coldly staring at Max.

Max wanted to cry when he heard that. When did I say that?

However, as Callum’s stare became more aggressive, Max relented and nodded like a woodpecker. “That’s right. I’m going to finish this plate, Miss Elspeth.”

Only then did Elspeth nod in satisfaction.

As a result, Max could only eat egg fried rice with resigned sorrow at the dinner table.

Not long after, Elspeth yawned and was about to return to her room as she felt sleepy.

She stood up and returned to her room. However, Callum did not leave. When he saw the pitiful Max, he pulled out a card and tossed it to him.

Max raised his head and glanced at Callum as if he didn’t understand what he was doing.

“Take it,” Callum responded quietly. “If you wish, you can buy the racing car you mentioned last time.”

Max suddenly felt that the egg fried rice in front of him was unbelievably tasty. It’s merely a bowl of egg fried rice. I’ll put up with that for the limited-edition racing car!

Then, he eagerly worked hard to finish the dishes.

Elspeth discovered Max was instantly docile after she awoke the next day.

He was even becoming submissive.

As such, she thought Max had brain damage from the egg fried rice last night.

It was Wednesday. Elspeth suddenly remembered Yelena’s request, so she warily asked Max, “By the way, are you free today?”

“This week is a holiday, and I’m free today,” he replied frankly.

She nodded. “Can you accompany me somewhere?”

Max was taken aback when he heard that. “Where are you going?”

Elspeth was afraid that if Max knew the location, he would decline the invitation, so she kept it a secret for the time being.

“You’ll know when you get there. For the time being, I’ll keep it a secret. You should clean up and dress nicely.”

However, he frowned at that. “Are you setting me up on a blind date? I’m not interested.”


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