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Hiding Behind Her Superficiality novel Chapter 144

Chapter 144

Noticing Callum’s expression, Alaina could feel her heart skip a beat. “Callum, what are you trying to do?”

“What do you think? It’s time to pay the price.”

She widened her eyes in disbelief before looking around. “Callum, what you are doing is against the law. Did you see the reporters around? You can’t deny your doing if what you did is revealed to the public.”

He remained calm even after she warned him. Casting a glance at the crowd with ease, he asked, “Did you see anything?”

No single person in Damoria would claim they didn’t know Callum’s name.

Even though he kept a low profile, he wasn’t the kind of person to mess with.

A few years ago, someone talked badly about Callum after facing failure in his business. The next day, the man and his family got banished from Damoria.

Nobody ever knew Callum’s true ability, but they held one principle, which was staying out of his way as far as possible or showing respect to him when coming across him.

Alaina must have a death wish to cross Callum.

The guests were all sophisticated. They knew better than to stand up for Alaina, who was a nobody and ended up getting on Callum’s bad side. If so, they rather kept what happened today a secret, in hope of gaining Callum’s favor and striking a deal in the future.

The guests shook their heads. Even the reporters pretended not to see anything by putting their phones and cameras away.

Alaina finally recalled that nobody in Damoria could even par with Callum’s status or influence. A sane person would never get on his bad side.

As the last hope slipped from her hand, she went limp and allowed the men to drag her away.

Once Alaina left, some of the guests tried to clear the awkward silence by lightening the mood. “I told you, Miss Lynwood—Wait, it’s Mrs. Winthrop now——is a good person. There’s no way she would hurt someone.”

The crowd changed their attitude within a few seconds. Listening to the crowd’s praise, Elspeth had a feeling that it was all due to their awe of Callum.

Pleased to hear people addressing Elspeth as Mrs. Winthrop, Callum couldn’t suppress a smile that formed at the corner of his lips.

As the incident came to an end, the guests preferred to avoid staying any longer in the place that fostered a lot of drama. Thus, they took their departure.

Soon, only the Winthrops, the Sullivans, and Elspeth were left.

Watching Callum’s calm expression, Elspeth couldn’t help but ask, “Where did you take Alaina? Please don’t tell me you asked your men to tie her up and beat her.”

“I merely sent her somewhere where she can experience real pain.”

Even though he kept it casual, she could feel a sense of maliciousness in his words.

She doubted whether Alaina could make it out alive this time.

However, Elspeth wouldn’t feel bad for her. After all, Alaina started it. Elspeth had been holding the principle of “tit for tat is fair play.”

Glad to find Elspeth unscathed, Yelena sighed in relief. “Remind me to install surveillance cameras around the household, so the same thing will never happen again.”

Her tone betrayed a hint of indignation, earning a laugh from the rest.

“Well, you don’t have to take such precautions. All you need to do is protect yourself instead of letting other people step on you as they like.”

At the sight of Yelena gripping her knuckles while putting on a serious face, Max couldn’t help but roll his eyes.

“Stop making me save you from all your troubles. I don’t have the leisure to save you all the time.”


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