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Hiding Behind Her Superficiality novel Chapter 150

Chapter 150

Once she heard that, Elspeth instantly figured out the source of her unfortunate circumstances today.

“This is the coffee you asked me to get for you two hours ago. What’s the matter? Are you going to deny it now?”

Emma had a look of realization. “Oh, I’m so sorry, Elspeth. I forgot about it. It was such a long time ago, and there was a meeting just now, so it slipped my memory. Are you okay? Look at how wet you are! It’s all my fault. You wouldn’t have had to go so far if it wasn’t because of me.”

She gave Elspeth a tender look of concern as she suggested, “Hurry up and dry yourself off, or you might catch a cold.”

Elspeth was a little doubtful at Emma’s seemingly genuine remorse.

“It’s fine.”

Although Emma seemed harmless, Elspeth could always see the traces of a taunting, calculating look in her eyes.

However, it would only flash across her eyes momentarily. Elspeth never got a clear shot of it and kept assuming she was seeing things.

From how things have been going, she might not be a bad person, but she’s definitely not easy to get along with.

Elspeth nodded without saying anything.

All of a sudden, she cocked her eyebrows as a thought flitted across her mind.

Before the whole affair with the coffee, her phone had been left on the desk the entire time as she explained something to Emma, and she had left her phone for a moment to print out a document.

She had a good hunch for why the text had been listed as read now.

She changed into a new outfit before heading straight to the CEO’s office.

No one knew what happened with Elspeth inside the office. All they saw was that her expression had turned even darker when she walked out.

Someone asked her what happened, but she only said that she had missed the meeting due to her negligence, so Callum gave her a talking-to. She didn’t say anything else.

However, Emma knew that the conflict between the two wasn’t simply over this.

When Emma heard what Elspeth said, she had a look of worry as she asked, “What’s the matter? Did Mr. Winthrop reprimand you? Elspeth, I’m the reason why all of this happened. Why don’t I talk to him about it? That way, everything will be smoothed over.”

Elspeth eyed her coldly. “Don’t bother with the act, Emma. Don’t you realize how fake you sound? I’m the one who got in trouble, not you. Don’t stick your nose where it doesn’t belong.”

Emma froze as if she didn’t know what Elspeth was saying. “What are you talking about, Elspeth?”

There was a hint of aggrievance in her voice.

Elspeth realized she had been a bit harsh, so she sighed. “Sorry about that. I was in a bad mood, so I spoke a little too hurtfully.”

“It’s fine, Elspeth. I think Mr. Winthrop is a little stern, but he treats you very well, so you don’t have to worry. He’s your boyfriend, isn’t he? I’m sure things won’t be too bad between you two.”

Elspeth looked a little convinced. “Alright. Anyway, this has nothing to do with you, so don’t worry. Just focus on your work.”

With that, she went back to her desk.

She flipped through the documents on her desk before asking loudly, “Where are my documents?”


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