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Hiding Behind Her Superficiality novel Chapter 166

Elspeth didn’t seem surprised to hear the old man’s words. “You have no say in my relationship with Callum,” she replied with a scoff. Michael didn’t lose his temper yet, as he still wanted to have a civil conversation with her. “Elspeth, Callum is just another regular guy. There are tons of men in Blaydal. Why don’t I introduce you to someone better, huh?”

He genuinely didn’t want her to marry a man that didn’t meet his standards. He believed a man had to have at least two of the three roles—a military soldier, a government officer, and an entrepreneur—to be eligible for marriage with Elspeth. Michael was a short-tempered man, and he felt his blood boil when he saw how rebellious she was. “You’re just like your mother! Both of you are so stubborn!”

Elspeth froze when she heard the mention of her mother. “My mother might be happier if you weren’t around,” she replied in a scornful tone just moments later. Rage bubbled in Michael’s chest, and he felt his body trembling after hearing what she said. Why is it that all the girls in this family are so disobedient?!

“I’ll say this one last time. I don’t want to see you dating Callum! You’ll have to deal with the consequences if you go against my words!” he hissed. She was already fuming from the old man’s words, but she finally lost it when she heard his last sentence. “I’m not done with my treatment of Frank, Grandfather. Don’t you dare test my limits! Otherwise, I can always decide not to treat him.”

Did she just use Frank to threaten me?! Michael widened his eyes. Even though Helena was a stubborn woman, at least she was obedient enough to go along with his words without fighting him. She wouldn’t openly threaten him the way that Elspeth just did. Elspeth, on the other hand, was a lot more daring and confident with her words.

“We can talk things through, Elspeth…” His expression softened after that. “I’m not stopping you from being with Callum. I’m just concerned for you. I’m only worried that he’s not good for you.”

“I’ll decide who’s good or bad for me. If you want me to treat Frank, then you’ll have to stay out of my relationship with Callum.” She got to her feet and headed upstairs straight away after finishing her sentence. “Elspeth!” Michael let out a sigh after calling her name. “I got it. I won’t say anything from now on. But Frank… I hope you take good care of him.”

Elspeth knew that the old man’s promise was only temporary. Even though he claimed that he wasn’t going to meddle with her relationship, she knew he would find new ways of tearing them apart after Frank was healed. However, now that she had Frank’s treatment as leverage, she didn’t have to worry about this matter for the time being.

“Sure. I’ll do my best. However, I would like you to hunt down the culprit who was responsible for today’s incident,” Elspeth uttered. Michael frowned upon hearing her words. “I’ve already found out about this. It was the Weiss Family! It seems like they’re getting a big head. How dare they lay hands on my grandchildren?!” he hissed.

“I don’t mind the fact that they tried to harm me, but what matters is that Frank has been injured in the process. I hope you punish these people for the sake of Frank.” She gave the old man a faint glance before she turned to leave.

The next morning, Elspeth paid a visit to Frank’s ward and found him in bed, scrolling through Twitter. “Did you check Twitter, Elspeth?” Frank urged her to check her phone when he saw her.

She pulled her phone out to see a notification. ‘Elspeth is dressed in imitation designer clothes. Is she doing it intentionally, or is she trying to act rich?’ There were images attached to the tweet; a photo that showed her black skirt, a picture of her purchasing the item, and a receipt for the purchase.

More details were shown in the following tweet. ‘This skirt was designed by the famous designer, Jenny, and there’s only one piece in the whole world. Jenny has never put her design on sale, so the one that Elspeth is wearing has to be a fake!’ Elspeth tutted when she saw the detailed explanation on the post.

“Elspeth, I was the one who brought you to purchase that item in the store. Should I step forward to speak up for you?” Frank felt rather guilty. Things wouldn’t turn out this way if I hadn’t urged her to buy this outfit.


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