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Hiding Behind Her Superficiality novel Chapter 175

Arthur stared at the unconscious Elspeth beside him as a smirk crept up his face. You still fell into my hands!

Just as he was about to carry her up to the hotel room, a loud crash echoed from the sandalwood door as it was kicked wide open.

Callum’s face went dark as he saw Elspeth lying motionless in Arthur’s arms. Although he looked sickly, he still managed to exude a threatening aura. “Put Elspeth down, Arthur!”

When he was unconscious, he overheard Elspeth say that she would meet Arthur at the hotel. He tried his hardest to pry his eyes open when he felt the emptiness beside him to look for her. Just as expected, he found her there.

“That was quick of you, Callum,” Arthur sneered. It was frankly not within his calculations that Callum would still have the strength to come over when he was poisoned. Nevertheless, Arthur had to give him credit for his tenacity.

“Well, I wouldn’t have known you were such a b*stard if I didn’t.”

Callum coughed softly with a hand over his mouth and tried to suppress the ill effects of the poison on his person. His gaze landed on Elspeth in Arthur’s arms as fury lit up in his eyes. “Aren’t you releasing her?”

“Let her go?”

Arthur jeered, “Have you forgotten that you’re poisoned, Callum? You won’t be able to beat me no matter how proficient you are at fighting.”

“Who told you that I came alone?”

Suddenly, a group of burly men showed up from behind Callum. They were all packed with muscles, making it an intimidating scene.

That made Arthur’s smile disappear in an instant. “You’re pretty clever.”

“You only have one minute, Arthur. Put Elspeth down and hand over the ginkgo.”

Callum’s words felt like a joke to Arthur as he sharply rebuffed, “Elspeth is in my hands now. Shouldn’t you be the one listening to my demands?” How dare Calum threaten me? I guess he doesn’t care about Elspeth’s life!

“You’re only one man here, Arthur. You don’t even have a single chip to barter against me.”

“Is that so?”

Arthur had no regard for Callum’s taunt as he smashed the glass onto the floor and picked up a shard, threateningly holding it against Elspeth’s neck with a manic smile. “Elspeth’s life for my freedom. That should be enough, Callum.”

Callum hesitated for a moment before calmly answering, “Okay. Release her, and I’ll let you go.”

“Aww. You wanna play the hero and save the damsel in distress. I’ll return her to you once I get out.”

Then, Arthur held onto Elspeth’s waist as he slowly made his way out.

Callum didn’t stop him as he followed quietly behind. Then, he even caught Elspeth, who was thrown to the ground as Arthur got into the cab.

After the car drove off, Callum once again looked down at Elspeth, who was in his arms, only to see that she had opened her eyes, and they contained a hint of gleeful triumph. “You’re alright?”

It was good news to him that Elspeth wasn’t unconscious, but she tricked him too!

“Yea. It was an act. He said that the ginkgo was in the room, but it didn’t feel right for someone as sneaky as him to reveal his ace up his sleeves to me so easily. So, I pretended to faint under his drug and frisked him.”

Elspeth raised her dainty hand and playfully shook a small glass bottle that displayed the ginkgo for all to see.

Callum shook his head in resignation as an amused smile crept onto his face. “Arthur will be furious.”

“Who cares? He was the one who started it!”

He looked over her from top to bottom. Once he was confident that she was alright, he finally relaxed a tad before asking, “How did you discover the drug?”

She felt that Arthur’s drug was like child’s play and scorned, “I noticed it with just one whiff. That’s such a simple drug that I didn’t even want to waste my time making it when I started learning medicine.”


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