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Hiding Behind Her Superficiality novel Chapter 181

At the mention of the Alphascape Group, Zain seemed to become more clear-headed. Nevertheless, he only hesitated for a moment before he continued, “I prepared Alphascape’s accounts myself. Well… there’s a secret to it…”

Elspeth feared that he might try to squirrel away some secrets during their discussion, so she decided to add some fuel to the fire. “Zain, please tell me. I’m very curious.”

How could he resist a beautiful woman calling his name in such a coy manner? He smiled in what he thought was a roguish manner. “Naturally, I’ve tampered with the accounts. Think about it… Alphascape’s annual taxable income alone exceeds 1 billion each year. That’s such a large sum. It’s only to be expected that the boss is unwilling to pay such an exorbitant amount. The company will save a lot of money if I just slightly tamper with the numbers. Besides, I also benefit from the deal in the form of a bonus.”

After he said that, he secretly made a ‘nine’ gesture with his hands.

“Mr. Black, you’re truly an amazing man.” She propped her chin on one hand and smiled mysteriously.

“It’s nothing special. So, do you understand now?” He looked at her face and could barely stop himself from drooling.

Even a noble and virtuous woman like her has fallen for my charms. Doesn’t that mean my charisma is off the charts?

She stared at him, feeling absolutely disgusted by the vulgar expression on his face.

When she figured that the problem was almost resolved, she secretly kept away her recording pen and prepared to reconvene with Callum.

“Mr. Black, let’s end things here for today. I have something going on later, so I have to leave now.”

Elspeth was leaving before they even started their dinner. Zain was so stunned that he couldn’t find his voice for a moment. “The food has just been served. Why don’t you leave after the meal?”

She turned back and smiled at him. “Mr. Black, I’ll invite you out for dinner again tomorrow. Let’s stop here today. I’m afraid I forgot to turn off the gas at home. An accident might occur if I return too late.”

He understood the situation’s urgency, so he did not stop her. So, he could only watch her sashay away, already looking forward to their meeting tomorrow.

As soon as Elspeth walked out of the restaurant, she immediately met Callum, who had come to pick her up. The two of them quickly entered the car in order to avoid Zain from catching up if he had a mind to do so. She held her phone as though she were offering up some priceless treasure. “I’ve already recorded everything he said earlier. This can be used as evidence.”

“The recording alone is not enough.”

They needed concrete proof in order to take down Alphascape once and for all.

She blinked and pulled up something on her phone. “I installed a Bluetooth camera in my ring. Once I connect the ring to my phone, the photos will automatically be downloaded into my phone. So, everything should have been captured on record when I flipped through the account statements earlier.”

A trace of surprise flashed through his eyes. “That’s absolutely brilliant.”

“Of course. Whenever we steal confidential information, we have always used the Bluetooth ring I designed.”

She was very confident in her creation.

“We don’t want to expose these wrongdoings just yet. We need to find a suitable opportunity for maximum coverage of their misdeeds.” He analyzed calmly. “If we take the initiative to attack, it is very likely that we will end up being labeled as an enemy who is trying to provoke Alphascape or even be painted as slanderers. We need to wait until Alphascape makes a misstep.”

She nodded in agreement. “That makes sense. Let’s return to the Joneson Residence first.”

Callum drove Elspeth back to the Joneson Residence. A figure barreled toward them as soon as they stepped through the door.

Elspeth jumped in fright, sweating profusely when Kenneth’s infinitely magnified face appeared before her.

“You’re always not around whenever I decide to pay you a visit. Are you avoiding me on purpose?” Kenneth scowled deeply, and his tone was forceful.

She suddenly felt like she was an irresponsible scumbag who slept around with the other party. Well, a female scumbag.

Unfortunately, Callum seemed to have the same idea. His expression was quite hideous at the moment. “Elspeth, why don’t you explain to me just who this evil man is who sprang out of nowhere?”


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