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Hiding Behind Her Superficiality novel Chapter 196

Only after Finn had left did Elspeth text Yelena and get her to open the door. As soon as she entered, Yelena threw herself into her arms with tears gushing from her eyes.

“What happened? How did Finn find you here?”

Yelena sobbed, “I don’t know. Perhaps he learned that from someone.”

“Stop crying, everything’s alright now. By the way, I happen to have something to talk to you about. I forgot to tell you about it at last time’s birthday party.”

Yelena held back her tears. “What is it?”

“I told you about it last time. You can sign with Luminous Entertainment after your contract is terminated.”

Yelena’s tears instantly gave way to a smile. “Really? Can I really sign with Luminous Entertainment?”

Seeing the look of disbelief on her face, Elspeth couldn’t help but give her a knock on the head. “Did you forget who’s running the company?”

Yelena knew that, of course. If Elspeth were to stop concealing her identity, she’d be Luminous Entertainment’s president both in name and reality by now. I’m perhaps the only person who understands how it feels when my bestie becomes my superior overnight, no? She leaned over to Elspeth, giggling. “Well, if that’s what you say, I guess I won’t be standing on ceremony with you.”

Knowing what her friend was up to, Elspeth curled her lips into a smile. “In that case, why don’t you come with me now?”

Yelena couldn’t be any happier to comply, of course. After grooming herself a little, she went to Luminous Entertainment with Elspeth.

Elspeth took her to see Timothy, who was studying a screenplay while looking madly impatient.

It’s so hard to look for a suitable script for Blake! he thought to himself. He had studied the script for quite a while. Blake had the looks of a high school hunk who was more on the gentle side, but the actresses proposed for the role of the female protagonist were either plain or out of tune with the character, which was a total headache.

“Timothy, what’s giving you such a headache?” Elspeth came up with a smile and patted him on the shoulder. Despite her young age, she conducted herself with an air of sophistication that was beyond her years.

Having nothing to hide from her, Timothy explained frankly, “I’m looking for a screenplay for Blake, but there isn’t a suitable one.”

Elspeth wasn’t worried about that at all. How could Blake have trouble landing a role in film or on TV with his handsome looks? A lead male protagonist with Blake’s looks would easily win the hearts of countless girls with just a wink. “Is the problem about the lead actress?”

Timothy nodded. “Yeah, the lead actresses are no good. I can’t find a lead actress that’d make a great couple with him.”

Upon hearing this, Elspeth decisively dragged Yelena in front of him from behind her. “In that case, what about her?”

Having kidnapped the lady last time, Timothy had to admit he was rather embarrassed at seeing Yelena right now. However, having spent a long time in the workplace, he had learned to know which side his bread was buttered on, so he soon regained his composure. “Yelena, huh… She’s not one of our company’s artists, no? Wouldn’t it be a waste of time and energy to negotiate with her agency to sign her on for the script?” Thinking from Luminous Entertainment’s perspective, he thought it wasn’t worthwhile doing so.

Elspeth shook her head. “Yelena’s contract with her agency has ended already, so I’m going to sign her with Luminous Entertainment. What do you think?”

A bad feeling suddenly crossed Timothy’s mind. “Don’t tell me… you want me to be her talent agent?”

Elspeth snapped her fingers with a smile. “Bingo! That’s exactly what I want you to do.”


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