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Hiding Behind Her Superficiality novel Chapter 216

Despite the opponent’s superior skills, Elspeth held the upper hand.

The opponent agreed to surrender five minutes later.

The first game got off to a strong start, so the viewers gave gifts one after another.

In a short period, Elspeth had received gifts nearly worth 700 thousand, but it was not enough.

The second individual stated he admired Elspeth but was too weak to make it through the first few minutes.

Elspeth’s abilities astounded everyone; some even wanted to be her apprentice. Many teams heard the news and urged her to join their team, offering a high fee of 15 million.

However, Elspeth did not answer and calmly ordered, “Next.”

Her voice was clear and melodious, which was enjoyable to listen to.

Some netizens became envious when seeing her receiving numerous compliments.

‘I know many folks with good voices and excellent gaming skills, but they are not attractive. They feel inferior in real life, so they seek to prove their importance online.’

These words immediately resonated with many people.

‘That’s right. People I know are the same way. They have a wonderful voice but are as obese and ugly.’

‘My online dating partner is also the same. Gosh, he’s fugly. I’m fine with it though as long as he doesn’t show his face. I’ll just imagine him as whomever his avatar is.’

Some others came up in support of Elspeth. ‘You guys are simply envious of her. This streamer must be pretty. She is not the type with a cute voice. I bet she is a beautiful mature woman.’

Carrot had seen Elspeth and didn’t want anyone to speak ill of her. ‘I saw the streamer herself. She is stunning. I adore her!’

So, one started to argue. ‘You’re a simp!’

Carrot flushed with rage. ‘Rightfully so!’

Elspeth was unable to moderate the growing live chat. As the viewers fought, the number of watchers in the stream progressively increased, eventually reaching five million.

The number of followers was also growing. It was projected that there would be more than 100 million fans after the stream.

Everyone clamored for Elspeth’s face to be revealed. As a result, Elspeth grinned. “I will do a face reveal if I receive a total of fifty million today.”

As a result, the audience became agitated.

It was inconceivable for a streamer to receive gifts worth fifty million. As a result, the viewer assumed Elspeth was just bluffing and unwilling to reveal her face.

Elspeth grinned and resumed her game.

Kenneth was the final opponent. He was extremely popular, with tens of millions of followers. As a result, when they matched, it quickly drew another batch of viewers.

The number of viewers eventually surpassed tens of millions.

He chose his favorite character. On the other hand, Elspeth chose another character at random whose weakness was Kenneth’s hero.

In other words, if Elspeth were at Kenneth’s level, she would lose.

He sat beside Elspeth. So, he was taken aback when she chose that hero. “What do you do if you lose, Elspeth?”

Elspeth smiled with her sluggish face. “I’m not going to lose.”

So, they began the game. Elspeth was at a disadvantage in the beginning. However, as she accumulated gold and experience, she gained momentum.

“Sorry, not sorry.”

As she said, she defeated Kenneth and destroyed his base.

Kenneth had always been the ranking’s champion. So, after defeating him, Elspeth became the invincible player.

The chatroom was becoming animated. After all, Kenneth was vanquished by an unknown female streamer.

Before they could react, they learned another bit of news.

The total tip amount in the stream had crossed fifty million!

And very soon, it climbed to one hundred and fifty million.

The gift count had surged and was still on the increase.


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