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Hiding Behind Her Superficiality novel Chapter 231

Chapter 231

Such words weren’t convincing at all.

However, Elspeth did not dwell on it as she knew that the director was only trying to protect her employee.

Just as Elspeth was about to leave, Moriah walked right in. She was aware Elspeth was in the room but did not even look at her.

“I’m glad you’re here, Moriah. Why isn’t the heater in Miss Lynwood’s ward working?”

To that, Moriah casually answered, “Their heater overheated this afternoon and had to be turned off. I’m preparing to look for the technicians.”

The tense expression of the director eased slightly when she heard that.

“There you go. It’s just a misunderstanding.”

As Elspeth had no evidence to show otherwise, she nodded and went back to the ward with Callum.

After they returned, the temperature in the ward didn’t get any better. It had been more than three hours since they noticed the temperature change, but the situation had not improved.

Elspeth was afraid of the cold and began to tremble. As such, Callum had no other choice but to wrap her in a blanket.

“Moriah is indeed taking revenge and her target is me,” Elspeth said in frustration, her brows furrowed.

“I’ll look for the director again.”

Elspeth grabbed Callum’s wrist when he was about to leave. “It’s fine. It’s not that cold. Furthermore, the director won’t be able to resolve this no matter how many times you seek her out.”

What she said made sense, which was why Callum dropped the idea.

Suddenly, as if he had thought of something, his eyes shone as he said, “Give me a moment. I need to make a call.”

Then, he went outside.

After more than half an hour, Callum came back, accompanied by three to four men who were carrying a large rectangular-shaped item.

Callum began to give instructions while standing by the door, saying, “Put this inside and get It settled.”

“What’s this?” Elspeth was perplexed.

“This is a new heater that I’ve just bought. Since the heater in the hospital is not functioning, it might as well be replaced.”

His words were so domineering that Elspeth was taken aback and unsure what to say.

Within minutes, the director heard about this and called them.

“Mr. Winthrop, I-I heard you are replacing our heater. Is that true?”

From her tone, she seemed to find Callum’s actions to be unacceptable.

“The heater has been broken for half a day, but it has yet to be repaired. Your hospital is not efficient at all. You should just dismiss your employee in charge of the heaters.”

Callum had never hesitated in being sarcastic to those who deserved it.

“But it is still unreasonable for you to replace our heater without asking us…”

“I was about to donate 15 million to the hospital, but it seems unnecessary now.”

Callum had spent a long time in business and knew exactly how to manipulate people.

The moment he said that, the director, who was blaming him earlier, immediately changed her tune. “You are free to do whatever you want, Mr. Winthrop. You’re a blessing to our hospital. When do you…”

She left her sentence hanging as she didn’t want to express herself aloud.

“It depends on my mood,” Callum nonchalantly replied.

He meant that if he was in a good mood, the 15 million would be immediately credited to the hospital’s bank account but if he wasn’t, the hospital would receive nothing.


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