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Hiding Behind Her Superficiality novel Chapter 238

Chapter 238

Eric had always been a straightforward person. Elspeth understood that, and she knew he had been in love with her for a long time.

Nonetheless, she had turned him down on several occasions and made it clear that she had a partner.

She never tried to please any man with her appearance.

However, it wasn’t the case for Emma. At this moment, she felt despondent and fearful.

If her only financier was in love with Elspeth, it would be terrible news for her, for she would be rendered powerless and helpless.

“Eric, when did you get to know Elspeth?”

At the mention of this topic, Eric appeared much softer. “At that time, Elspeth was a 15-year-old who arrived in a foreign country for the first time. I saw her standing up for another young girl in front of the university’s entrance, and I was amazed by her ferocious moves. As such, I started paying attention to her.”

“Eric, you’re the son of the Oil Magnate, so you’re not supposed to pay attention to women who love to fight.”

Hearing that, Eric shot her a displeased look. “What are you talking about? If not for the fact that your temperament is starkly different from hers, I would’ve loved you more.”

Emma’s face paled instantly.

“Do you love her, Eric?” she asked with her last bit of hope. She prayed that she would get the answer she wanted.

Eric’s response surprised her, but it was also somewhat expected. “Of course. It’s my dream to marry her.”

“But you told me you love me!”

“I love you because you resemble Elspeth, especially your mouth. However, I love her more in comparison.”

Emma couldn’t accept the truth, for the two men she longed to get loved Elspeth instead.

That’s right, Callum is still in the picture! Why did I forget about him?

“Elspeth has a partner, though. She doesn’t love you at all!”

Elspeth’s expression changed when she heard that.

Nonetheless, it was derision, not embarrassment. “Miss Walker, do you think everyone loves hiding such matters as you do?”

Emma flushed instantly as she glanced at Eric and said, “Don’t listen to her nonsense!”

Eric didn’t seem to mind it as he said regretfully, “I know that Elspeth has a partner. I just hope that the man will treat her well. If I find out that she’s been mistreated, I won’t let that guy off!”

Emma squatted and bawled her eyes out, feeling nothing but despair. “Eric, you told me you’ll marry me when you’re 30. Did you lie to me?”

Eric frowned. “When did I say that? It was probably some nonsense I said when I was drunk.”

“Emma, have you forgotten about what you’ve done before?” When Elspeth saw the other woman wailing, she couldn’t help but mock her. “Do you always cry like this in front of any man?”

Elspeth finally came to realize that Emma loved no one.

Emma wanted Callum because he was a handsome young man with a bright future. On the other hand, she wanted to get together with Eric because he was a good-looking guy with money and power.

At the end of the day, she only loved herself.

Emma shuddered. “Don’t listen to her nonsense, Eric!”

She knew that she couldn’t lose Eric’s favor. Otherwise, she would be left with nothing.


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