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Hiding Behind Her Superficiality novel Chapter 246

Chapter 246

Elspeth burst into laughter. “You are dumb.”

“Why are you calling me dumb?!” Eric’s face fell, and he turned to Callum, asking, “What in the world does she mean?”

“Nip it in the bud,” Callum implied plainly.

Eric wasn’t proficient in Charish, to begin with, so he was completely lost when Callum threw a Classical Charish at him.

“You Charics sure are strange,” commented Eric. “You people have a habit of implying your words.” Needless to say, he was baffled.

“That’s why I say you’re dumb.” Elspeth rolled her eyes. “Don’t yammer anymore once we go inside, or I’ll have someone chuck you back out.”

Eric felt exceptionally aggrieved. He was Oil Magnate’s son, and his family was as rich as an entire country. So be it that Elspeth cared nothing for him, but she even threatened to chuck him out.

Hmph, I’m never visiting you again!

The group of people went to the ‘Song of Viollenys’ set together, where the director had been waiting at the entrance for some time. Upon seeing Elspeth walking in the front of the group, he hurriedly went up to greet her, saying, “You’re finally here, Miss Lynwood. I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.”

“Spoken like a true slave.” Aiden snorted disdainfully at his fellow director’s a*s kissing.

The director of ‘Song of Viollenys’, Vincent Yount, went to the same film school as Aiden in the same year. However, the two never got along with each other and were like fire and water.

After they began working, they instantly became sworn enemies when their benefits grew increasingly bigger and better.

Vincent, too, snorted disdainfully after hearing Aiden’s snide remarks. “Well, I wonder who begged Miss Lynwood in secret before he finally managed to invite her to join the cast?!”

At the thought that Elspeth starred in Aiden’s film, Vincent felt incredibly uncomfortable.

I’m a good director too! How did such a good talent end up in the hands of trash like Hunt?!

“My, how come you failed? If you’re so great, have Miss Lynwood agree to join your cast. Miss Lynwood aside, even Mr. Winthrop joined the cast and funded the production. Are you angry yet, Yount? Are you?”

Indeed, Aiden was good at angering others.

“Alright, cut it out. We’ll talk about this later. Give it a break, you two. You guys can talk it over after we’re done shooting, okay?” Elspeth stepped in as the peacemaker when she saw how grim Vincent looked.

“As if I make anything of him.” Aiden looked away, and Vincent’s setting rage had alleviated a little as well. “As if I enjoy picking a fight with him.”

“Now that you two have stopped fighting, let’s start filming.”

Aiden nodded in agreement. “Okay, let’s not argue with the incompetent man.”

At that, Vincent, who was just about to drop the argument, hit the roof once more. “What did you say, Aiden Hunt?! You dare trash talk again, and I’ll tell everyone how you stepped on dog sh*t after the film department’s belle from college called you a pervert!”

“But you already have.” Eric chortled as Elspeth guffawed.

Aiden, on the other hand, rolled his sleeves up and got ready to be physical with Vincent when Callum spoke up. “Keep fighting, and I’ll withdraw the funding.”

The man’s words were like a tub of ice water, drenching the two directors through and through.

Callum had invested tens of millions into the two productions. If he got upset and withdrew the funds, where would they find someone else with such a large amount of funds on such short notice?!


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