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Hiding Behind Her Superficiality novel Chapter 355

chapter 355 Owe a Favor

The man was stumped, and his heart skipped a beat when the benign young woman's gaze at him turned hostile the next second. "What do you want?"

"Nothing, of course."

Sure, that was what she said, but Elspeth still rotated her wrist while approaching the man.

"I'm warning you, you better not touch me. I'm—" the man cautioned in panic and nearly revealed his identity, but he quickly shut up, his face dark.

"You're what?" Elspeth was rendered stupefied, and during the moment she zoned out, the man's countenance shifted multitudes. "No, nothing. I'm no one. Alright, what do you propose?"

Lo and behold, Elspeth clasped his wrist the next second, and it was only now that he realized her grip on him half an hour ago was already considered loose. Now, not only could he feel a sense of restraint but even intimidation.

At that, he gulped, suddenly realizing this young lady wasn't someone he could mess with.

"Do as I say. Be a good doctor and hand me the herbs I want."

"Ptui! Dream on!" the man cussed.

"Right now, you're in my hands, and there are only the two of us here." Elspeth shrugged. It seemed that she wasn't afraid at all. "What makes you think I will listen to you?"

The man sneered in response. "I'm warning you—there's a trap in here…"

At that, Elspeth moved to his back and yanked the button out when she felt it by his feet. Then, she dangled it in front of him and asked him with feigned innocence and shock. "What trap? You don't mean this thing, do you?"

The man's smile disappeared instantly, replaced with disbelief. "How did you know that was it?!"

He had never told anyone—even his mentee—about the trap in here. So how was it possible for a young woman, who had just entered his dispensary in less than half an hour, to know about the trap he had set up?!

His bafflement grew by the second, but Elspeth made nothing of his paranoia and only asked with discontent. "You were... going to call for help?"

It was only now that the man realized the young woman standing in front of him wasn't only artful but also devious.

She's too devious! Just like Schwartz, that old fart!

The man was thin-skinned, yet he couldn't force himself to say no, so he ended up grumbling, "Can you let go of me first? I'll try and find you whatever it is you want."

But Elspeth couldn't care less about how he was feeling. She pulled a rope out and tied him securely to the chair before turning to the dispensary.

"Thank you, but no trouble. I'll do this myself. I'm quite familiar with it, you see." Elspeth smiled at him with a tilted head before disappearing into the dispensary in two shakes.

Then, about then minutes later, she came back out with a bag—from who knew where she got—full of stuff.

When Elspeth brought the medicinal herbs to the man, she failed to hold back and guffawed when she saw his grim look. "Sorry."

On the other hand, the man's heart twinged painfully as though someone had lacerated it when he looked at all the herbs she had bagged up. Then again, he had lost to her, so he couldn't flip out. But of course, his countenance had shifted multitudes in the last couple of seconds.

"Alright, you already got what you came for. Can you release me now?"

To that, Elspeth shook her head. "I'm afraid you'll have to stay tied up for a while longer."

She was no fool. He would certainly catch her if she released him now. He should wait until his subordinate came and saved him.

At that, Elspeth pulled an enigmatic smile at him, then waltzed out of the medicinal herb dispensary, leaving the man shouting for help to no avail.

Oh, how he rued the day!

Then again, the young woman stuck to her words, for the foreign man came in a couple of minutes later, only to be freaked out by what he saw. "What happened to you, Doctor?" the foreign man asked.

To that, the man gestured with his eyes for the foreign man to untie him while gnashing his teeth in anger.

Finally realizing what he should've been doing, the foreign man hurriedly released the man. "Why are you tied up, Doctor? I thought you were looking for me? The lady said you wanted to see me here."

The man glared disappointingly at the foreign man before saying, "We've both been duped!"


"She's not whom she appears to be. She's a skilled fighter and is even well-versed in traditional medicine. Too bad…"

Too bad she was Schwartz's apprentice.

He still felt unfortunate even at this point.

Meanwhile, the foreign man burst into anger after hearing the man's words. "What do you say, then, Doctor? Should I gather a few guys to teach her a lesson?"

The man shook his head. "First, you're no match for her. Second, I will beat you into a pulp if you dare ruin such a rare talent."

Sure, he was upset about being tied up, but he still knew what was more important.

As assertive as Elspeth was, she was genuinely a rare talent for traditional medicine's future development. Hence, it was why he let her take whatever she wanted instead of activating the second defense system.

As if there could only be one trap in this massive medicinal herb dispensary! He merely let her go intentionally.

Wonder if the girl will understand that she now owes me a favor. The man sighed as he stroked his beard.

The foreign man, on the other hand, was baffled. Why do I end up being scolded and threatened when the woman was the one who stole our medicinal herbs?!

Meanwhile, Elspeth returned to Winthrop Residence with the bag of medicinal herbs, and she found Arthur cooking as soon as she entered.

She came to realize the man loved cooking. Though he looked enigmatic, who'd have thought he was actually a foodie deep down, especially after he returned home. The animosity that shrouded him would disperse completely.

Right then, he was wearing an apron, cooking up a vegetable stir-fry in the kitchen, and oddly enough, Elspeth couldn't hate him at all.

She stretched, and as soon as she yawned, the man in the kitchen turned around, saying, "Go and wash up. Dinner's almost ready."

For some reason, another person came to mind when she saw him smiling at him with a spatula in his hand.

Wonder what Callum is doing now… Would he have already left the city and gone back to Damoria in devastation after knowing how heartless I was? What if he encounters a gentle young woman, falls in love with her, and the two end up marrying? Ah! Touch wood! What are you thinking, Lynwood?!

Elspeth shook her head to get rid of the ridiculous thoughts.

At this point, what happened to Callum was no longer her business. After all, with her health, it was likely impossible for her to live forever with him. So why not find the best of both worlds…


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