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Hiding Behind Her Superficiality novel Chapter 361

Chapter 361 We Have No Other Choice
Elspeth had already expected it, but when she heard it from Harper, she still felt slightly nervous.

“What happened?”

Harper bit his lip. There was a hint of bewilderment behind his dark gaze. “I think they’ve joined forces to suppress us because they believe you’re dead. They’re trying to gobble up our assets or force us to go bankrupt.”

Elspeth’s gaze turned cold. Do they think we’re pushovers or something?

“What about Gilbert? Did you look for—” She caught herself, for she realized she had said something silly.

Gilbert hadn’t settled his own issues yet, so why would he even have time to help the Azure Corporation?

Elspeth let out a sigh. “Let’s go back to the company first. I’ll see how to deal with this issue.”

Harper nodded and drove the car to the Azure Corporation.

The moment Elspeth decided to return to Damoria, she knew that she would have no choice but to reveal that she was still alive. The news wouldn’t spread to Blaydal so quickly, so the Jonesons wouldn’t make a move just yet. As such, she directly attended the urgent meeting.

Apart from Harper, everyone in the meeting room was shocked.

The ladies, who were on good terms with Elspeth, were dumbfounded. “Are you not dead, Miss Lynwood?”

Everyone in Damoria knew that she was dead at that time, so many people felt sorry for her.

“What are you talking about? If I’m dead, who is it in front of you now? A ghost?” Elspeth looked at them with a smile.

“You’re finally back, Miss Lynwood! Do you know that many companies have been oppressing us? Our finances are in bad shape!” the man at the front cried. He was the finance manager, so he was fully aware of the company’s finances.

“It’s no big deal. How much longer can our finances last?”

After giving it some thought, the man came up with an accurate number. “It’ll be another 20 days before we’ll go bankrupt.”

“Alright. During this period, all of you just come to work as usual.”

All of them were stunned. “How are we supposed to deal with the crisis?”

Elspeth replied reassuringly, “Just leave it to me. Don’t worry. I’ll save the company from the crisis.”

That’s right. She’s Elspeth, one of the most famous presidents in Damoria! She founded the company before she was even 20. In just two years, she propelled the company to be one of the largest in Damoria. As long as she’s around, we won’t be defeated!

After they were gone, Harper said worriedly, “Miss Lynwood, you understand that it’s a serious issue.”

“I know it’s serious. That’s why I told them to calm down and come to work as usual.”

Elspeth knew that it was pointless to discuss with them.

Their opponents were targeting her.

They had the audacity to do such a thing because they believed she was dead, so no one in the company could turn things around.

Elspeth decided to hold this urgent meeting because she wanted to reassure them and make sure they would go on working as usual.

Harper could barely conceal his worry. “What should we do, then?”

Other than the Winthrop Group, all other companies in Damoria were suppressing them.

It could be said that they had been besieged.

Elspeth hung her head low and fell into her thoughts.

A moment later, Harper continued, “By the way, Miss Lynwood, I remember that you’re on good terms with Callum Winthrop. Do you think we should ask for his help?”

Harper had no idea what had happened between them.

“I’m sure he’ll help you out given your relationship with him. After all, he isn’t part of those people who have been suppressing us.”


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