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Hiding Behind Her Superficiality novel Chapter 364

Chapter 364 Knights in Shining Armor
Of the people who had yet to leave, a bitter-looking woman said contemptuously, “Since the company is closing down, why would we even come back?”

Elspeth smiled but didn’t utter a word.

“Alright. We won’t say more. It’s not like we’re heartless people.” The woman snorted. “By the way, those from the Alphascape Group said that as long as you’re willing to sell your shares, Miss Lynwood, they’ll go easy on the Azure Corporation.”

“Don’t worry. I won’t sell even a single share. I’d rather let the company go bankrupt than merge with the Alphascape Group.”

Elspeth squinted and smiled.

It’s no wonder the people in my company are acting rebellious. Those from the Alphascape Group are behind all this!

The woman shot her a look and barked, “Good luck, then.”

With that, she turned around and left with the people who intended to jump ship to another company.

When those who stayed saw that Elspeth was slightly pale, they were worried.

“Miss Lynwood, are you feeling unwell?”

A sensitive Angela realized that Elspeth wasn’t in the pink of health.

“I’m fine. Don’t worry.”

The moment Elspeth finished speaking, she felt dizzy all of a sudden. Just as she was about to collapse, she steadied herself by clenching the armrests.

“Miss Lynwood!” Angela exclaimed in shock.

Elspeth felt a metallic tang in her throat. When she looked down, she realized there was a bit of blood on the table.

“Send me to the hospital, Harper.”

Elspeth’s voice was weak, and her face was as pale as a white sheet.

“Yes! Right away!”

Ignoring the fact that they were of different genders, Harper carried Elspeth and dashed out of the room.

He then sent her to the hospital in the shortest time possible. Subsequently, Elspeth was examined and sent to the ward.

When Harper saw how frail Elspeth was while the latter lay on the bed, he asked the doctor worriedly, “What happened to her, doctor?”

The doctor looked at the medical report with a solemn expression.

“She’s been struck with a strange illness. We can’t find any record of it in medical history. As such, I don’t know how to treat her.”

“A strange illness?”

The doctor nodded. “Yes. I’ve never encountered it before. I’ll go through the records later and see if there are similar cases.”

A helpless Harper replied, “I got it. Thanks, doctor.”

After the doctor was gone, Harper shifted his attention to Elspeth.

“Miss Lynwood, how many things are you hiding from me?”

He had never heard Elspeth mention that she was ill.

“I’m fine. It’s nothing serious. I’ll get well soon.”

Elspeth didn’t think it was necessary to tell him or anyone else about it, for she didn’t want the people around her to feel worried.

“It’s nothing serious? The doctor said that he’s never encountered such an illness before, and no record of it has been found in medical history.”

Harper sounded harsh, and there was a hint of displeasure behind his gaze. It was as though he was blaming Elspeth for not telling him about it.

“Harper, what gives you the audacity to speak to me like this?”

Elspeth smiled helplessly.

As though realizing he was too harsh on the woman, Harper was startled. Then, he said meekly, “I’m just worried about you. Moreover, you puked blood. I can’t believe you didn’t tell me about such a serious matter.”

He thought that Elspeth was treating him like an outsider.


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