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Hiding Behind Her Superficiality novel Chapter 373

Chapter 373 Suspension Warning
Getting banned was not a trivial matter. Elspeth brushed his annoyance aside and looked at his channel. “Did you say anything sensitive?”

Jethro thought it was weird. “No. I was just confessing to you, and then my channel got banned before I could finish.”

He got banned over a simple confession? Elspeth had no idea what was going on. She called customer service, and they explained it to her. However, they did sound nervous when they spoke, since the staff had no idea what happened either.

“So, it’s probably a mistake?”

“Yes. We’re still investigating the matter. Once we’re done, we shall get back to you.”

The staff knew what actually happened, but he couldn’t say it. Five minutes ago, his boss called, asking him to ban a certain channel. He looked at the name of the channel, and he fell silent. First, the channel hadn’t said anything sensitive or spread fake news. Two, the channel was Jethro’s private channel. If he banned Jethro’s channel, he might get into trouble, but his boss adamantly told him to do it and promised he wouldn’t shoulder any responsibility. So, he did as he was told, albeit a bit reluctantly. Now that Elspeth was asking him, he got nervous.

“Can you undo the ban, then?”

The staff froze. But the boss didn’t give me that permission. “There’s something wrong with the channel. We can’t undo the ban that easily. You might have to wait.”

Elspeth narrowed her eyes and hissed, “So, you banned the channel without knowing the reason, and you refuse to unban it, is that right?”

The staff member was starting to sweat. “I didn’t mean that, miss.” Someone, help me.

“You have five minutes. Unban the channel, or I’m going to lodge a complaint against you,” Elspeth sneered. “You banned an Azure channel for no reason. I see you don’t value our partnership.”

That’s out of my depth. Things are getting serious. The staff calmed her down first before calling Callum. “Sir, Miss Lynwood demands an immediate unban of the channel.”

Callum snapped, “Refused.”

“But she’s going to lodge a complaint against me otherwise.” The customer service thought this was unfair. This has nothing to do with me. I don’t want to be blamed for this. “She’s not the boss of this company.”

I see. “Yes, true. She’s not.”

“Then, do as I say.”

The staff member was relieved, but he still was a little nervous. “What if she calls again?”

Callum was quiet for a while, then he said, “Then redirect her call to my office.”

The customer service staff member patted his chest. As long as I don’t have to deal with this.

Elspeth put her faith in the staff member and waited for an answer, but nothing happened even half an hour later. Frustrated, she made a call, but nobody picked it up even after two minutes. When she called the second time, a familiar voice spoke, and she froze. Callum? “Callum, is that you?”


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