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Hiding Behind Her Superficiality novel Chapter 406

Chapter 406 Throwing Money Away for a Beauty

Agnes felt a burden lifted off her chest after she was given Elspeth’s assurance. Head high and chest puffed, she appeared more relaxed during the photoshopping, which came as a surprise for the staff around her. They knew she was the subject of online abuse, but she appeared happy and unconcerned at that moment.

Is she not quite right in her head?

Agnes ignored the judgmental looks around her. Since she got Elspeth’s word that she would be protected, she decided to give Elspeth full trust and wait for the good news.

As expected, an announcement was released in the afternoon. It was the candidacy list for the models of Azure Corporation’s new product. Apart from Yelena and another good-looking actress, the other two names were Skylar Byron and Agnes. This was Azure Corporation’s first attempt at getting influencers to be models, hence the waves of shock throughout the Internet as netizens flocked to check out the news. They were astonished to find Agnes as one of the candidates.

‘How is that possible? How can she be Azure’s model?’

‘Why not? She’s quite pretty. Her vibe fits the jewelry design this time around.’

‘She’s from a company under Azure. Do you think the CEO is trying to hype her up?’

‘Look! Agnes’ name is above Skylar’s! Her poster is larger and nicer. They’re promoting her, for sure.’

‘Tsk tsk. She’s backed with all the resources during her debut. I bet she doesn’t need to act cute like Skylar.’

‘Our Agnes has her charm. She shouldn’t be compared to that five-foot-three woman.’

‘I’ll leave you guys to hate on Agnes Braille. I’m gonna follow her socials, though. I’ll be one of her oldest fans when she becomes popular down the road.’

‘How sneaky of you! I’m doing that too!’

There was a huge change in the situation. Agnes sighed at the shift of tone in the comment section and marveled at the power of money. She believed Skylar had to be furious about it.

The incident wrapped up with a change in online sentiments. Not long after, Skylar sent a message, explaining that Agnes, a newcomer, should be allowed to shine and that Agnes was not copying her.

Although she appeared to be speaking up for Agnes, it was nothing more than an attempt to maintain a positive public image. At the end of the day, her action was for her benefit.

After the incident died down, Elspeth received a surprise message from Arthur. She had no idea how many social media accounts he possessed because she had blocked about five of his Facebook accounts along with his phone number.

‘You there?’ he texted.

She frowned and sent a question mark.

‘I have a new idea regarding the model for your jewelry.’

She could not hold back from taking a jab at him, seeing how unabashed he was. ‘What does our jewelry have to do with you? Mr. Winthrop, if you care so much about the models, why don’t you come up with your jewelry line?’

He had anticipated her sarcastic remark and replied calmly, ‘I’ll pay you four million to hear me out.’

‘Four million? There’s nothing to be discussed.’

‘Seven million.’


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