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Hiding Behind Her Superficiality novel Chapter 408

Chapter 408 A Man Who Loves You Will Spend Money on You

Jasmine’s eyes turned bright crimson as she looked at Arthur, who appeared fearless with a bright smile. “What exactly do you mean?”

He gaped in surprise, replying, “I said nothing. Why insert yourself, Miss McGrath?”

I didn’t explain anything, so why did she overthink it?

Her fury was palpable, but she could not come up with anything to counter him, so she could only smile uncomfortably and say, “Sorry, I overthought.”

“Yes, Miss McGrath. Please don’t have too many conspiracy theories that everyone is out to get you.” He smiled as he stared at her. His statements were light-hearted yet loaded with implications.

Jasmine was taken aback by his remarks and could only swivel her head to gaze at Callum beside her, looking for cover. However, he pursed his lips tightly and pretended not to hear anything. “Alright. Let’s not waste our time here. Our purpose today is to discuss our collaboration. Let’s enter the room.”

Elspeth was relieved to see Jasmine deflated, but she did not come today to argue with her ex’s fiancé; she was here to sign off two big contracts.

Callum was the first to enter since he was silent and unable to acclimatize to the circumstances, while Jasmine trailed behind him after seeing him entering the cafe without her.

Arthur, on the other hand, was not in a hurry. He looked at Elspeth with a teasing smile. “I’m surprised to see the always outspoken Elspeth getting insulted in front of her ex. Your counterattack earlier was subpar.”

Although his words were mild, he was insinuating that Callum was not ready to defend her when she was cornered, indicating that he did not love her anymore.

“Don’t put your finger in the pie.”

She was about to enter the cafe when Arthur purposely blocked her path. “I just helped you. Shouldn’t I get something in return?”

After seeing his smirk, Elspeth trod on his shoe violently. “Get out of the way!”

His face immediately lit up with a big smile. Ouch. That hurts!

He gritted his teeth and stood up straight, his right fist signaling he was in pain. “Oh, to be taken for granted.”

“Did I ask for your help?” She scowled.

Arthur was frustrated but helpless. All he could do was stand there and watch her walk away nonchalantly, not even looking back to give him a concerned look. Despite his sore foot, he staggered into the room in despair.

Everyone had arrived, so it was time to discuss the agreement. Elspeth pulled two contracts from her bag and handed them to Callum and Jasmine. “Please let me know if you have any questions about the contract. If there are no concerns, you may sign it right away.”


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