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Hiding Behind Her Superficiality novel Chapter 411

Inevitably, Elspeth was uncomfortable letting Yelena see Hank alone. After her strong request, Yelena agreed to bring her along to his office since the company happened to be extremely close to her house. Yelena noticed that few people were working in the vast workspace and could not help but wonder. “Why is it crickets here?” 

“Probably because there’s nothing to do.”

Elspeth’s sarcasm was interrupted by Hank, who entered the room. He wore a huge and dazzling smile, asking, “Why are both of you here?”

“I’m here to accompany her, in case you have any ill will, stranger.” Elspeth was prepared to defend Yelena.

Amused by her words, he replied as his brows twitched slightly. “All right, then. Come on in.” He invited the ladies to have a seat on his couch. “Please explain what’s going on. I’m all ears,” he stated flatly.

Yelena frowned as she thought about what had happened at home. “My brother told me two days ago that there had been a little accident at our company. He only let me know the details after I annoyed him. He claimed that the Littles are attempting to frame our company to get us to breach the contract. We must not only pay huge liquidated damages but also face legal action.”

She sighed numerous times when she recalled the crisis. Meanwhile, Hank merely grinned and said nothing.

“Don’t just smile. Say something! What should I do?” Yelena was now as nervous as an ant on a hot pot, and his smile only served to fuel the fire.

“It’s pointless for you to be anxious about this,” he stated.

Instantaneously, she jumped to her feet and screamed at him, “Well, I am, and your nonchalance gets on my nerve!”

Hank took a hesitant step forward and placed his hands on her shoulders to comfort her. Then, he uttered quietly, “Okay. Now, relax. I didn’t say I wouldn’t help you. I’m just saying I can handle this situation without your excessive worry.”

“Do you mean you’re going to help me?” Yelena’s fury had evaporated without a trace.

“Yes, like I told you over the phone earlier, I’ll assist you.” He smiled sympathetically as he offered her a teacup, adding, “Relax. You shouldn’t be agitated all the time. Anger makes you age quicker because it accelerates the formation of wrinkles.”

Hearing that, she was ashamed as she held the teacup, unsure what to do.

“I can assist you with this situation right away.”

His statement soothed her, and her eyes widened in excitement. “Really?”

“There is, however, one condition. You agreed to come to my office and help me with some tasks. When can you start?” he asked.

She quickly stopped drinking the tea, seized the dishcloth on the table, and acted like a servant when she heard his question. “Mr. Damazio, I am always at your service. Please let me know if you require any assistance.”

Hank could not help but be captivated by her large eyes, which were as innocuous as puppies but with a twinkle of slyness. His voice tinged with mystery as he beamed. “Your first task is to have some tea with me.”

Suddenly, Elspeth felt like a third wheel in the room. What is wrong with them?

He noticed her unease and remarked, “The issue has been resolved. Miss Lynwood, do you require any other assistance?”

He’s insinuating that I leave.

Elspeth focused her attention on his lovely features. Thus far, he appeared to be innocent, which eventually watered down her suspicion. “Okay. I’ll get going if there’s nothing else.” She rose to her feet, poised and pleasant.

“I’ll see you later.” Hank is overjoyed to see her go since he was eager to spend time alone with Yelena.

“I have something to say, Mr. Damazio,” Elspeth piped up, her eyes gleaming like needles.

“Go ahead, Miss Lynwood.”

“Yelena is naïve, so I hope you don’t take advantage of her. If you do, I will come to fight you.”

He smiled softly at Elspeth, who was lovely yet cunning. “Don’t worry. You won’t have to do that.”

“Cool.” Only then did she feel at ease enough to go.

At Winthrop Group, Jasmine had been worried that Callum would be displeased because of the forty million, so she kept a close eye on him as he approached his office. “Callum, I noticed you were a little unhappy when you signed the contract earlier,” she expressed enthusiastically, taking modest steps behind him.

“No, you’re overthinking things.” He strode forward in quick steps, showing no sign of stopping for her.

“Forty million is a bit much… How about I inform my father to pay the money?” She was concerned that this would tarnish her image in Callum’s eyes.

Will the fact that I abruptly give up on objecting earlier at the cafe make Callum think that I, too, am a materialistic woman? No, I must not demolish the image I had created. While I’m aware that my dad would be furious, that’s still forty million! Doesn’t a project only cost a few tens of million?

“It’s fine.” Callum’s voice was gentle and calm with no shift in emotion.

“Don’t be angry, Callum. I know it’s my fault. I shouldn’t have allowed you to spend this much—”

Jasmine wanted to continue speaking when she was interrupted. “Enough. As I’ve said, this has nothing to do with you.” His strong voice was tinged with rage.

Hence, she had no choice but to play her trump card. “Callum, I know you dislike me, but if you genuinely feel unhappy with me, then we can…”

She had yet to finish her sentence when he came to a halt. He turned back, his face no longer tinged with anger but with a more integrated smile that appeared abruptly. “You’re being silly again.”

It brought Jasmine both joy and pain to see Callum in such a state because she was aware that a breakup was not what he wished for. She dared not acknowledge her guess to be the reason for that. 

She was afraid that he went out with her just to…

As an afterthought, she mustered the courage to walk up to him and wrap her arms around his neck. “Callum, do you like me?”

“I do.” His eyes were empty.

She did not feel happy one bit upon hearing that answer, hence the tactless request. “Then, kiss me.”

Ever since they started dating three months ago, never once had he made any intimate request, which upset her. Jasmine knew how pretty she was and had experiences in relationships; every man in love with her would hover over her at any second.

However, Callum never looked at her with personal desires, just like a gentleman. It was not until then did he respond by retreating. “I think that’s kinda quick.”

The explanation was a feeble excuse. Jasmine, who was not buying it, showed sadness. “Callum, tell me, why did you decide to go out with me?”

His reaction broke her heart. She was now certain that he did not date her because of love.

“Don’t overthink it. It’s just an additional request. If you don’t like it, I won’t bring it up again.” He walked toward her to hug her.

His embrace was warm yet aloof at the same time, forming a ripple in her wave of emotions. It was the first time he took the initiative to embrace her. “I’m sorry.”

Those words melted her heart immediately.

“Don’t be. I was reckless to doubt your feelings for me. I won’t do that again. Don’t worry. I’ll help you.” How could Jasmine bear the sight of the capable man apologizing to her?

“You’re a wonderful person, Jasmine.” He tightened the embrace.

“I’ll treat you well, Callum.” She was beaming in smiles, indulging in his warmth.

Three days later, it was the filming day for the advertisement. However, Jasmine and Aldea were late on their first day.

Yelena, who had been busy helping in the law firm and occupied by family matters, applied for leave. Therefore, Elspeth decided to delay Yelena’s scene.

Later, Elspeth was notified that Jasmine could not join the shoot because she was on her period. Now, the only people involved in the filming were Agnes and Aldea, who arrived late.

It was Elspeth’s first meeting with Aldea in person. The girl appeared different from her pictures and Elspeth’s expectations.

Aldea always looked haughty and indifferent in photos, but she was gentle in person. She seemed to be only nineteen years old, despite her cold features. Every time she smiled, one could see the image of an icy barbie doll in her. Thanks to the mole at the end of her eye, it softened her overall features.

“Hi, Miss Lynwood.”

Although Aldea was a rising influencer that owned about two million followers, she was a humble and affable person. Most importantly, Elspeth heard from Jennifer that Aldea was a finicky girl, hence the surprising discovery.

Elspeth smiled and nodded. “Hello, Miss Swift.”

Aldea was all excited upon recognizing her savior at first glance. Even her features softened by the pleasant encounter. “Thank you, Miss Lynwood.”

The speech of gratitude might appear weird to others, but Elspeth knew what she was referring to. “You’re welcome.”

Seems like a kind and agreeable girl to me.

Aldea cast her gaze onto the quiet Agnes. “Miss Lynwood, is she my partner?”

Agnes nodded in return, and the girls soon hit it off. It was a lightbulb moment for Elspeth. She knows how to read the room. I wonder if I can scout her for my company.

Elspeth turned into a sly fox, albeit it was her first encounter with Aldea. At the same time, Arthur, who was miles away, sneezed. “Has the weather turned cold? Weird.”

The more Elspeth looked at Aldea, the more she grew fond of the smiling girl. Indeed, the eleven million was worth it! Although Arthur was the one who spent that amount, it turned to good use for Elspeth instead.

In the meantime, Agnes could tell that her boss had already taken interest in Aldea, so she lamented her unfortunate destiny, thinking she would lose favor with Elspeth.

“Okay. I guess we can start the shoot now.” Elspeth briefed them on the latest product—a pair of sisterhood rings.

The gorgeous rings came in ivory and jet. A pair of white, hollowed-out wings sat on the ivory one, whereas the jet ring had a black swan that added elements of mystery to it. Needless to say, the models had to match their temperament to the rings accordingly.

Initially, Elspeth thought the black ring suited Agnes due to her mature demeanor. However, she changed her mind upon meeting Aldea, whose nature rendered her the better option.

The two of them did not have any objections against Elspeth’s opinion, so they put on the rings to proceed with the filming.

Since the rings were the main products, their hands took the spotlight. Their fingers were slender and flawless, and Aldea’s pale skin made the black ring shine.

Throughout the shoot, Aldea guided Agnes, the rookie, by giving her tips to appear natural in photos. Their harmonious interaction elicited a smile on Elspeth’s face as she nodded. Suddenly, her phone rang.

“Hey, Elspeth. I’m here to see you right at the door. Tell the security guards to let me in.” Jethro’s tone left no room for rejection.

She gazed at the door to see him waving while smiling at her. Right when she was going to say ‘no’, a brisk sound resounded from the set as though a ring had dropped onto the floor.

She looked back reflexively and saw the prideful-looking Aldea being taken over by fright and surprise.

Elspeth’s calm reaction reassured Aldea. Regaining her composure, she broke into a bright smile to hide the awkwardness in her eyes. “It’s an accident. No worries.”

Jethro did not catch anything while standing outside of the glass door. He strode to Elspeth’s side, sliding his arm along her shoulders so naturally. “Elspeth, I’ve been calling you these days, but why didn’t you pick up?”

His gaze did not fall onto Aldea for one second.

Elspeth took a step back to free herself from his arm. “I’m busy.”

“It’s fine as long as I have time. If you don’t mind, I can come here every day.” The ladies in the area fell for his innocuous smile.

Now that he had set his untrammeled side free again, she massaged her forehead. “Enough. Stop bothering us.”

“How am I a bother? I’m just here to see you.” He seated himself on the couch.

“Are you not leaving?” She had never seen anyone as shameless as him.

Jethro languidly crossed his leg. “What’s with the rush? I’m here for a visit. I won’t get in your way.”

Elspeth ignored him, treating him as a transparent person because it did not seem like he was going to leave any time soon.

“Proceed with the shoot.”

Since then, Aldea was not in her best condition as she kept making mistakes with her postures, expressions, and script.

Elspeth noticed her uncoordinated self. “What’s wrong, Aldea? Are you feeling under the weather?”

That question received no reply, but she could guess that it had something to do with Jethro for sure. Still, it would be tactless of her to pry one’s private affairs in front of so many eyes, so she decided to set it aside first.

“I’m fine, Miss Lynwood.” The beads of sweat on Aldea’s forehead could prove how nervous she was.

Frantic ran through her veins the moment she caught sight of Jethro, yet she could not avoid the man because she was in the middle of working. Her heart was squeezing in pain.

She peeked at the man on the couch to observe what he was up to, but she could not tell what she was feeling at the moment. They had broken up, so it was pointless to pester him again. After all, he accepted her feelings in the beginning only after she approached him many times.

“If you’re not feeling well, we can call it a day. We can continue when you’re all better.” That was the best Elspeth could do for Aldea, for she could relate to that same feeling.

“Thank you, Miss Lynwood.” Aldea nodded gratefully.

They would not be able to obtain the best results if she pushed herself in such a state anyway. Therefore, she went straight to the fitting room to change her clothes. At the same time, Agnes returned to her company after they notified her about the delayed filming.

As such, Elspeth and Jethro were the only ones left in the area. He might seem focused on his mobile game, but he was paying attention to the shoot as well. He happened to finish the game when they decided to put off the filming and then came up to her. “Elspeth, why did you stop once I’m here? Is it because you miss me and wish to spend time with me?”

Wow, he’s really ‘funny’.

“Talk about shamelessness, you’re second to none.” She was utterly speechless.

He deepened his voice. “That’s because I wanna get close to you.”

“No, thank you. I don’t share the same notion as you.”

Not wanting to waste her time any longer, she intended to leave. Yet, he grabbed her wrist. “Come on. Don’t give me the cold shoulder.”

“I believe I’ve made myself clear.”

No one backed down, leaving silence to inflate the air. Although they looked each other straight in the eyes, they did not know what was on each other’s minds.

“Miss Lynwood.” The abrupt voice broke the silence. Aldea, who was in her casual clothes, looked at the duo with a troubled expression. “Miss Lynwood, I’m all good to go.”


“Since the filming is postponed, I shall return to my agency first.” Aldea interrupted before Elspeth could finish her words.

Seeing how she was all alone, Elspeth frowned. “I remember you came with your assistant. Where is he?”

Aldea tried to recall her memories. “Something came up, so he left. He told me to return alone.”

“What? That won’t do. This area is secluded. What if something happens to you?” Elspeth turned to look at the drizzle out of the window. “It will be difficult to call for a cab now.” Then, she shifted her gaze upon the guy. “Jethro, why don’t you give her a lift?”



They refused simultaneously.

“I’m serious. What if you get hurt again?” Elspeth looked at the flustered Aldea seriously.

Aldea’s voice became low instantly. “I don’t think I should be troubling anyone.”

After hearing her cautious, mosquito-like voice, Jethro displayed disgust. “She said ‘no’ already. Why are you pushing me to others? Can’t you see that I like you?”

His rejection and blunt confession drained the color from Aldea’s visage, and Elspeth could notice that change with her naked eyes. “I’m just asking you to send her home, not anything else. Why are you acting so petty? Can’t you be a gentleman?”

Elspeth’s disdain and insistence left him no choice but to show concession. “Fine. I’ll send her home, but I’m doing this for you, Elspeth.”

She waved her hand. “I don’t care whom you’re doing this for, but make sure to drive her somewhere safe.”

He shoved his hands into his pocket, glancing at Aldea contemptuously. “Aren’t you coming? It’s a free ride here.”

“I’m coming,” replied Aldea meekly.

Watching their leaving figures, Elspeth held her chin, wondering if she had made the right decision. To her, it seemed like Aldea had yet to get over him or they had not straightened things out between them. Anyway, it was a relief for Elspeth because Jethro, that annoying dude, was not around anymore.

She shook her head and entered her car to return to her company, yet it was out of gas.

“Wow. Lucky me.”

There was a car with its engine started next to Elspeth’s. Drenched, she approached the vehicle. “Excuse me, could you—”

Halfway through her words, she raised her head to meet those deep eyes, which put her into a trance. Due to the rain, she appeared forlorn because of her soaked clothes and messy hair.

To face Callum in such a state was a humiliation to her.

She swallowed every word that reached the tip of her tongue, but he did not mind as he prodded, “Yes? What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I got the wrong person.” She wheeled around, heading back to her car. Today’s not my day. Why is he here? He will never give me a lift for sure. Instead of humiliating myself in the rain, I better wait for the rain to stop in my car.

Watching the drizzle pour into torrential rain, she became anxious. Just when will it stop?

While her mind was stuffed with jumbled thoughts, she could hear footsteps pattering through the water puddles.

Knock, knock.

Someone tapped on her car window. She wound down the window to see Callum standing in the rain with a black umbrella as his indifferent eyes looked into hers. She could not discern his face clearly because of the heavy rain, but his voice rang into her ears loud and clear. “Why didn’t you bring an umbrella with you?”

She smiled wryly. “Are you here to nag me?”

His hand tightened around the handle for a moment when he heard that. “Now’s not the time for a joke.”

He was the same old indecipherable Callum today, yet she somehow felt a smidgen of concern from his tone. I must be outta my mind to think that he’s worried about me.

“Did you come all the way here just to make fun of me for not bringing an umbrella?” Elspeth put on a wary face, for it was possible for him to pull such a thing.

“Am I that bad?” he questioned softly.

Don’t you know how much of a b*stard you are? a smiling Elspeth cursed inwardly. She would never say that aloud because it seemed like he was going to give her a ride.

“No. Of course, not. You appear right in front of me as a savior will. So, Mr. Savior, could you please give me a ride?” she requested sarcastically.

“Is this how you ask a favor from someone?” He was unwavering.

“Forget it. I know you won’t give me a lift anyways.” A deflated Elspeth reclined in the driver seat with pouty lips like an irritated kitty.

“Yup. I’m here to give you an umbrella so that you can at least walk back home.” He played along.

I knew it! He is not a gentleman!

“You should go now, Mr. Winthrop. Look how heavy the rain is. Even if I return home by foot, I’m going to get drenched anyway.” She was going to wind up the window.

“Come to my car.”

She immediately broke into a smile. “Okay. Give me a moment.”

Her hands were quick. Hugging the important documents, she sprinted to his car, so fast that it surprised Callum.

“You should pay for the maintenance fee. The seat is all wet, thanks to you.” He wanted money from her brazenly.

The corner of her lips twitched. “It’s not that wet, though.”

He barely changed her impression of himself to a better one, yet his gentle side vanished so quickly. He is truly a snake.

“I believe we should be particular about it.”

Elspeth somehow believed there was another meaning behind those words, for he kept staring at her with an ambiguous gaze as if he was going to take every matter between them into account.

Noticing the strange atmosphere, she hurriedly changed the topic. “By the way, why are you here?”

He began driving the car. “I have some business to do here.”

The awkwardness was still evident, so she continued teasing. “Mr. Winthrop always happens to be there when I’m in trouble. Considering how many times we bumped into each other by chance, I would’ve thought you were actually protecting me if I didn’t know you hate me.”

Elspeth almost bit her tongue out of cringing the second she uttered those words. What the hell am I talking about? He’s all quiet. Great. This is getting awkward. I shouldn’t have said that.

A while later, Callum piped up, “Maybe.”

Maybe? What maybe?

She could not follow him and kept looking at the rain pattering against the window to shift her attention. She thought minimizing her presence would be able to mitigate the tension in the air. Maybe? Does he mean he has been following me?

Elspeth did not know what to feel about that assumption. After contemplating, she spoke to him seriously, “Mr. Winthrop, I know we have gone out before, and we haven’t settled things out yet. I might’ve hurt your pure soul, but stalking is wrong. Don’t you think that’s overboard? You’re making me feel unsettled. I feel like you’re invading my privacy—”

In reality, Callum blurted that without thinking, assuming it would give her some hints. She did mistake it as something else, but it was not the kind of misunderstanding he hoped for. “Elspeth.” The veins on his temples protruded as his voice escaped his gritted teeth. “I’m not a pervert.”

His anger lent her more reason to believe her hunch. “Don’t be angry. We’re in the middle of nowhere. I’m worried you’re gonna kill me or something.”

Helplessness sapped him of energy as his grasp on the steering wheel tightened before he took a deep breath. He would have a heart attack if the conversation escalated in that direction any further. “I’ll throw you out of the car if you have any wild guesses again.”

Elspeth behaved upon hearing that, but her mind could not stop turning. So… Is he genuinely worried about me? But he’s going out with Jasmine. Why would he care for me?

Suddenly, her left foot kicked onto something, which felt like a button. A little drawer popped out before her seat to reveal a stack of white cards. Are those… wedding invitations?

“Getting married this soon?” Elspeth muttered involuntarily. 

“Yeah. Next month. Will you come?”

Getting married had always been something beyond her plans. They were engaged and made a promise to get married after looking for Helena. However, they ended their relationship upon finding her.

The wedding invitations inflated the sorrow in Elspeth. “No, I won’t.”

The fact that I’m wondering if he’s protecting me a second ago is embarrassing. They’re getting along so well. Why would he have the time to be worried about me? Wake up, Elspeth. You’re getting pathetic.

“Okay.” Callum ended the conversation.

Soon, they arrived at Azure Corporation. She alighted from the car as soon as he stepped on the brake, and her hasty movements caused a nuance in his expression. “It’s pouring. Take the umbrella.”

“It’s fine, thanks.” She shook her head before dashing into the building while hugging the documents.

At the same time, Aldea followed behind Jethro like a chick trailing its hen, yet her slow speed irritated him. He glanced back at her, looking all gloomy because of the shade from the umbrella. “Hurry up. Are you a snail?”

It was not her first time hearing such mockery. Instead of retorting that, she replied in a hoarse voice, “I know, I know.”

It felt like they had turned back in time. The subsequent awkward atmosphere smothered his urge to say anything as he still held the umbrella for her.

While they were in the small space in the car, the tension between them surged in full swing.

Before entering the vehicle, the rain wet Aldea’s shoulder and hair because she wanted to maintain the distance between them.

Jethro could not bear the sight of the lady staying drenched beside him, so he grabbed a piece of cloth from the back seat for her. Despite the frustration sitting upon his brows, she was touched by his action. “Thank you.”

“I just don’t want you to rise in temperature before we get there.”

“Are you worried about me?” She blurted and regretted it immediately. It sounded as if she was narcissistic.

As she had expected, he became surprised. “What are you thinking? Elspeth told me to take you home. If you catch a cold and hinder the schedule, that’ll get in her way.”

“So, it’s for her…” She hung her head low in sorrow.

“I know I should stay out of your life since it’s over between us, but our encounter today is a mere coincidence. Just forget about what happened today.”

Her eyes became teary. “Did you fall out of love with me back when we broke up?”

He was stunned, for he had not expected that question from her. “That is for sure.” There was another reason that he could not bring himself to tell her because it would only add salt to her wound.

She lightly hummed in response before falling into silence. She stared out of the window, watching the rain pour without any inkling of stopping.

The rain was so heavy that they could not see anything. Hence, she chose to close her eyes to take a rest. Meanwhile, Jethro’s mind was in a mess.

Aldea was currently sitting beside him, and he could not focus on the road at all. Due to the downpour, the car skidded off the road and bumped into the fence.


A loud thud resounded. Inertia pushed their body forward, and he banged his head into the steering wheel. Blood began dripping from his forehead, and she only had a scratch on her arm because she managed to cover her head in time.

Once the dizziness faded, she turned her head sideways to check on the unconscious man. For some reason, the airbag did not pop out. After seeing how blood painted the man’s face, she hurriedly called the ambulance before screaming for someone to save them.

There were not many vehicles on that rainy day, but a few cars stopped to check on the situation. The kind onlookers saved them from the car and reported it to the police.

Half an hour later, the ambulance finally arrived. The medical team carried Jethro away with a stretcher. Before they left, they confirmed Aldea’s identity. “What’s your relationship?”

“I’m his girlfriend,” she answered on the spur of the moment.

“Come with us, then.”

She nodded gratefully and followed them. Once they arrived at the hospital, Jethro was pushed into the operating room for emergency treatment. In the meantime, a nurse tended to Aldea’s wounds, after which she ran straight to the operating room to wait quietly while sitting on the bench.

Fortunately, Jethro only suffered from a concussion without any side effects. The simple operation ended, and he was sent to a ward.

Soon enough, Aldea received a phone call from Elspeth. “What happened? How did you get into a car accident?”

The news shocked Elspeth. Who knew the two would get into a car accident when they seemed fine a few hours ago?

“I’m not sure either. Something went wrong with the car.” Aldea lowered her head, feeling guilty.

Knowing that additional questions would only add burden to Aldea, Elspeth took a deep breath. “Where are you? I’ll be there right away.”

“It’s oka—” responded Aldea instinctively.

“What’s okay?” Elspeth could not understand.

Noticing what she had said, Aldea felt her face burning. “N-Nothing. It’s a slip of a tongue. We’re at…”

After informing Elspeth of their whereabouts, Aldea sat next to the bed and stared at the unconscious man as mixed feelings churned in her stomach.

Stretching out her arm, she wanted to caress his cheek, but she withdrew her hand in a split second. It felt stuffy, so she wanted to get some fresh air outside. That was when the urgent Elspeth appeared in front of the room.

It seemed like she had rushed here upon finding out about the accident. Aldea smiled bitterly. “Miss Lynwood, you’re here. You must be worried about him.”

Being the clever person she was, Elspeth naturally understood what was happening. It was obvious that the girl was secretly jealous. Hence, she quickly explained, “He’s signed under my company. How would I explain to his parents if something were to happen to him?” 

That was her indirect way of confirming that they had no romantic relationship, putting Aldea’s jealous heart to rest.

Aldea raised her head, revealing her moist eyes. “I’m sorry. It’s all my fault. If I hadn’t been talking and distracting him, he wouldn’t have gotten into an accident.”

Barely managing to smile, Elspeth patted Aldea’s hand. “Don’t blame yourself. How is any of this your fault? It’s his problem.”

Although what she said was not fair to the unconscious guy on the hospital bed, she did not care because he could not hear her anyway.

“How is it my problem?” Suddenly, a raspy, frustrated voice came from behind them.

The words ‘Miss Joneson’ were like a taboo as Elspeth froze when hearing them. She took a deep breath and forced herself to hold back the frustration she felt from being threatened. “Tell me what you know.” 

Aldea was surprised but did not say anything. She recognized Jethro’s face as she had seen him before. His unruly hair and arrogant smile glued on his face were still the same as in her memory. However, she never imagined that two strangers with no connection would encounter each other over such a trivial matter. 


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