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Hiding Behind Her Superficiality novel Chapter 471

“You must be pretty surprised now, Mr. Hopper. I guess you’re wondering how I got my hands on something like this, right?” Elspeth raised her hand with the contract in it, flashing it right in front of Jericho’s panicky face while taunting him. “Why do you look so scared? I won’t bite.” 

“Why don’t you tell me how you got this contract first?” However, Jericho quickly realized the way he put his words might have accidentally given himself away, so he immediately rephrased his sentence. “I don’t know where you got that thing, but I’m sure it’s fake. So, stop framing me with whatever is in your hand.”

“Fake?” Elspeth clicked her tongue, finding it hard to believe Jericho would deny her accusation so shamelessly. “You could take a look at it for yourself if you think it’s fake.”

Upon hearing that, Jericho skeptically flipped through the contract just as his forehead was covered in a cold sweat. After all, he saw his own signature on the contract, his name clearly written on the paper, although the document he was looking at was just a photocopy. “This signature isn’t mine.” At that moment, Jericho decided to play dumb and denied everything he was accused of, thinking Elspeth would have no way to force him into submission by doing that.

In the meantime, Elspeth let out a sigh when she saw the man’s dishonest look. “Well, if you don’t admit it, I guess I’ll just have to do it another way, Mr. Hopper.”

“Another way?”

“Yes, I’m going to find out who signed his name here through a forensic handwriting examination. Since your name was clearly signed here, all we have to do is just compare this signature to your previous ones, and the truth will come to light.”

Jericho’s back was already drenched in sweat at that moment, as he didn’t expect Elspeth to get her hands on a confidential document like the one she just showed him. In fact, he signed the contract with Arthur as soon as he verbally informed Azure Corporation about his intention to terminate their partnership. The time and date on which we signed the contract were written on the document. If Elspeth uses that to testify against me, I’m going to be in huge trouble, which is going to be something bigger than having to pay the penalty of fifty million.

“So, do you care to explain why you violated the contract, Mr. Hopper? Why did you sign another contract with Arthur even though you hadn’t formally terminated your current one with Azure?”

Jericho collapsed onto the chair, seemingly speechless, without any idea how to defend himself. “I-It’s your words against mine. Who knows this document is fake?” The man stammered his sentence and tried to continue playing dumb, thinking there was nothing else Elspeth could do to make him admit his mistake. At the same time, his eyes were filled with guilt and fear as he was betting on the odds that Elspeth wasn’t familiar with the law. Calm down! I’m going to find a way to get away with this.

Elspeth responded with a chuckle and clapped her hands, whereupon a tall silhouette stepped in through the door. The moment Jericho set his eyes on the figure, his face blanched in horror. Hank Damazio? He is the lawyer with a silver tongue, isn’t he?

“I know what you’re thinking, Mr. Hopper. Perhaps you have some questions that you’d like to consult my lawyer when legal matters are concerned.”

Like Jericho thought, Hank was known as the lawyer with a silver tongue across Damoria because he had never lost a court case before. In fact, when Elspeth first approached Hank, she was only planning to ask him for some legal advice. However, Hank was kind enough to go the extra mile for Elspeth and helped her obtain a photocopy of the signed contract between Arthur and Jericho. It wasn’t until later that Elspeth learned that Hank had friends in the legal department of Arthur’s company. For that, she found it ironic for Jericho to overlook that detail, which would cost him dearly when he proudly thought his plan was flawless.

On the other hand, Jericho still refused to give up and owned up to his mistake. “Mr. Damazio, what do you say if you’re welcome to join my company? Just name a price. I can pay you more than this lady is offering you.” Deep down, Jericho believed all lawyers only worked for money, which he thought he could buy over anyone’s service. For that, he doubted Hank would ignore his offer and look the other way.

Seeing Jericho’s panicky look, Elspeth tried her best to keep a straight face. “Look at him, Hank. He is trying to bribe you now.” Come on, Jericho. You have to be better than this. I wish you knew that you’re insulting him with your offer. Hank is worth more than you think he is.

“Thanks for your kind offer, Mr. Hopper, but I have no plans of accepting any small clients at the moment,” Hank replied in a witty yet mean manner like he usually would.

At his wits’ end, Jericho nervously gazed at Elspeth and asked, “Is there any other way that we can resolve this matter, Miss Lynwood?” He yielded to Elspeth as his response clearly indicated.

However, Elspeth didn’t seem to have any intention of going easy on Jericho in spite of his submission. “Miss Lynwood? How polite! Where are your airs and graces that you were putting on earlier? Are they gone?” She walked closer to the man and patted his shoulder, gesturing for him to relax. “Take it easy, alright? We’re just about to discuss what we’re going to do, aren’t we? I’m sure we’re going to sort this out peacefully.” She smiled cunningly like a beautiful succubus.

While Jericho would have fallen for Elspeth’s beauty if she had smiled at him like that back then, he couldn’t help but feel chills running down his spine at the sight of the same smile on her face. “How are we going to resolve this, Miss Lynwood?” He put his words in a courteous way, hoping Elspeth would go easy on him. At the same time, he began to beat himself up for letting his greed get the better of him. Darn it! I shouldn’t have let my desires turn my head. If I had been in the right mind, Arthur wouldn’t have tricked me so easily. Sh*t!

“Well, I came here today for one specific reason—to see if we could continue working together as partners, Mr. Hopper…” Elspeth soon shook her head regrettably and added, “But unfortunately, you signed another contract with someone else so soon, which is simply just… heartbreaking.”

Heartbreaking? It’s more like it’s exciting to you, isn’t it? Jericho took a deep breath while staring at Elspeth’s pretense. “I’m sorry, Miss Lynwood. I’ll continue to work with Azure Corporation and call off my deal with Arthur. Please forgive me, Miss Lynwood.” Jericho was sensible enough to remain as Azure’s partner, thinking he was no match for Elspeth and Hank even though he was a lot older than them.

“So, you’re going to continue working with us and call off the deal with Arthur? That’s all?” Elspeth didn’t seem to be satisfied with Jericho’s answer.

“W-Well, you could state your request, and I’ll do my best to fulfill in my power.” Jericho smiled, his forehead covered in a cold sweat. In fact, he expected Elspeth to say something like that but didn’t think she would put it so directly.

“What if I tell you I want some of Hopper Corp.’s shares?”

Jericho nearly choked on his own saliva when he heard what the lady said. What?! How audacious of her to make such a request!

“What’s wrong, Mr. Hopper? You have a problem with that?” Elspeth blinked ambiguously.

Jericho shook his head repeatedly just as his flabby cheeks jiggled up and down. Despite his annoyance about Elspeth’s suggestion, he forced a smile and said, “No, of course not. Why would I? I just don’t think it’s appropriate since you’ve hardly been in touch with Hopper Corp.”

“Well, that’s all the more reason I asked what I asked because I’m trying to strengthen our alliance. Don’t you think so? Think about it, if you transfer some of Hopper Corp.’s shares to me, it will make us partners. By then, you won’t terminate our partnership so easily anymore, will you?”

As obvious as it sounded, Elspeth’s explanation was clearly unreasonable, but since Jericho was at her mercy, he didn’t dare to complain or fight back. 

“Are you sure you’re not going to think about it, Mr. Hopper? This is the only request I have.”

The only request?

At the same time, Hank, who had been sitting aside all the time, joined the conversation with an emotionless look on his face. “If you prefer to settle this matter formally rather than privately, we could go through proper legal procedures to resolve this issue, but be warned—you’re likely going to be sentenced to jail.” Hank made himself clear that Jericho would end up behind bars if he didn’t agree with Elspeth.

Meanwhile, Jericho was seen smiling all the time, but deep down, he was cursing the two of them for putting him in a dilemma with no favorable options to him. Although Hank and Elspeth were only in their twenties, Jericho was vulnerable against their threat, which was why he didn’t dare to show his anger despite his seniority. Darn it! I’m already close to my sixties, and if I go to jail, I don’t know whether I’ll live long enough to see the day again. Moreover, I’m going to lose everything if I’m sentenced to prison. Rolling his eyes, Jericho reluctantly agreed with Elspeth’s request. “How much would you like to have then?”

“15 percent.” Elspeth gently blew her fingernails with a smile.

“Oh, come on. You know that’s not possible. I personally own 45% of the shares, and you’re asking for 15% of them? You might as well just kill me.”

“I feel sorry to hear that, Mr. Hopper. I wish your life was worth more than that.” Elspeth pursed her lips. While 15 percent might be a significant portion of shareholdings, it was not a lot to Elspeth. Besides, she initially didn’t intend to ask Jericho for the shares as she was just trying to joke with him and knock him down to size. Therefore, when Jericho agreed to give her the shares she requested, she was surprised.

“That’s not how it works, Miss Lynwood. You can’t ask for 15 percent of shares without any prior contribution to our company. This is just outrageous!” Jericho put his words mildly while calling Elspeth’s request daylight robbery on the inside. How audacious of her to demand that amount of shares! 5 percent of shares is the most I can tolerate, yet now she is asking 15 percent! Is she trying to take over my company by force or what?

Although Elspeth had no idea what was on Jericho’s mind, it was amusing enough for her to witness the dramatic look on the man’s face. “If you think this is outrageous, then I guess we’ll have no choice but to go through proper legal procedures.” She stood up and walked away without hesitation after finishing her sentence. “After all, I won’t lose anything either, regardless of the outcome. So, I don’t really mind how it ends up. Anyway, I hope you enjoy your new life in a cell. Let’s go, Hank.”

“Wait! Wait! Wait!” Jericho suddenly found the strength that he had seemingly lost earlier when he collapsed onto the chair and sprang up from his seat. “Alright, I’ll take the deal. 15 percent as it is.” Fine, it’s just 15 percent of the shares, right? I’ll give them to you.”

“See? It wasn’t so hard, was it? We could have saved some time if you had agreed sooner.” Elspeth smiled at Jericho with a cocky look on her face. “I’ll see you here at 1.00PM tomorrow to sign the contract.” She then walked away upon finishing her sentence.

In the meantime, Hank glared at Jericho, his cold stare sending chills down his spine. “I hope you can forget about whatever crazy ideas you have in mind from now on, Mr. Hopper. Also, if you’re thinking about approaching a lawyer for help, you could forget about that as well because I know every lawyer in Damoria. Therefore, don’t even think about tampering with the contract’s content.” Hank’s last few words took the glimmer of hope that was left in Jericho, who thought he could still get away with it.

“Don’t worry about that because I won’t.” Jericho chuckled and ingratiated himself with Hank. “See you, Mr. Damazio.” As soon as Hank was gone, Jericho collapsed onto his seat once again in despair. I’m through. I’m totally screwed up. Everything I have built in my whole life is about to be scraped clean by that woman. The thought of that made Jericho’s hatred for Arthur grow even stronger than ever before. Thus, he immediately called his secretary and said, “From now on, I want all corporations with Bluestone Corp terminated, and I don’t want to see Arthur Winthrop’s face ever again!”

Meanwhile, Hank looked at the stars in the sky and asked Elspeth whether she needed a lift home after they exited the building. “Do you need me to give you a ride home?”

Although Hank was offering her a ride out of kindness, Elspeth acted as if the man was an enemy and backed away from him. “Nah, it’s alright. I drove here, so I could take care of myself. Thanks for asking.” If Callum ever sees another man taking me home, he is going to give me a hard time again. Nah, I should probably stay out of trouble.

Upon hearing Elspeth’s response, Hank immediately knew why she said that and curled his lips upward. “Well, well, well. I must say that I’m impressed by Callum’s success in taming the wild horse.”

“Hey, that sounds a little… offensive…” As true as Hank’s words sounded, Elspeth refused to admit that she was a submissive wife. “Anyway, I appreciate your help today. If it hadn’t been for you, I wouldn’t have been able to get what I wanted from Jericho.”

Hank nodded and eventually accepted Elspeth’s thanks, which he thought he deserved, considering the contribution he had made. “No worries, you’re Yelena’s friend, which also makes you my friend. For that, I was just merely helping a friend in need.” In fact, Hank was surprised when Elspeth paid him a visit and asked for his help for Yelena’s sake. While Hank would have usually taken some time to consider accepting a business, the temptation to make Yelena happy prompted him to make an exception.

When Hank told that matter to Yelena later, the latter smiled happily and said, “I’m glad that you agreed to help. Elspeth has never come to me for help, so now that you can lend her a hand, you should do her a favor. Finally, I can do something for Elspeth!” Because of Yelena’s approval, Hank went on to help Elspeth and even went the extra mile to get it done just to see the smile on his woman’s face.

“Thank you. I’ll treat you to a meal someday. Anyway, it’s getting late, and I should get going now.” Elspeth smiled and waved her hand at Hank. However, she didn’t feel like going home yet as she was thinking about going somewhere else.

Ever since Elspeth returned to Damoria, she had handed Luna Bar over to Harper, but when the latter became busy with his own work, Gilbert was tasked with the responsibility of running the bar. It’s been a while since the last time I visited Luna Bar. Maybe I should drop by there tonight and pay Gilbert a visit.

As Luna Bar was just a few miles away from where Elspeth was, she drove there and saw the place crowded with people. With bright lights almost everywhere around the bar, there were many men and women who were having a good time there while the atmosphere was filled with a strong smoky odor and alcohol smell. Nonetheless, she entered the place and proceeded to search for Gilbert, trying to see if he was drinking in the usual corner like he normally would be, only to see no one there. Just when she thought Gilbert was away and was about to go home, Elspeth suddenly felt a pair of arms wrapped around her from someone behind. In that instant, her body stiffened just as her instinct prompted her to react until she caught the scent of that familiar minty scent.

“Don’t move. Just let me hug you a little longer.” Gilbert rested his face on Elspeth’s neck as if he was a kid. 

Meanwhile, Elspeth quickly realized the inappropriateness of the man’s reaction and responded with an unfathomable expression on her face. “Stop it, Gilbert,” she said with a soft yet commanding voice. Upon hearing the lady’s rejection, Gilbert reluctantly let go of the lady and sulked in disappointment. Fortunately for him, the dim lighting in the bar due to the night made it hard for Elspeth to see the expression on his face.

“You’re drunk. Go get some water to sober up.” She gazed at his eyes which were filled with burning desires, feeling somewhat uncomfortable with what he just did earlier.

“I’m not drunk. I’m good.” He looked like he wanted to explain more, but she quickly cut him short.

“No, you’re indeed drunk.”

It then dawned on Gilbert that Elspeth was just looking for an excuse to avoid his advances to woo her. “Yeah, yeah. I’m a little tipsy, indeed. I can’t believe I just hugged the wrong person.”

When Elspeth heard Gilbert’s reply, she couldn’t help but feel puzzled about what he meant. The next second, the man walked past her and approached an innocent-looking girl standing not far away from her. As soon as the girl Gilbert hugged turned around, Elspeth was stunned the moment their eyes met. Isn’t that Isabel? What’s she doing in a place like this? Wait a second. I entrusted Gilbert with her myself, didn’t I?

“Hey, Elsie. You’re here.” Isabel’s heart skipped a beat in response to Gilbert’s unexpected hug. When her eyes met Elspeth’s gaze, she seemed as if she didn’t know what to say.

“What are you doing here?” Elspeth’s tone implied that she was worried and annoyed to see Isabel in a bar.

“Well, Gil said he got a little tipsy and called for me to take him home.” Isabel awkwardly smiled.

Then, Elspeth cast an ambiguous look upon Gilbert and spoke in a cold tone. “Did you just say Gilbert needed you to take him home?” She couldn’t believe someone like Gilbert would succumb to alcohol and need someone to take him home, although he was quite a good drinker himself.

On the other hand, Isabel appeared to be confused. “It’s not like what you think, Elsie. Gil called me…” Is Elsie mad at me or Gil? But why does she care since she already has Mr. Winthrop? Isabel had no idea why Elspeth would bother knowing more about Gilbert and her, but despite her confusion, she decided to clarify her relationship with him. “There is nothing out of the ordinary between us.”

“Why are you explaining to her? It’s none of her business anyway.” Gilbert smiled and caressed Isabel’s hair, comforting her.

As the atmosphere was filled with sinister vibes the next few moments, Elspeth was the first to break the silence and announced, “You’ll stay with me from tomorrow on.”

“Wait, what?” Isabel was stunned before she could make sense of what was going on.

“I said you should stay with me. After all, Gilbert is a man, and I don’t think he can take good care of you, so I think you’re better off with me than him.”

Nevertheless, Gilbert’s intense possessiveness suddenly prompted him to object. “Isabel has been staying with me for quite a while, and I know her lifestyle better than you do. For that, I think she is better off with me, so don’t worry about her. Furthermore, you want to stay with me as well, don’t you, Isabel?” Gilbert smiled at Isabel, his eyes filled with cheekiness. Just as he expected, Isabel succumbed to the man’s dominance and subconsciously nodded. “You see? She wants to be with me.”

Elspeth responded by knitting her eyebrows, finding it hard to believe how the situation turned out the way she didn’t expect. “Fine, take good care of her then.” She then sighed and added, “Please come with me, Isabel. I’d like to have a word with you.”

Nonetheless, Isabel couldn’t free herself at all due to Gilbert’s tightly wrapped arms around her. At the same time, she gazed at Elspeth with a confused look and said, “Elsie, I—”

“Relax, Gilbert. I just want to have a word with her in private.” Elspeth then seized Isabel’s hand and took her to a corner. “Do you know why I want you to stay with me, Isabel?”

Isabel nodded before shaking her head hesitantly. “You should know what Gilbert is up to, right?”

Elspeth’s words instantly made Isabel’s face blush.

“Don’t get your hopes up too high. I doubt what I’m referring to is the same as what you’re thinking.” She gazed at Isabel, scratching her head while trying to make the young maiden understand her complicated issue. “Your mother entrusted me with you, so of course, I’m not going to stand by and watch a man take advantage of you even though Gilbert is my best friend. Listen to me, okay? He is not a good guy, and you definitely deserve better.” Elspeth furrowed her eyebrows, wondering if her explanation was comprehensive enough for Isabel due to her inexperience and young age.

“I-I know. I know Gil is in love with you…” Isabel stuttered, her eyes filled with disappointment.

“Well, you’re aware of that, so that’s all the more reason for you to stop him from using you.” Elspeth patted Isabel’s cheek and added, “I promise I’ll find an outstanding and successful man for you. Just don’t settle down with some Tom, Dick, and Harry.”

“I know you’re doing this for my own good, Elsie.” But love is blind, and I can’t help it. Isabel lost control of herself at the mere thought of the mint fragrance that was wafting toward her earlier.

“But you can’t help it because you’re in love with him, right?” Elspeth could tell what Isabel was thinking with just a look into her eyes. While Isabel kept her head down in silence, Elspeth questioned and challenged her. “Is this how you’re trying to piss me off? By letting him use you? Seriously, are you happy about all this?” Elspeth tried to talk some sense into Isabel’s head by putting her words more harshly.

“I don’t want to be used by him like that, of course. I’m not happy, but…” But… I’m actually happy, I guess. Deep down, Isabel was content enough to be the lady in Gilbert’s arms when he caressed her hair and hugged her tightly.

“But that doesn’t mean you should let the rush of excitement blind you.” Elspeth’s eyes were filled with mixed emotions. “Do you know what this will lead to in the end?”

“Yes, I do.” Isabel was aware of the consequences that might follow if she didn’t stop herself from falling for Gilbert deeper and deeper. In fact, she had already foreseen that outcome, but in spite of that, she still chose to stay by Gilbert’s side even if it would cost her dearly in the end.

“Fine, I guess I shouldn’t press on anymore since you have made up your mind. All I can do now is to do what’s best for you.”

“What do you mean?” Isabel was puzzled.

Elspeth sniggered and said, “I mean, I’m going to keep my distance from him, of course. As soon as I can make him forget about me, there will be an empty place in his heart for someone else to enter. By then, that’ll be your best chance to enter his world.” Elspeth’s words made Isabel feel a lump in her throat as the tears swam in her eyes.

“Thank you, Elsie. Thanks for everything you’ve done for me. I will never forget that.” 

Elspeth wrapped her arms around Isabel and patted her back. “Alright, alright, don’t mention it. You’ve always been like a sister to me, so of course, I want what’s best for you.” As soon as the two finished their conversation, Elspeth took Isabel back to Gilbert. “Take good care of her, or you’re going to get it from me.”

“Of course, she is also like a sister to me.” Gilbert raised his eyebrows, but when Isabel heard what he called her, she somehow felt disappointed on the inside.

“Go home now. You’ve drunk enough here. Also, don’t ever tell Isabel to get you whenever you’re drunk. The bar is no place for a young lady like her.” Elspeth reminded Gilbert, as she didn’t want to let Isabel’s mother down.

Nevertheless, Gilbert grew tired of Elspeth’s nagging and walked away with Isabel after responding with a perfunctory grunt. As soon as they stepped out of the bar, Gilbert’s face darkened, but Isabel was observant enough to notice the change in the man’s facial expression. “What’s wrong? Why do you look so upset?”

“What do you think about me, Isabel?” Gilbert stopped in his tracks and leaned on his car, reaching for a cigarette in his pocket while smoking like a charming character in the movie.

Due to her strong dislike for the smell of cigarettes, Isabel almost suffocated from the smoky atmosphere that filled the air in the bar earlier, but for some reason, she didn’t seem to find it disgusting at all when she saw Gilbert smoking. Even so, she didn’t answer Gilbert’s question directly because she was fully aware of the damage that smoking could do to a person’s health. “You should stop smoking. It’s bad for your health.”

While Gilbert would have usually just stubbed the cigarette straight away, he didn’t do that but instead leaned even closer to Elspeth and puffed a smoke ring at her. “You seem to care about me.”


“Just answer me. What do you think of me?”

“I think you’re a nice person. In my eyes, you’re just like the stars in the sky.” You’re always so gentle and tender, yet cold and indifferent, just like the stars that I can never reach in the sky.

“Am I seriously that good to you? Because I don’t think I’m as good as you think I am. On the other hand, I even wanted to do something… bad to you,” Gilbert replied while approaching Isabel, intimidating her with his oppressive aura that made her feel like running away.

“I trust you won’t do me any harm.”

“Why not? I never said I was a good person.” Gilbert finished smoking his cigarette and threw it into the trash can. “Alright, alright, I’m done scaring you. You’re really timid, aren’t you?” The man was unamused at the sight of Isabel’s frightened look, but since she was like a sister to him, he gently pulled her shirt hem and added, “Come on, let’s go home.”

Soon, Isabel, who was following behind Gilbert, seemingly mustered the courage she had been looking for and said, “I believe you won’t do me any harm.”

“You’re wrong, then. Can’t you see it? I’ve been using you all the time.” Gilbert smiled sinisterly and continued to say, “I bet you can tell that I have a crush on Elspeth, can’t you? What I did to you just now was to piss her off and see how she would react.”

Although Isabel knew Gilbert’s motive for doing what he did to her, she still couldn’t help but feel heartbroken when she heard that from him. “I know.”

“No, you didn’t know about it at all. If you had, you wouldn’t have let me get so close to you.” Gilbert shook his head.

“But I want you close to me.” Isabel seized Gilbert’s hand, feeling the blisters on his huge cold palm.

“Do you have any idea what you’re doing?” Gilbert smiled and asked instead of shaking off her hand.

“I-I know. I just…” Isabel stammered vaguely, but the stubborn look on her face seemed to tell everything.

“Maybe you’re better off with Elspeth. You should head over to her place and stay with her from tomorrow on.” Gilbert shook off Isabel’s hand and gave her a glacial look. “I don’t need your love or your company, and I only said those words out of impulse, but now, I’m starting to regret them.”

When Isabel heard Gilbert, she became panicky and begged him not to drive her away. Before she started to speak, tears began to roll down her eyes. “Don’t chase me away. I don’t want to leave you.”

“But what good is that going to do you? It’s only going to be a waste of your time.”

“No, it’s not.” Isabel wiped her tears sympathetically.

“Alright, stop crying, would you? It breaks my heart to see you like that.” Gilbert realized he might have gone a little too far with his mischief. After all, Isabel had never harmed anyone or done anything wrong to piss him off. “Fine, let’s bet.”

Isabel looked up in surprise as she didn’t think there was still a chance for her to turn things around. “What?”

“I mean, both of us are going to have a deal. If you can make me say I love you within a month, I’ll date you.”

“Come on. You’re the one who decides whether you want to say it. If you don’t say it, no one can make you do it.” Isabel reacted with a bitter look on her face.

“You’re smart, indeed.” Gilbert smiled and patted her head. “But this is the only chance you’re going to get. So, it’s all up to you.”

Gil is just trying to make me quit by making me do something impossible. As soon as Isabel saw through Gilbert’s intention, she immediately became discouraged. However, she refused to give up, thinking there was still hope for her to make him fall for her. Thus, she gritted her teeth and accepted the challenge after a brief hesitation. “Fine, we have a deal.”

“Are you sure about it? This is not as simple as you think it is.” Gilbert underestimated Isabel’s will, not expecting her to be so tenacious even though he was clearly trying to give her a hard time.

“Didn’t you just say it yourself? I just have to make you say ‘I love you’ within a month.” Isabel looked up with a firm expression on her face. “What if I manage to make you fall in love with me in the end?”

How naïve! But that’s precisely what makes her so adorable. Gilbert smiled in embarrassment. “Alright, I’m not going to dampen your enthusiasm anymore since you’re so determined. Good luck, sis.”

“You can’t treat me like your sister anymore; otherwise, I can’t date you.” Isabel knitted her eyebrows.

“What would you like me to call you then?”

“Just call me Isabel.”

“Alright, Belle.”


Seeing Isabel’s puffed cheeks, Gilbert started to think that might not be a bad idea and even began to find it interesting.

To Elspeth’s surprise, someone was waiting for her at her company entrance when she arrived for work the following day. 

Upon moving closer, she realized it was Jasmine, whom she hadn’t seen for a long while. The young woman seemed to have dropped more than just a few pounds, for her V-shaped chin appeared somewhat appalling now.

“My, Miss McGrath. It’s been a while.” If she couldn’t evade the lady, she might as well face her. Either way, the young woman couldn’t cause much ruckus, anyway.

“I want to ask you a few questions.” Jasmine seemed to have toned down a lot, for she no longer bared her teeth and unsheathed her claws to demand explanations. One wouldn’t be able to sense her malice, of course, that was if one overlooked her grim face.

“Ask away. It’s just that I’m in a hurry to get to work, so I might not have time to say a lot.” Elspeth’s patience in wasting her breath and explaining to Jasmine was thin.

“Are you the bride Callum publicized on Instagram?”

Callum was the only thing on her mind when she had been grounded for the past few days. She had wanted to explain what happened to him at length, but the moment she was released and given her phone, she collapsed at once.

Callum had married another woman behind her back!

The revelation was a fatal blow to her. If she hadn’t seen it for herself, she never could have imagined the man who treated her so dearly a while ago would abandon their relationship and choose to marry someone else.

“Why does it matter? Whether it’d be me or not, it will never be you again, no?” Elspeth smirked, then tapped Jasmine’s chest. “Why don’t you ask your heart if he ever truly loved you?”

Did Callum love me?

Jasmine never dared ruminate the question, for she had a feeling she’d really lose Callum if she figured it out.

“What does it have to do with you? I just want to know if you’re the bride.” Jasmine stared at Elspeth with teary, red-rimmed eyes.

“If he didn’t reveal that on his Instagram, doesn’t that mean he doesn’t want anyone to know about it? Why ask me when you have his phone number?” Elspeth smirked exceptionally impassively. If she was talking to someone else, she’d begin to ache for the young woman. However, this was Jasmine McGrath she was talking to. No matter how pitiful she was, she brought it upon herself.

On a side note, she knew Callum had blocked all of Jasmine’s contacts from his side. So, yes, she questioned Jasmine on purpose.

“He blocked all my contacts and wouldn’t see me, not even when I went to his office… Just what have you done to him for him to do this to me?!”

Jasmine no longer wanted to know who the bride was, for obviously, it was this woman who was smiling ​​arbitrarily.

Now, she was just indignant. She couldn’t understand why Elspeth could win Callum’s heart without having to put in any effort while she went to great lengths yet couldn’t even get a sliver of pity from him.

“Have you forgotten what you have done?”

Jasmine trembled involuntarily as the humiliating experience came to her.

As the bride, she actually woke up on some random man’s bed on her wedding day!

And as she looked at the man on top of her, she thought this would be her lifelong trauma.

Then again, the man seemed to have done nothing substantive and only just touched her a little. However, it was already enough to evoke disgust in Callum.

“I’ve been framed. I don’t know what happened at all that day. Besides, Callum will certainly understand me if I explain it clearly to him.”

Elspeth was surprised that Jasmine would still obsess over Callum at that point.

Now that’s just being a raving lunatic.

Besides, what she said wasn’t about how Jasmine was being set up but how the latter repressed her.

“Well, I suggest you go back to whatever you used to do and don’t keep dreaming the pipe dream. Learn to accept reality.”

She believed her mindset would stray away if she continued to talk to this hopeless romantic. However, just as Elspeth was about to leave, Jasmine raised her voice behind her. “I saved your life. Is this how you treat your savior?!”

Oh, how Elspeth would love to talk to her about this.

At that, she leisurely walked up to Jasmine with a faint smile. “Do you really think you’re the one who saved me?”

Jasmine’s eyes widened with rage when she saw Elspeth twisting the truth. “If I hadn’t begged my grandfather to save you, do you think you’d still be alive today?! How dare you speak so ungratefully?!”

“Yes, your grandfather saved me, but it doesn’t have much to do with you, does it?”

She naturally knew Jasmine played a significant part if they were to dig deeper. However, compared to the suffering she bore, it was nothing!

“I’m my grandfather’s precious granddaughter. If it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t have been able to receive the treatment at all!” Jasmine wanted nothing more than to mangle Elspeth when she looked at the latter sailing under false color.

“You’re right. It’s not wrong of you to say that, but who told you that I wouldn’t be able to live without your grandfather?”

Jasmine was rendered at a loss for words, for it was true that they didn’t know if there were other ways to treat Elspeth when they knocked the latter out cold and brought her to Haris.

“B-But Grandpa told me no one can treat your sickness other than him.”

To that, Elspeth snorted and said, “I’m Sonny Schwartz’s mentee, at the very least. Do you think he’ll sit back and watch me die?”

If anything, that older man wanted nothing more than for her to live so that she could inherit his mantle while he lived a carefree life.

In fact, she had received Sonny’s call saying he found a way to cure her the day before they knocked her unconscious and brought her to the McGrath Residence.

Who’d have thought she’d be kidnapped the evening of the day she was about to fly off to Sonny?!

At the end of the day, she still felt rather exasperated about that.

If it weren’t to learn some things from Haris to save her mother, she’d have long escaped. But sadly, she didn’t manage to apply what she had learned.

A hint of grimness flashed across Elspeth’s eyes before she fixed her gaze on Jasmine and taunted, “So, don’t go around believing what you see is what it is. Stop constantly painting yourself as the pitiful one, or I can’t promise I won’t unveil your facade and show everyone how ugly you are.”

This time, Jasmine was rendered utterly at a loss for words.

“Also, I’ve been tolerant because of Old Mr. McGrath. If you continue to offend me, I can’t promise I’ll play nice.”

At that, she patted Jasmine’s shoulder with a smile, appearing rather piteous toward the young woman. “Don’t lose yourself because of a man, and don’t be a simp. It’s quite sad looking.”

Who knew if Elspeth’s words even got through to Jasmine? After all, the young woman just stood there with her head lowered. Then again, she was shuddering. Could she be crying? 

However, Elspeth didn’t feel bad for her at all, as she didn’t deserve pity when her gullibility led her to this.

At that, she walked past Jasmine indifferently into the company.

Later at 10.00AM, she received a call when she was sorting out some documents.

As troubled as she felt when she saw the caller ID, she still answered it.

“Are you in the middle of something, Elspeth? There’s something I’d like to talk to you about.” Haris didn’t talk to her about Jasmine right off the bat, but she knew it’d likely be that.

“I am, actually. Can it wait until I get off work?”

Toward Haris, she still had a modicum of respect as, after all, the man had taught her many things and was practically like a mentor to her.

“Alright, I’ll send a car to pick you up. We’ll meet up,” Haris said composedly.

However, Elspeth didn’t agree to it at once, and it seemed that Haris saw through her worry as he added, “Don’t worry. This is between you and me. I won’t tell Jasmine.”

“Alright, see you at six.” Elspeth hesitated no more because she knew the elder wasn’t lying.

Can it be that Old Mr. McGrath knows about my mother? 


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