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Hiding Behind Her Superficiality novel Chapter 495

Chapter 495 Leukemia

Helia staggered and fell onto the couch.

Seeing her turn pale as she struggled to breathe, Elspeth quickly sat down with her and patted the back of her torso. "Don't worry too much about this, Mom. It might not be as bad as you think."

Callum also calmly comforted her from the side. "Don't worry, Miss Joneson. Elspeth has good genes. At the very least, this proves that her father is someone brilliant."

Helia glanced at Elspeth, and she could only quietly persuade herself.

He's right. The father must be an excellent man to be able to have such a wonderful child.

However, as a woman, it was a lifelong shame for her to unknowingly give birth to a child with another man.

"I hope so…" Helia let out a deep sigh. She couldn't help the tears that rolled down her face.

"Don't worry about this, Mom. I will definitely find out the truth about what happened back then."

Helia was slightly hesitant upon hearing that. In fact, she didn't know whether she wanted to know the truth or not.

It wouldn't matter much if they couldn't find out about it, and it wasn't like they could do anything even if the truth was out.

It had been decades. Helia doubted that man would want anything to do with her and Elspeth.

And what if he wasn't as good a man as they thought he was? Or what if he had passed away?

Her mind was everywhere as she considered all the possibilities.

She eventually concluded that there wouldn't be a problem if they didn't look into it. If they did, they would end up with tons of things to worry about.

"How about we forget about it? It's in the past. Let's just let it go."

Deep down, Helia was still unwilling to deal with this head-on.

"How can we do that? It was fine when we didn't know, but now that we know the truth isn't what it seems, why don't we get to the bottom of this confusion?"

Elspeth smiled when she thought Helia was worried about not being able to find that person. "Mom, you don't have to worry about looking for him. I will definitely find him for you."

"Elsie, do you really want to find your father?"

The question made Elspeth freeze.

She seemed to have gotten too excited without considering Helia's feelings.

Mom might not even want to go through all that again.

Thinking of this, she reached out and touched the back of Helia's hand. "Mom, we won't look for him if you don't want to."

Elspeth started feeling emotional when she saw the tears in Helia's eyes.

"Let… let me think about it."

Helia suddenly realized that she might have been a little selfish. Due to her personal reasons, she was cruelly preventing Elspeth from seeing her biological father.

"Alright, Mom. Take your time. I will support you no matter your decision."

Helia hummed and gloomily nodded in response.

However, she was relieved that her daughter and Callum were not blood-related. She wouldn't have to lose her perfect son-in-law that way.

"I won't force you two to get a divorce anymore. Callum, dear, you must take good care of her."

Helia had a hopeful glint in her eyes.

"Don't worry, Miss Joneson. You've trusted her with me, after all. I will protect her."

Helia felt more at ease after hearing Callum's promise.

All of a sudden, Elspeth, who was sitting there, received an emergency call from Harper.

"Miss Elspeth! Something bad happened!"


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