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Hiding Behind Her Superficiality novel Chapter 500

Chapter 500 Finding Out the Truth

"I want to eat braised pork ribs, tofu, steamed pork…"

Yelena immediately pounced on the chance as she began listing all her cravings until she was satisfied.

"Need I remind you that you just woke up from surgery? So, you should be having something light."

Yelena's eyebrows knitted together as she whined, "But Elspeth, you know I don't like to eat bland food. I refuse to eat them."

"Unfortunately for you, you can't eat those greasy foods. The doctor even specifically said that eating those will affect your recovery."

Yelena thought about it as she slumped in dejection and nodded. "Okay, then I'll eat something light."

Hank figured that was his cue to leave as he rose to his feet and said, "I'll be leaving her in your care, then. I'll go out and get her food."

That was fine. Elspeth wanted to have a private chat with Yelena anyway.

After Hank left, Elspeth sat by the bed as she wracked her brain in order to figure out how to word her sentence. Eventually, Yelena noticed and took the initiative to ask her instead, "Elspeth, what's wrong? Do you have something to tell me?"

"There is something. Do you know who saved you?"

Yelena shook her head with a look of confusion. "I asked Hank earlier, but he told me the person wanted to do a good deed while remaining anonymous. He said they didn't want anyone to know about this, and he had given them a lot of money. He also said that I shouldn't worry about it."

Elspeth's thoughts of telling her of Max's death were immediately locked within the confines of her mind and tossed away.

"What's the matter? Do you know them?"

Elspeth shook her head as she answered, "I don't. I just wanted to know if you knew."

There should be a reason behind Hank's decision to keep this a secret from Yelena.

Since that was the case, it wouldn't be appropriate for Elspeth to get involved in this for the time being. Instead, she thought it would be better to tell Yelena about it when the time was right.

"Really, this really is such a happy coincidence. I just got diagnosed with leukemia but received a bone marrow donation within a few days! So, this just means that I'm fated to live well."

Elspeth squeezed out a stiff smile. "Yes, as they say, as long as you survive a disaster, future blessings await you soon enough."

"Why are you acting so strange? Actually, you and Hank are acting so weird today. You guys aren't hiding any secrets from me, are you? It really does seem like you have something to say, but you just don't want to tell me."

Yelena sensed that something was off. How could she not? Still, she didn't want to press if it was something personal. Besides, these two wouldn't say it even if she made a fuss about it.

"No, you're just overthinking. You need to rest, and an overactive imagination would get in the way of your road to full recovery. So, focus on resting well." Elspeth stood up. "I'm going to the washroom, and I'll be back soon. Call for the nurse if you need anything."

Yelena nodded obediently.

After Elspeth left, Yelena lay bored on the hospital bed alone. She stared at the ceiling, dazed.

Just then, a doctor came in to make some rounds and saw Yelena awake. He had a smile on his face as he asked, "Miss Sullivan, how are you feeling?"

Yelena knew that this was her primary doctor, so she smiled sweetly. "Thank you, doctor. I feel a lot better now. I hope to be discharged from the hospital soon."

The doctor nodded and asked a few more routine questions. Then, just as he was about to turn and leave, she called out to him, "Wait for a second, doctor. I have a question."

The doctor turned back to her with a puzzled tilt of his head. "What is it?"

"Do you know who donated their bone marrow to me?" Yelena blinked and looked at the doctor with a pitiful expression, making it highly difficult for anyone to reject her request.

Naturally, the doctor couldn't resist her puppy eyes and answered truthfully, "It was a young man called Winthrop. I think it was… Max Winthrop."


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