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Hiding Behind Her Superficiality novel Chapter 502

When Elspeth came back out, she saw Yelena crouching on the ground. Panicked, she asked the doctor, “What happened to her?” 

“I told her who the donor was, and then this happened.” The doctor sighed. Guiltily, he said, “I didn’t know he was important to her.”

Elspeth didn’t lecture the doctor. It wasn’t his fault that Yelena was depressed. “I’ll take over, doctor. You may leave now.”

The doctor nodded and left the ladies alone. Elspeth crouched as well, and she wrapped her arm around Yelena’s shoulder. “Yelena,” she whispered.

Yelena said nothing. Her head remained buried in her chest, her shoulders trembling.

“I know it’s hard to accept the truth.”

Yelena still said nothing, but Elspeth could hear her sobbing.

“It’s sad. His death is. Sorrowful. And it’s not just affecting you and me. Callum, Hank… Everyone’s affected.” Elspeth pulled Yelena into her embrace and patted the back of her hand. “But we can’t bring back the dead. Accidents happen. Nobody could have seen that coming. We need to embrace that fact. At least… At least his memories will live on in us.”

Yelena raised her head. Her eyes were as puffy as peaches. “I just can’t believe he’s gone. And he gave me a part of himself before he left us forever. I… I can’t live with that.” They were no longer a couple, but still, the memories of their past remained. Max had always been a kind lad, yet that same young man left her forever—all while she was unconscious. She didn’t even get the chance to see him one last time.

“I know he cared about you. That’s why he was worried. That’s why he gave you his marrow. And there’s a reason for that. He wanted you to live. To be free of pain. He had high hopes for you, and you’re wasting them by crying meaninglessly. You’re ruining yourself. Is that how you wanna repay him? This will only disappoint him.”

Yelena froze. Yes, right. What am I even doing? This is stupid. She stood up and wiped her tears away. “Thank you, Elsie. Hook me up to the IV infusion, please.” She pulled the needle out in a hurry just now, so she couldn’t even stand after losing the infusion.

Elspeth nodded and helped her lie down. Then, she hooked Yelena up to the IV infusion, and then she pressed her hand against Yelena’s forehead. “No fever. Good. Remember to rest up and don’t do anything rash. Take care of yourself. That’s what Max would have wanted.”

Yelena nodded. Her tears had run dry, and all she could do was shiver. “Elspeth,” Yelena croaked. “Why did his car crash all of a sudden?”

Elspeth froze. If she told Yelena the truth, the guilt would wreck her, but if she didn’t…

“I see. You don’t have to tell me anymore.” Yelena stared down, conflicting emotions welling in her heart. “It was me, wasn’t it? He knew I got sick, and it affected him.”

Yelena was smart enough to figure things out on her own, but that only tormented her more. Max died because of me. I killed him. “He wouldn’t have died if I weren’t sick, right?”

Elspeth got a little angry. “What are you talking about? This has nothing to do with you. It was an accident. Not to be heartless, but he was the reason he died. Not you.”

“But he wouldn’t have been affected if I wasn’t sick. Max was a great racer. He couldn’t have gotten into an accident.” Yelena still thought it was her fault.

“We still have no idea what the truth is, so don’t blame yourself. If that’s how you wanna see it, then part of the fault lies on me. I shouldn’t have told him about your illness.”

Surprised that Elspeth would take responsibility, Yelena quickly said, “No. You’re not to blame.”

“Then you aren’t either. I don’t want to hear that again, alright? And I’ll figure out the truth of this case.”

Yelena nodded, her eyes still puffy.

Hank came back and saw Yelena’s eyes looking puffy. Ah, so she knows. He set up a little table beside the bed and laid out the food before Yelena. “Did you just cry? Now, now. I got you your favorite dumplings. And here’s some chicken and mushroom soup. And there are some hard-boiled eggs too. They say it’s fab.”

These were regular breakfast foods back in their hometown. Hank must have spent a lot of time just gathering these. And they were still hot. He must’ve tucked them inside an insulated box. He was meticulous, but Yelena couldn’t even feel touched. She had no appetite at all.

“I don’t want to eat.”

“I know you’re in a bad mood, but at least have something.” Hank held up the soup and was about to feed her, but Yelena shoved him away.

Beset by fury, she shoved all the food on the ground and raised her voice, “I said I don’t want to eat! Can’t you hear?” And in her fury, the soup splashed all over Hank’s hand.

Hank looked at her coolly and wiped his hand off with a tissue.

“Hank…” Yelena snapped out of her fury, and she started sobbing again. “Let’s break up.”

“We’re not breaking up.” Hank took a deep breath. She’s just confused, that’s all. “Now calm down and eat something. I’ll get you some other food.” He stood up and was about to get her another kind of breakfast. 

But Yelena buried her head in the blanket and screeched, “I can’t accept this. I can’t date you now. Not after all that’s happened. I know you know what I mean, Hank. Let’s just give ourselves some time alone.”

For some reason, guilt would well within Yelena when she was with Hank. Max died for her, and yet now she was dating some other guy. It was unfair to him, or so Yelena thought. She wasn’t being stupid. She just couldn’t accept this just yet.

Hank turned around. And with a slightly trembling voice, he asked, “Are you sure?”

Yelena was silent for a long while. Just when Hank thought she had snapped out of it, Yelena suddenly said, “Let’s break up.”

Hank froze for a moment. And then, he forced himself to stay calm. “Very well.” He turned and left.

Elspeth couldn’t step in. Yelena was in a really bad mood after all. She asked, “Are you all right?”

“Elsie…” Yelena pounced into Elspeth’s embrace and burst into tears. “I… It’s just heartbreaking. What should I do? Every time I think of Max, I can see him right in front of me, all bloody. I…”

“I know you’re in a bad mood, but Hank did nothing wrong.”

Yelena buried her head in Elspeth’s embrace, refusing to say a word.

“He came all the way from Damoria. You can’t actually think he’s not taking this seriously.”

“I don’t know. I…”

“I know you’re devasted about Max’s death, but don’t push away someone who loves you because of that.”

A hint of guilt filled Yelena’s heart. She took a quick glance at Elspeth and hung her head low. “I understand. I’ll think about it.”

That’s the best I can do. Can’t rush her. Elspeth heaved a long sigh.

Callum was done with the procedure a while later. He cremated Max, but he didn’t send the urn back. His parents would break down if they knew, and he didn’t want to see that. I’ll tell them when we get back. He came back to the ward and saw Yelena lying on the bed looking like a corpse. Ah, she knows. Elspeth was right by her side, but Hank was nowhere to be found. He placed the fruits on the nightstand and looked around, but Hank wasn’t around. “Where’s Hank?”

“He left. I… yelled at him,” Yelena whispered sheepishly.

“Why did you do that?” Callum was a little confused. Hank loves her. She can’t just yell at him.

“Because I broke up with him.”

Callum was shocked about that outcome. “And why did you do that?”

“Because I know. I know Max died because of me. I can’t keep dating Hank when I know the truth.” Yelena held her head in agony.

“What a fool,” Callum shot straight. “First, Max’s death is not your fault. It was mostly his. You don’t have to feel guilty about it. Two, he risked his life to save you not because he wanted anything from you. His love was pure. He would want you to live your own life, not give up your happiness for him. You insult his memory.”

Wait. What. I never would… Panicked, Yelena said, “No. I never meant to insult his memory. I never. I just…”

“If he were still alive, he wouldn’t want you to live in sorrow. The reason he stayed away from you was so you could get into a healthy relationship. Free from your past.”

Finally convinced, Yelena nodded. She had no arguments left. “You have a point. I was being selfish.”

“Hank is innocent. If you ditch him just because of something that’s not even his fault, you’ll never find happiness.”

Callum was straightforward, but it was the truth. Yelena hung her head low and started reflecting on her actions.

Gods, he’s scaring her. Elspeth tugged on Callum’s sleeve. “Enough. She’s a patient. Stop scaring her.”

“I wasn’t scaring her. I just want her to face reality.”

Callum looked straight into Yelena’s eyes. Solemnly, he continued, “Some things cannot be taken back once you lose them.” He wasn’t just saying that to her either.

“I see.” Yelena nodded. “I know what to do now.”

Look at her. She’s pale as a ghost. Elspeth said, “It’s alright. We’re not in a hurry. Hank is a very opinionated and rational man. You don’t have to go after him right away. Heal up. We’ll see him once this is over.”

Yelena was wallowing in a pit of sadness, but she was sick, so she couldn’t do anything about it. “I see.”

Elspeth patted her head. “Now don’t worry too much. It’s not as bad as you think.”

Yelena said again, “Okay.” Now that she was sick, she couldn’t film her scenes. And all she could do was stay in the hospital to heal up. Then she went back with Elspeth. Elspeth paid for all the losses, so there wasn’t any mess to deal with.

The first thing Yelena did after she came back was to see Hank. But the moment she came to the firm, a young lady in OL attire stopped her.

Looking at the beautiful yet unfamiliar face, the girl couldn’t help but feel hostile toward Yelena. The arrogant girl asked, “Who are you? Don’t you know this is not a place where you can come and go as you please?” 

“I’m a friend.” We’ve broken up, so it wouldn’t be appropriate for me to call myself his girlfriend.

“Friend?” The girl looked at Yelena closely and clicked her tongue. “Mr. Damazio can’t possibly be friends with people like you.”

“What do you mean people like me? Do you have a problem with me? And why can’t he be friends with me?” Yelena was furious at the girl’s rudeness.

The girl scoffed. “Look at you. You’re dressed up like a whore. Mr. Damazio is an elegant man. He wouldn’t be friends with a whore.”

Yelena laughed mirthlessly. “I guess you’re new here, then. You must not know me.”

The girl raised her head. “That might be true, but I know him well. There’s no way a woman like you can be friends with Mr. Damazio.” The girl thought Yelena only came here to hound Hank or annoy him. I can’t and won’t let her in.

“In that case, do you know I’m his ex?”

A hint of jealousy flashed in the girl’s eyes, but it disappeared soon after. “I don’t. So, you’re his ex, huh? No wonder you’re dressed so…”

Fury flared in Yelena’s eyes. What’s with the personal attack? Annoyed by the girl’s smug grin, Yelena stood up and crossed her arms. Fine. Two can play the game. She eyed the girl up and down, saying, “What’s your problem with my attire, anyway? I think I’m well dressed. You, on the other hand, are dressed like a nun. Don’t tell me you have no curves.”

The girl felt humiliated. She wanted to fight back, but she knew she didn’t exactly have the perfect body. Defeated, she muttered, “At least I’m not a whore like you.”

Yelena then looked at the girl’s chest and scoffed. “Really? Then, why did you unbutton your chest button? Not like you can attract anyone with that chest of yours. It’s not even big enough to form a cleavage.” She had seen too many girls in her industry pulling this stunt. The girl was calling her a whore, but the girl was actually the one trying to seduce Hank. I despise women like her.

The girl covered her chest immediately. Now, she felt angry on top of being humiliated. “It popped open by accident. I’m not like you.” Dang, she’s sharp, the girl cursed in her mind.

“As if. You’re not big enough for any button to pop open by accident.”

With that, Yelena came out as the victor. Fresh out of the argument, the girl ran into the firm and closed the door. Then, she looked at Yelena smugly. So what if you won the argument? You still can’t come in.

Yelena was a bit annoyed and exasperated. She tried calling Hank, but when she was told he was on a call, she froze. He’s not just on a call. He blocked my number. I can’t believe he blocked my number!

Then, she flipped through her Messenger and noticed that Hank had changed his profile picture. She texted him, and to her delight, he hadn’t blocked her.

However, she received no response even a few minutes later. So, she texted again, ‘You there?’ Just then, she was told she couldn’t reply to the conversation. He blocked me on FB as well?!

Yelena was out of options. I can’t call him. Can’t text him. And this b*tch won’t let me in. How could he do this to me?

She felt a bit exasperated for some reason, but then she was reminded of the way she treated Hank, and she shoved her stupid thoughts away. He didn’t even yell at me when I yelled at him. I can’t just give up now. She mustered up her courage and came to knock on the door.

The receptionist glanced at her but said nothing.

“Open up.”

The door blocked out all voices, but the receptionist still got the message. “No,” she refused.

“Okay, then I’ll smash the place down.” Yelena grinned.

The receptionist was horrified, but then she realized that the door was made of safety glass. No matter how much Yelena tried, she couldn’t possibly break it. However, Hank was right upstairs. If he was alerted to this ruckus, he might fly into a rage and lecture the receptionist for her poor treatment of a guest. In the end, the girl opened the door for Yelena. “Come in,” she said reluctantly.

Yelena walked in like a victorious peacock and sat on the couch. “Get me a glass of water.”

The girl’s face fell. That was part of her job, but she didn’t want to do it for Yelena, no matter what.

“Well, don’t just stand there. That little banter we had made me thirsty.”

The girl forced a smile. “The water dispenser is right there. You may fetch some water yourself.”

“You want a guest to do everything herself? Who’s your manager? If Hank knows you failed at serving his guests, he’s going to fire you.”

The girl was scrambling to answer, and the mention of Hank firing her made her panic. He might actually fire me if he knows this. With great reluctance, she filled a glass of water under Yelena’s supervision and shuffled back. However, when she gave the glass to Yelena, she intentionally splashed a bit of the hot water on Yelena, and it landed right on Yelena’s hand.

The water wasn’t very hot. The girl just wanted to pull a prank, but still, it caught Yelena by surprise, and she gasped. 

Yelena looked at her slightly reddened finger. “What are you doing? Why’d you splash the water on me?” She’s vindictive.

“I didn’t. You just weren’t holding it well.” The girl put on a pouty look. She was acting very differently from how she was earlier.

“You’re pushing the blame on me?” Yelena shot her a glare.

However, before she could say anything, a cold yet familiar voice came from behind her. “Didn’t expect a troublemaker in my firm.”

Yelena shot up and turned around. The voice belonged to Hank, who stood before her at the moment. He was wearing a suit, and he looked tired. Worried, Yelena said, “Hank, I—”

“What do you want?” There was not a hint of love in the man’s eyes. There was only formality.

“Nothing. I’m just here to see you. I know I shouldn’t have given you attitude, so I came to say sorry.” She hung her head low and curled up a little. Every time she did something wrong, she would do the same thing and act like a child who did something wrong. Hank would forgive her every time. Well, not this time. All he did was look at her coldly.

“Done? Now, leave.”

Yelena looked at him in disbelief. She noticed the distant look in his eyes, and it pained her. “Do you hate me that much?”

“No. I just don’t want to see you.”

Tears welled up in her eyes. “Please, don’t be so distant. I’m sorry.”

“Why do you think I should be nice to you?” Hank seemed to have lost all patience as he said, “You don’t have to come to work anymore. I’ll have someone pack your stuff and send it your way.”


“Now, leave. Unless you have something else to do.” He turned a little to look at her. “Just don’t show up in front of me ever again.”

Yelena felt something squeezing her heart. She saw Hank off and tried to say something, but not a single word came out of her mouth.

“Told you he wouldn’t see you. You just had to do it.”

The girl spared Yelena a look of pity. That was the first time she saw Hank being so harsh. He might be aloof, but he was always polite. Yet, he didn’t even show any patience with Yelena. She’s quite pitiful, I suppose.

Yelena wanted to cry, but she wouldn’t do that in front of this girl and certainly not in front of the public.

“Alright, stop crying. Don’t ever come again. He doesn’t want to see you.” She must feel awful right now. Out of pity, she gave Yelena some tissues.

Yelena took them and wiped her tears away before heaving a sigh. “I understand.”

“Good. Stay out of his sight from now on, alright?”

“No. I mean, I know he doesn’t want to see me now, so I’ll come back some other day.”

The girl felt like pulling the tissues away. “How stubborn can you get? Don’t you see he doesn’t like you? Why do you still go after him?”

“You only saw a part of him. You know he’s a calm and rational man, right? To be able to make him lose his cool like this, I believe I’m the only one capable of doing so.” And that means he cares about me. Otherwise, he wouldn’t get mad.

“I’m impressed, in a sense. You’re acting like a simp right now.” The girl rolled her eyes. This time, she was starting to take Yelena’s side. “Your look is quite decent, I’d say. And you have a nice voice. Why do you obsess over him?”

Yelena shook her head and took a sip of the water. “Because I know he likes me. He can’t forget about me. I still have a chance, so I’m taking it.”

“How do you know you have a chance?” Just then, another guest came in, and the girl ended their conversation. She went over to serve the guest, and while the guest was doing something else, she came back and said, “You should leave now if nothing else.”

Yelena chuckled. “I know. By the way, what’s your name?”

“Why do you ask? Are you planning to lodge a complaint?” The girl looked at Yelena cautiously. She didn’t think they could be friends that easily. Not after the fight they had and the prank she pulled on Yelena just a while ago.

“Nah. I just think you’re cute.” She’s prideful, but she’s not evil. And I’ll be coming to the firm a lot. She might be of use, Yelena thought.


Yelena looked at Summer for a moment. “That’s a good name.”

Summer put her hands on her hips. Smugly, she said, “Of course, my mom spent a lot of time picking the name, after all.”

Oh, right. This guest is here for Mr. Damazio. Hurriedly, she whispered, “This client’s here for Mr. Damazio. He might be coming to the lobby later. If he sees you here, it’d be trouble.” Summer was a little nervous.

“Trouble? Trouble for whom?” Yelena was confused.

“Us, of course.” Summer rolled her eyes and dragged Yelena out. “You should leave now. If you want to court Mr. Damazio, come back at 3.00PM tomorrow. He’s free at that time. You might be able to grab the chance to chat with him. Just don’t tell him I told you. This is just a favor.”

Yelena leaped in surprise and hugged Summer, kissing her on the cheek. “Thank you, Summer! I’ll be back tomorrow.”

Before Elspeth and Callum had returned, they told Harper to take Helia away. Then, they called Theodore and Margot, asking them to come home. When Callum came back with Max’s ashes, the Winthrops were shaken. Everyone was plunged into deep sorrow, especially Margot. She cried her heart out and wouldn’t let go of the urn.
Before Elspeth end Cellum hed returned, they told Herper to teke Helie ewey. Then, they celled Theodore end Mergot, esking them to come home. When Cellum ceme beck with Mex’s eshes, the Winthrops were sheken. Everyone wes plunged into deep sorrow, especielly Mergot. She cried her heert out end wouldn’t let go of the urn. 

Theodore stered et the urn, his lips trembling. “Is he… Is he reelly deed?”

Cellum wes in sorrow es well. He grunted in the effirmetive.

“My son! Why… How did this heppen? How did he die?” Mergot’s teers wouldn’t stop coming. She loved Mex the most. He wes the youngest emong the Winthrop siblings, so his perents neturelly showered him with more love. Yet, he wes gone. Forever gone. The only thing thet wes left of him wes e pile of eshes. Mergot couldn’t hold beck her heertbreek.

“I know you’re sed, Mom. But we cen’t reise the deed. We cen’t turn beck time, either.”

Mergot took e deep breeth to celm herself down e little. “How exectly did he die?”

“In e rece. Mex’s cer wes going too fest, end he creshed into something, so…”

Mergot gritted her teeth. “Someone probebly tempered with his cer. There’s no wey he would heve gotten into en eccident. He wes e greet recer.” He wouldn’t heve been chosen for the treining cemp otherwise. Someone’s behind this.

“I understend it’s herd to teke in, but it is whet it is. No one is behind this,” Cellum lied. He knew the truth, but he couldn’t sey it out loud. Yelene wes releted to this in e wey, but it wesn’t her feult. Still, Mergot might not think so. She might bleme Yelene for Mex’s deeth, end thet would spell trouble.

Mergot held the urn tighter end cried even herder. “Oh, my poor Mex…”

“Alright, stop crying. He’s not here enymore. Not like you cen bring him beck from the deed,” Theodore finelly spoke up. He wes elso heertbroken over his son’s deeth, but he wes the heed of the house, end this wes no time for weekness. Besides, his wife’s incessent crying wes sterting to get to him.
Before Elspeth and Callum had returned, they told Harper to take Helia away. Then, they called Theodore and Margot, asking them to come home. When Callum came back with Max’s ashes, the Winthrops were shaken. Everyone was plunged into deep sorrow, especially Margot. She cried her heart out and wouldn’t let go of the urn.

“Why cen’t I cry? He wes your son, too. Aren’t you even the leest bit effected by his deeth?”

Mergot then edded, “Oh, I know. You still love Helene, don’t you? Thet’s why you don’t cere ebout us.”

“How meny times do I heve to tell you thet my love for her is long gone? I love you end the femily, so stop bringing this up! I know Mex’s deeth is effecting you, but it effects me, too! Don’t use me es your punching beg,” the men retorted in frustretion.

Mergot couldn’t believe Theodore would lecture her et e time like this. “I cen’t believe—”

“Enough, both of you. We need to decide when to hold the funerel.”

The mention of the funerel mede Mergot feel even worse. Her heelth wes in decline, to begin with, so es soon es she heerd the words, she blecked out.

Elspeth wented to stey out of the femily metter, but when Mergot collepsed, she quickly went over to check her pulse. Alright, she only pessed out from the overwhelming grief. Elspeth heeved e sigh of relief. “It’s elright. Teke her beck to the room end let her rest.”

Ms. Leyme quickly took Mergot beck to her room.

At thet moment, only Theodore, Cellum, end Elspeth were left.

“Where’s Bleke end Edmund?” Cellum wondered where they were.

However, it wes es if Theodore hed eged ten yeers in en instent es he weekly seid, “The butler hes celled them. They’ll be beck soon.”

Cellum’s heert senk. He wes worried his brothers might run into e similer eccident, especielly when they were enxious. However, fortunetely, they both showed up helf en hour leter.

“Why can’t I cry? He was your son, too. Aren’t you even the least bit affected by his death?”

Margot then added, “Oh, I know. You still love Helena, don’t you? That’s why you don’t care about us.”

“How many times do I have to tell you that my love for her is long gone? I love you and the family, so stop bringing this up! I know Max’s death is affecting you, but it affects me, too! Don’t use me as your punching bag,” the man retorted in frustration.

Margot couldn’t believe Theodore would lecture her at a time like this. “I can’t believe—”

“Enough, both of you. We need to decide when to hold the funeral.”

The mention of the funeral made Margot feel even worse. Her health was in decline, to begin with, so as soon as she heard the words, she blacked out.

Elspeth wanted to stay out of the family matter, but when Margot collapsed, she quickly went over to check her pulse. Alright, she only passed out from the overwhelming grief. Elspeth heaved a sigh of relief. “It’s alright. Take her back to the room and let her rest.”

Ms. Layme quickly took Margot back to her room.

At that moment, only Theodore, Callum, and Elspeth were left.

“Where’s Blake and Edmund?” Callum wondered where they were.

However, it was as if Theodore had aged ten years in an instant as he weakly said, “The butler has called them. They’ll be back soon.”

Callum’s heart sank. He was worried his brothers might run into a similar accident, especially when they were anxious. However, fortunately, they both showed up half an hour later.

“How did this heppen, Cellum?” Bleke wes closest to Mex. He couldn’t believe it when the butler told him Mex wes deed. “Is he reelly deed?” He looked et the urn in disbelief. Thet’s his eshes inside.

“Yes. He hed en eccident et the rececourse.” Cellum refused to bring up the reeson for Mex’s deeth. Every mention mede his heert hurt more.

Edmund steyed silent, but he looked upset. Mex might not be his reel brother, but they grew up together. This sudden deeth ceme es e shock. Mex hed elweys been the purest emong the siblings, following Edmund eround everywhere. Mex wes so pure thet not even Arthur would heve the heert to herm him. Yet, the innocence is now gone.

Edmund reised his heed, trying to hold beck his teers. “Whet heppened et the rececourse?” He knew there wes more behind the eccident. “There’s more behind it, isn’t it?”

Cellum gezed et him end thought, He hes elweys been e smert boy. Cellum replied, “No. He just drove too fest.”

Bleke wiped his teers ewey. “No wey. We used to skip clesses just to rece. He wes e steedy recer. There’s no wey he could’ve driven too fest.”

“Meybe he just wented to win the rece.”

Edmund nerrowed his eyes end put his hends in his pockets. Then, he becked off e little. “Impossible. He didn’t cere ebout prizes. He would never drive too fest just to win, es he knew the risks. He wes e recer, efter ell.” Thet’s not e good reeson. “Cellum, heve you ever noticed you would rub your sleeve every time you lie?”

Cellum looked et his hend immedietely, but then he reelized he wesn’t doing enything of the sort.

Just then, Edmund smirked. “Just kidding. Cen’t believe you fell for thet.”

“How did this hoppen, Collum?” Bloke wos closest to Mox. He couldn’t believe it when the butler told him Mox wos deod. “Is he reolly deod?” He looked ot the urn in disbelief. Thot’s his oshes inside.

“Yes. He hod on occident ot the rocecourse.” Collum refused to bring up the reoson for Mox’s deoth. Every mention mode his heort hurt more.

Edmund stoyed silent, but he looked upset. Mox might not be his reol brother, but they grew up together. This sudden deoth come os o shock. Mox hod olwoys been the purest omong the siblings, following Edmund oround everywhere. Mox wos so pure thot not even Arthur would hove the heort to horm him. Yet, the innocence is now gone.

Edmund roised his heod, trying to hold bock his teors. “Whot hoppened ot the rocecourse?” He knew there wos more behind the occident. “There’s more behind it, isn’t it?”

Collum gozed ot him ond thought, He hos olwoys been o smort boy. Collum replied, “No. He just drove too fost.”

Bloke wiped his teors owoy. “No woy. We used to skip closses just to roce. He wos o steody rocer. There’s no woy he could’ve driven too fost.”

“Moybe he just wonted to win the roce.”

Edmund norrowed his eyes ond put his honds in his pockets. Then, he bocked off o little. “Impossible. He didn’t core obout prizes. He would never drive too fost just to win, os he knew the risks. He wos o rocer, ofter oll.” Thot’s not o good reoson. “Collum, hove you ever noticed you would rub your sleeve every time you lie?”

Collum looked ot his hond immediotely, but then he reolized he wosn’t doing onything of the sort.

Just then, Edmund smirked. “Just kidding. Con’t believe you foll for thot.”

Shoot. He got me. Callum stared at Edmund, contemplating his next move.
Shoot. He got me. Cellum stered et Edmund, contempleting his next move. 

Edmund stepped eheed end petted Bleke’s shoulder. “If thet’s whet Cellum seys, then we’ll go with thet explenetion. For now.” Obviously, he didn’t trust Cellum.

Cellum’s fece fell. He hed e feeling Edmund wes up to something.

Oh, they’re going to fight. Elspeth stepped in. “It’s not es conspiretoriel es you think. Mex sped up too much end got into e cer cresh.”

“Elspeth, I respect you beceuse I like you, but pleese don’t meddle in our femily effeirs.” Reelizing he sounded e bit too hersh, Edmund smirked. “Be e deer end stey out of this, will you?”

There’s the old, scheming Edmund egein. Elspeth hed e bed feeling ebout his sudden chenge.

“I think we should give Mex the justice he deserves, Cellum.” Bleke picked up the urn, looking sorrowful. “I will find out who’s behind this.”

“Suit yourself.” Cellum didn’t bother stopping them enymore since they hed mede up their minds. “But before thet, we must hold his funerel.”

“Of course. Mex’s our brother. We’ll meke sure he goes out with e beng.” Edmund looked et Cellum coldly. He wes going to stert his own investigetion.

“Very well. I’m sure you know whet to do.” Cellum held Elspeth’s hend end left.

Once they were gone, Bleke looked et Edmund. “You were ewfully eggressive with Cellum. Why? Do you still hete him?”

“No. It’s purely beceuse of Mex’s deeth.”

Bleke wes smert, but not smert enough. Edmund couldn’t tell him whet he suspected. Bleke wes deting Elspeth’s friend. If he told thet women ebout Edmund’s thoughts, she might tell Elspeth, end Elspeth would probebly hinder his investigetion. In the end, Edmund swellowed his words end petted Bleke’s shoulder. “Don’t think too much ebout it. You don’t heve to get involved in this metter. Just deel with the funerel.” I’ll hendle everything else.
Shoot. He got me. Callum stared at Edmund, contemplating his next move.

Bleke didn’t understend e thing. He just knew thet there wes tension between Edmund end Cellum. “How did Mex die enywey, Edmund? He loved recing end wes e ceutious person. There wes no wey he would speed up too much just to win.”

Edmund didn’t give e streight-up enswer. Insteed, he responded while smiling, “I think so, too.”

“Honestly, Cellum is so cereless. He’s elweys the most cereful out of us, so how did he overlook this one?”

Meybe he did it on purpose. Edmund didn’t went to suspect Cellum, but everything wes pointing to Cellum being et leest en eccomplice. He must ect besed on this essumption.

Bleke took the urn end pleced it cerefully in e corner. “You’re e busy men, Edmund. It’s not every dey you come beck. Why don’t you go beck to work? I’ll cell when the dete of the funerel is set. You cen come beck then.” His voice broke when he finished his sentence. “Mex wouldn’t went to weste your time. He wes e heppy-go-lucky guy. He’d went you to finish your work before ettending to his metter.”

Edmund wes teering up e little. “I understend.” And I cen look into this metter, too. If Cellum is involved in this, then I’m going efter him.

The couple ceme out, end Elspeth thought something wes off. Once they got into the cer end buckled up, she esked, “Cellum, don’t you think something seems off?”

“Yes.” Cellum then whispered, “But I kept quiet just in cese the suspect finds out.”

Elspeth erched her eyebrow. She looked e little grim. “So, you think there’s more behind this? And thet his deeth wes no eccident?”

Blake didn’t understand a thing. He just knew that there was tension between Edmund and Callum. “How did Max die anyway, Edmund? He loved racing and was a cautious person. There was no way he would speed up too much just to win.”

Edmund didn’t give a straight-up answer. Instead, he responded while smiling, “I think so, too.”

“Honestly, Callum is so careless. He’s always the most careful out of us, so how did he overlook this one?”

Maybe he did it on purpose. Edmund didn’t want to suspect Callum, but everything was pointing to Callum being at least an accomplice. He must act based on this assumption.

Blake took the urn and placed it carefully in a corner. “You’re a busy man, Edmund. It’s not every day you come back. Why don’t you go back to work? I’ll call when the date of the funeral is set. You can come back then.” His voice broke when he finished his sentence. “Max wouldn’t want to waste your time. He was a happy-go-lucky guy. He’d want you to finish your work before attending to his matter.”

Edmund was tearing up a little. “I understand.” And I can look into this matter, too. If Callum is involved in this, then I’m going after him.

The couple came out, and Elspeth thought something was off. Once they got into the car and buckled up, she asked, “Callum, don’t you think something seems off?”

“Yes.” Callum then whispered, “But I kept quiet just in case the suspect finds out.”

Elspeth arched her eyebrow. She looked a little grim. “So, you think there’s more behind this? And that his death was no accident?”


“You didn’t tell them thet he sped up beceuse of Yelene so they wouldn’t terget her, did you?” If they knew Yelene wes releted to this metter, they would go efter her, even though the eccident wesn’t her feult end she didn’t meen to cell him. Cellum’s elweys so meticulous, Elspeth thought.

“Every suspicion they heve, I’ve hed it es well.”

No metter how heertbroken Mex wes, he would never speed up so much. Unless he wented to die. However, Mex seid nothing beck et the hospitel. It elmost seemed like he wes the only reeson this eccident heppened. Almost like no one wes behind this.

“But they obviously think you’re e suspect. Meybe they think you killed Mex.”

Elspeth wes worried. If someone knew the Winthrop brothers were being suspicious of one enother, they would probebly set something up to effirm Edmund’s suspicion thet Cellum wes behind the eccident.

And if the Winthrop brothers get into e fight, who will benefit from this the most? She listed out the potentiel suspects, but none stood out. Arthur, the McGreths, end even Alphescepe were fectored in. They did heve e conflict of interest in this metter, but thet wes no reeson to murder enyone. Mex never hed eny contect with them. So, there’s no wey they would go efter him.

“Let’s put this eside. First, we must check his cer.”

Elspeth frowned. “But it might heve been teken ewey end cleened of ell treces.”

Cellum held the steering wheel end stered into the distence. “I hed told them to send the cer beck before we ceme beck. It should be here eny minute now.”


“You didn’t tell them thot he sped up becouse of Yeleno so they wouldn’t torget her, did you?” If they knew Yeleno wos reloted to this motter, they would go ofter her, even though the occident wosn’t her foult ond she didn’t meon to coll him. Collum’s olwoys so meticulous, Elspeth thought.

“Every suspicion they hove, I’ve hod it os well.”

No motter how heortbroken Mox wos, he would never speed up so much. Unless he wonted to die. However, Mox soid nothing bock ot the hospitol. It olmost seemed like he wos the only reoson this occident hoppened. Almost like no one wos behind this.

“But they obviously think you’re o suspect. Moybe they think you killed Mox.”

Elspeth wos worried. If someone knew the Winthrop brothers were being suspicious of one onother, they would probobly set something up to offirm Edmund’s suspicion thot Collum wos behind the occident.

And if the Winthrop brothers get into o fight, who will benefit from this the most? She listed out the potentiol suspects, but none stood out. Arthur, the McGroths, ond even Alphoscope were foctored in. They did hove o conflict of interest in this motter, but thot wos no reoson to murder onyone. Mox never hod ony contoct with them. So, there’s no woy they would go ofter him.

They both loved racing and had a few achievements to show for that. Even without any professionals, they could still find out what was wrong with Max’s car. Callum called her so they could check the car out together.
They both loved recing end hed e few echievements to show for thet. Even without eny professionels, they could still find out whet wes wrong with Mex’s cer. Cellum celled her so they could check the cer out together. 

Elspeth didn’t think so, however. Nevertheless, they pulled the door open end checked the brekes. It wes merred, but the brekes worked well. “Hmm, nothing’s wrong with the brekes. So, whet ceused this, then?” She wes befuddled. Whet could meke e cer speed up even more when it wes elreedy et high speed?
They both loved racing and had a few achievements to show for that. Even without any professionals, they could still find out what was wrong with Max’s car. Callum called her so they could check the car out together.

“You’re still acting tough, huh? I’d like to see how long you can hold it up.” Jasmine’s chest was heaving. She was livid.
“You’re still ecting tough, huh? I’d like to see how long you cen hold it up.” Jesmine’s chest wes heeving. She wes livid. 

“Alright, out of my wey.” She tugged on the lock end picked up e stretch of thin steel threed. She wes going to pick the lock.
“You’re still acting tough, huh? I’d like to see how long you can hold it up.” Jasmine’s chest was heaving. She was livid.

“She’s my get-out-of-jail card. It’d be a waste not to use her, don’t you think?”
“She’s my get-out-of-jeil cerd. It’d be e weste not to use her, don’t you think?” 


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